Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Today's News

Jim Ross speaks out against the Anti Cenation:

"Not sure why this line of questioning has suddenly became 'timely' but, NO, I do not think that John Cena will ever be an official, wrestling villain. I see no reason to consider such casting whatsoever. If you choose to boo Cena, then that's your choice. Have at it. It doesn't bother Cena to any measurable degree as best that I know plus you have the right to express yourself, within reason, at WWE events. I don't think that any one, especially children, should subjected to attention starved, usually young, male fans obscene taunts but that's another story."

Mick Foley talks career change:

He was asked how his ring days helps his comedy career...

"The two share as many similarities as differences," Foley said. "I enjoy going out and doing my thing in WWE, but I wouldn't say I enjoy it more than playing in front of a club of 200 people. There are points in my current show where I'll whisper for effect and seeing the crowd hang on my next words is very powerful. Skills I've developed in the ring with a microphone are used to achieve that effect, but I can't go into a club and start cutting (loud, boisterous) in-ring promos."

TNA release new teaser:

Interestingly they name check Batista, but the favourite to be the star in these video's is Bob Holly, however he has denied any involvement.

Shannon Moore on TNA:

Shannon Moore says TNA need to change their outlook and sign household names to grow the product, naming Carlito and John Morrison among others...

"However I feel it's time to capitalize on the house hold names that are sitting home right now. Carlito,Morrison,Helms,Masters,etc. These guys are hard workers that have name value that people still want to see. Sometimes the mixture of home grown and household names Is a good thing. Just my opinion but so much talent that have a following should be put to use by someone. It's a waste and this day and age it's hard".

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