Thursday, July 4, 2013

Today's News


Tazz has announced he has re-signed with TNA.

TNA cuts:

Stars that were cut yesterday have thanked TNA and the officials there for the chance to work with the company, however Taeler Hendrix claimed that She chose to leave, and was not dropped by the promotion, this has since been confirmed, they offered her a new deal at the same rate, she rejected the offer.

WWE sued:

WWE have been named as a defendant in the case of a 36 year old woman who died in 2008 from respiratory problems after attending the 2008 SummerSlam. She was at the show with her son when she started to feel ill, they left the arena and She collapsed. Doctors found She had suffered severe brain damage following an asthma attack causing lack of oxygen and couldn't save her. The family blame the WWE pyro's.

Also being sued are the arena, The Conseco Fieldhouse in Indiana, the Indiana Pacers and the Pyro makers.


5 matches have been announced for the upcoming WWE DVD...

* Shawn Michaels vs. Razor Ramon (WrestleMania X)

* Royal Rumble Match 2008

* WWE Champion Bob Backlund vs. NWA Champion Harley Race.

* Bret Hart vs. Ted DiBiase (Intercontinental Title).

* Triple H vs. Chris Jericho vs. Kurt Angle #1 contenders match.

TNA issues continue:

(See yesterday)...

TNA officials are also not being paid by the company, One saying to PWI that ''You wouldn't believe some of the stars who are not getting paid''.

TNA stars are paid a set monthly rate, and also earn extra money for appearances, TV's, PPV's etc. It is the set rate that TNA are struggling to pay. It was thought they are cutting lesser names to maintain payments to the top guys, but it seems that top stars are also losing their monthly retainers, this is looking more worrying by the day for TNA, how long before major names start walking???.


Bruce (Brother Love) Prichard is actively trying to get the WWE Alum to join TNA.

Ex WWE man arrested:

Jiro was arrested in Japan earlier this week. He was caught taking up-skirt pictures of women with his mobile phone.

Sean Waltman gets WWE jobs for ROH stars?:

Sean Waltman recommended Davey Richards and Eddie Edwards to WWE officials, both men have since let their ROH deals expire. Expect a move by WWE soon.

Heat On CM Punk:

Officials are vexed at Punk, accusing him of hurting the viewing figures of Raw on June 24 because he was tweeting about a hockey game he had a bet with John Cena on.

More Power for Hunter:

Vince McMahon has handed over talent management to HHH, an example of this was the incident with Daniel Bryan at Raw, Vince McMahon was livid that D-Bry had undermined Hunter in front of the roster, but Triple H did not want to take further action against him and Vince Deferred.

WWE international issues:

WWE are said to be looking at changing their priorities in the international markets, their fan base is dropping in many markets. They say that they are still big in the UK and Australia, and the feeling is they always will be, so they are looking to pull back from the amount of events they host in those countries and spend more time developing their following in mainland Europe and Latin America, namely Italy, Mexico, France, Spain, Turkey and Germany

New Diva's bomb:

Jo Jo Offernan and Eva Marie have had some heat, they are undergoing in ring training sessions and are bombing, WWE officials say the are dreadful, and are showing very little signs of improvement.

WWE vs Creative:

After managing to get Dave Kreizman to delay his resignation, saying he was vital to the SummerSlam stories, WWE have today backtracked saying he is not responsible for the major feuds and that Triple H and Vince McMahon are dealing with the top rivalries personally.

The McMahon family heel turn being one of those stories, is going to be a long burn, with the final payoff coming at WrestleMania 30, where it seems Triple H will face Vince McMahon (or someone on his behalf) for the ownership of WWE.

It is being suggested that a heel Rock could be McMahon's advocate for the encounter.

New Alumnus:

This week WCW star Disco Inferno.

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