Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Today's News


Despite having many scripts to avoid the betting scammer revealing the PPV results before the show, WWE stuck with the planned results in every single match on the card, none were changed.

Los Matadores:

Primo and Epico are to be known as ''Torito'' and ''Torlito'' from now on, they will also have a change in manager, Rosa Mendes has been dropped in favour of mini wrestler Mascarita Dorado.

Lex Luger:

Here is an ad for Lex Luger's biog, featuring the man himself, the book is now available to buy.

In promotion of the book he has discussed his friendship with the late Randy Savage...

"Contrary to what a lot of people probably think or might assume, behind the scenes we were always very good friends. Travelled together for long period of time, went to the gym together, travelled to Europe together, we played cards together. Even later on, when I had a relationship with Elizabeth, he'd already been divorced for so many years. He brought other women and valets to television…I think he's one of the best performers ever, and I'd love to see him in the Hall of Fame…"

Rey Mysterio:

Rey Mysterio who was disappointed not to make it back in time for SummerSlam, adding he would not likely be back for another month, may be back much sooner. He is being advertised to appear at this weekend's live event in Fresno.

Raw notes:

Internet rumour's are rife about an incident on Raw this week between CM Punk and a fan. Let's kill them. The fan was NOT a plant, and the altercation was NOT scripted. The fan made a comment to Punk that legit made him lose his sh*t, he called the fan out wanting to fight him, but the guy Punk called ''Fatso'' refused to back whatever he said up by taking the former WWE champion up on the offer.

Sin Cara's heat in the back is led by his great rival Alberto Del Rio, who was said to be ''Livid'' at what he called Cara's ''Lack of professionalism'' following Sin Cara quitting a match after hurting his hand, the injury is not serious, because he worked the pre show match at last night's TV taping's.

Paul Heyman talks relationship with Vince McMahon:

"(It is) Much better now that I'm not on the creative team because we're not butting heads on anything anymore. I just don't thrive in a creative environment that is dominated by a monopolistic dictator whose entire life is surrounded by the fact that it's his universe and thou shalt worship him as thy god."

SmackDown SPOILERS!!!:

* Randy Orton vs Daniel Bryan for the WWE title is confirmed for Night Of Champions.

* Cody Rhodes vs Curtis Axel

Note... Following the match Axel offered CM Punk a shot at his IC Title for Raw next week. The match will be a 2 on 1 bout with Heyman and Axel teaming vs Punk.

* Big E. Langston vs Dolph Ziggler

* Alberto Del Rio vs Christian

* Big Show & Mark Henry vs 3MB

* Antonio Cesaro vs Darren Young

* Daniel Bryan vs Wade Barrett

John Cena:

John Cena had his surgery this morning (Pic on wall). He has also revealed his disappointment with the rough reception he got from the Raw crowd whilst he was making his farewell speech, but said he would miss the WWE audience.

John Morrison to return to WWE:

JoMo refused to say when, but has today confirmed he will return to the ring... eventually...

"I originally got into wrestling because it was my first love, since I was a little kid it was what I wanted to do. And I still haven't found anything quite as cool as wrestling… It's something I'm going to get back to. The other question was is a return immanent, and I don't know. I'm shuffling through a bunch of things and I have a bunch of things that I want to accomplish in the movie biz before I go back to wrestling full time. Once you're on that full-time schedule, you don't really have control of your own time. But I am definitely coming back at some point."

New profiles:

Eva Marie.

Jo Jo Offerman.


Should WWE cut their losses and drop Sin Cara???

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