Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Today's News

Total Diva's:

Whilst most of the product on the WWE ''Reality'' Show Total Diva's is scripted and staged, an incident between Brodus Clay and Cameron's real world boyfriend which was broadcast on the show was legit, and was described as a shoot incident following the news their match had been pulled from WrestleMania, earlier this year.

Chris Benoit to Hall Of Fame:

WWE Hall Of Famer Jim Ross has shared his view on the Former WWE Champion's chances of a future induction...

"I do not think that Benoit will ever be inducted into the WWE HOF."

Interviewer apologises:

After a recent interview with axed TNA star Taeler Hendrix in which it was claimed She accused Dixie Carter of telling her She was too fat to appear on TNA TV, the host of the show Greg DeMarco has today apologised saying that the comment was not made in the context they claimed it had been, and that Taeler was not referring to Dixie when She was talking about her weight.

TNA support the save wrestling campaign:

This video is in response to wrestling being cut from the Summer Olympics...

TNA signing talent:

In response to Shannon Moore's comment's (See yesterday) TNA officials say they are working on bringing in new stars, but would not provide any names they are in contact with.

However despite these claims their financial problems persist, they have been forced to cancel two live shows scheduled for next month, and have also informed their fans that the video on demand service they offer will be suspended. They will offer refunds to those that subscribe.

Diva's vote:

Maxine won the WWE poll (See yesterday) asking which diva fans would like to return with a landslide 68% of the vote, in response to the news, Karlee Perez tweeted...

"I would love to show people what I can really do!"

She quit WWE last year after growing frustrated with her lack of progress within the company.

TNA teaser:

In the 3rd August 1 trailer, Chris Jericho becomes the latest WWE legend referenced, The star of the video also says 99% of Wrestling fans will know who he is when he appears on Thursday's Impact.

The 4th saw the guy threaten another legend Bill Goldberg...

Randy Orton assaulted by fan:

Randy Orton was attacked by a South African fan following a match against Big E. Langston on the WWE tour. He was on the ropes celebrating when the guy crept into the ring and punched him below the belt, causing Orton to collapse to the mat in pain. His opponent Langston and some security pulled the guy out of the ring, but Orton got up and kicked him in the head as he was being dragged away.

As a result of the attack WWE refused to take part in the fan festivities that were planned, leaving many fans upset that they had lost money they had paid to meet the stars, other fans wrote to apologise to Randy and WWE and expressed their hopes that it would not affect the future of WWE shows in the country.

WWE have released a statement about the incident...

"Tonight Randy Orton was violently attacked from behind by a South African fan, who is currently being held in jail pending criminal charges. The extent of Orton's injuries are unknown at this time."

WWE did not apologise for Orton's behaviour after the attack, he threw and kicked his MITB briefcase up the aisle before pausing to flip the bird at the audience shown on the large screen.

Not great quality, but I have found a vid of the incident...

New PPV:

WWE Battleground MAY include the return of WarGames. It is not thought that the arena could hold ore than one ring, so unless they come up with a new style of cage for the bout or cut back on available seats for the show I would take this as rumour for now. It would be cool though, especially with the factions in WWE, The Shield vs The Wyatt's... could be good.

Former promoter dies:

Memphis Promoter Cory Maclin was killed in an Auto Crash yesterday aged 43.


Dennis Knight is the latest featured guest on WWE's Where Are They Now?.

He reveals He will soon take part in a Reality show for Chefs.

Drew McIntyre:

Drew McIntyre could not go on the Australia, South Africa, or China tours this week because of issues with his Green Card.

D'Lo Brown talks TNA problems:

"Looking at things at 30,000 feet, I think that they're going through some growing pains right now. They're restructuring and trying to fortify their product. Taking the show on the road was a big financial burden. I think it's part of the natural growing process of the company; (the roster cuts) were like pruning a tree."

He went on to say he would like to return to WWE, but would also leave the door open for a TNA return.

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