Thursday, August 15, 2013

Today's News

WWE exec cashes in:

Michelle Wilson has followed Stephanie McMahon in selling her WWE stock, She sold 27, 600 shares for a total of $282,624. She still owns 72,000 shares, which is more than Mrs. McMahon now owns.

Brie picks partner:

Eva Marie of Total Diva's will partner Brie Bella on the SummerSlam Axxess Total Diva's tag team match this weekend.

Eve Torres does her bit:

Former WWE Diva's Champion Eve joined current champ AJ Lee and SummerSlam host The Miz on a trip to a children's hospital today.

Heyman vs TNA:

Paul Heyman says TNA dropped the ball with Rob Van Dam...

"I don't mind getting into detail. I think TNA squandered the opportunity of exploiting the talents of Rob Van Dam. And I don't think that's a mistake the WWE is going to repeat."

Former TNA man Kevin Nash also attacked the promotion as weak and sad...

"Just watched the Totally Diva show for the first time.They played out of order but was a fun watch. When WWE show cases a reality show around Mania how can the TNA show not look weak.I work indy shows every weekend that out draw TNA ...sad"

Taryn Terrell:

The boyfriend of TNA star Taryn Terrell has revealed why her TNA career has been put on hold, He says She is pregnant. Congratulations to them both.

TNA Hardcore Justice card:

* Mickie James and Gail Kim vs. ODB and Velvet Sky

* Magnus vs. Samoa Joe vs. Mr. Anderson vs. Bobby Roode

* AJ Styles vs. Jeff Hardy vs. Kazarian vs. Austin Aries

* Bully Ray vs. Chris Sabin (TNA Title)

WWE star makes announcement:

WWE star Darren Young has outed himself as a homosexual today. He told TMZ who were asking him about the macho / tough guy environment the WWE locker room must be, when he, with little hesitation made the decision to make his sexual orientation public. He has been widely praised for his candour and bravery and is already being held up as a role model to other sports stars who are reluctant to share their own homosexuality for fear of being shunned by their peers and fans.

Here is the video from TMZ.

WWE have released a statement in support of their star...

''WWE is proud of Darren Young for being open about his sexuality, and we will continue to support him as a WWE Superstar. Today, in fact, Darren will be participating in one of our Be A STAR anti-bullying rallies in Los Angeles to teach children how to create positive environments for everyone regardless of age, race, religion or sexual orientation.''

John Cena also weighed in, revealing one of his Brothers is openly gay, whilst discussing his difficult choice in revealing the fact in a masculine fueled household. He also praised Darren Young's bravery and said he would not face any heat from the locker room, unless he causes problems.

The wrestling world have also shared their support, including a message from Gregory Helms who referenced another former star, the late Chris Kanyon who was secretly homosexual throughout his ring career, until making the call shortly before his death in 2010.

Potential SPOILER!!!:

Night Of Champions main event is currently penciled in to be Daniel Bryan vs Randy Orton for the WWE Title, confirming it seems that John Cena will drop the gold at SummerSlam.

Another SPOILER!!! Triple H vs Vince McMahon at WrestleMania will have Hunter as the heel, with Vince bringing in a major baby face to save WWE from Hunter's reign of terror at the supershow next year.


After a week off, WWE are back with new Alumni's this week, and for the third consecutive time it is a woman, TNA announcer Christy Hemme.

I contacted WWE to ask why there was no Alum last week, I did not get a direct response but received a message from a personal account of someone who claimed to be a part of the WWE staff, They went on to say that maybe the honouree last week had his or her inclusion nixed by the office, hinting it may have been a controversial figure. That is not official, but is a possible reason for the lack of an Alum last week.

While Christy has gone up, another NXT star has been dropped from the site, Dante Dash was removed earlier this week, his status is not yet confirmed.

Brock Lesnar talks UFC:

He was asked if he gave up MMA too soon...

"I do miss it, but I've got to keep myself in check. What I went through the last few years was quite traumatic, not being able to fight like I wanted. I got back on the horse way too soon. Coulda, shoulda, woulda.''

Former ref responds to heat:

Jimmy Korderas has responded to a tirade he thinks was against him by current WWE ref Marc Harris after a botch he made on Raw this week (See Tuesday). Korderas wrote in response, offering some advice for the younger man...

''I really don't have a doubt in my mind that the one part in there (Harris' rant) where he referred to the 'former, unemployed ref' was directed, I think, towards myself but I could be wrong, unless another former ref commented that I didn't see. If he was directing it towards me, contrary to popular opinion, I am employed; I do have a job actually, it's just not refereeing in the WWE. You know what, the social media thing, I think, has gotten out of hand and people are using it for the wrong purposes; in this situation, regardless of whose fault it was, or who the blame was put on for what was obviously a messed up finish to that match, sometimes you just gotta suck it up and say 'Hey, chalk it up to experience' and learn and move on. One of the biggest things you have to do in this business, especially from a referee standpoint, is be able to take criticism and know not everyone is going to like you. it's just the way it is. And if you can't take constructive criticism or a little playful ribbing or anything like that and you have to lash out on social media, maybe this business isn't for you."


Darren Young's decision to come out as gay today... Good choice or bad?. What impact do you think it will have on his career???.

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