Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Today's News

Jesse Sorenson bites back:

After being released yesterday Jesse Sorenson has accused TNA chief Dixie Carter of breaking a promise. After his accident he says the TNA boss promised him a job for life within the company, be it in the ring or another capacity, but says that promise was broken yesterday when they cut him loose. He further hinted that his wrestling career is over, saying he is looking for new challenges away from the ring...

"My name is Jessy Sorensen. I am a former professional wrestler for TNA Impact Wrestling seen every thursday night on SpikeTV. On Feb.12th 2012 during a live match on pay per view vs Zema Ion I suffered a sever neck injury sustaining a broke C-1 vertebrae & herniated C-5 & C-6. After a long recovery process & being promised by the President of TNA Impact Wrestling TNA Dixie Carter I would always have a job with her company, I recently was released from my current contract & shown that those promises were false. During my time away from the ring I decided to pursue bodybuilding & have been prepping for the Hurricane Bay bodybuilding show in Tampa, FL on Oct.5th,2013 but now due to my recent released I will have to drop out of my show. Thanks and hopefully I can find something I love just as much as I did Wrestling."

TNA defended the release saying he was still being paid a wrestlers salary for working in the office, and they could not afford that expense, they also added that it will show all employees that no matter who you are, you are not invincible, when it comes to the financial restructuring they are currently doing, no-one is safe.

Many insiders however feel cutting Sorenson loose was a disastrous PR move, and expect TNA will regret the decision.

Mick Foley:

The WWE Hall Of Famer has revealed the toll wrestling took on his body, in a recent newspaper interview...

"There's only so much punishment a human body can take. A lot of it wasn't necessarily hard-core matches... It was just a very physically demanding style. My knees became arthritic very early because of that punishing style. It would be like likening a running back who takes the hit to the running back who plays it safe and goes out of bounds at almost every occasion. It's not because of the type of matches I was in or the stipulations that surrounded them; it's because I had a style that I chose at a young age that had consequences."

WrestleMania 30:

The Make-A-Wish Foundation are offering fans the chance to win a VIP trip to WrestleMania 30, including Fan Axxess, Hall Of Fame ceremony and the chance to meet the roster, to enter click here.

Raw SPOILERS!!! and notes for 29/7:

* Mark Henry & The Uso's vs The Shield...

* Fandango vs Rob Van Dam

* AJ Lee vs Kaitlyn

* Big E. Langston vs Dolph Ziggler

* Alberto Del Rio vs Christian

* Cody Rhodes vs Wade Barrett

* Daniel Bryan vs Kane

* Brie Bella vs Natalya

* Curtis Axel vs R-Truth

* John Cena vs Ryback

The show received mixed ratings from those in attendance, the content was praised, one fan saying the show was 85% wrestling and there was very little time taken up with promo's, but others were not happy that stars advertised did not appear, including Triple H, Randy Orton and The Big Show, plus a Vince McMahon promo was said to have bombed.

JBL also missed the broadcast, and fans were confused by a Damien Sandow promo where he was furious with Cody Rhodes for stealing his briefcase, even though he had it earlier in the evening on Main Event. The segment will probably be taped for SmackDown, which is tonight, and will air before this episode of Raw.

Matt Striker lands new job:

Matt Striker has been employed by NHL side the New York Wolves.

New star hurt:

Brittany Fetkin dislocated her knee in training yesterday.

Percy Watson interview:

On his time with WWE...

"Frustration is probably the wrong word to use. Its more of an anticipation. You're anticipating you getting your shot. So nah, I wasn't really frustrated. I figured my time would come sooner or later. But also I had to work at it to get that opportunity to come back around again... Unfortunately, it never did!"

On his release...

"I can't speak for everyone else, I can only speak for myself. I was never given a clear answer as to why I was released."

Controversial Ahmed Johnson interview:

He says he never became WWE Champion because of racism at the top of WWE... Other highlights...

On heat after joining WWE...

"When I first got started in the WWF, a lot of people were very jealous. Yoko(zuna) being one of them. I was a big guy at almost 300lbs doing moves that guys who were 220 couldn't do like jumping over the top rope to the outside, moonsaults. I was the only big guy doing that kind of stuff. Yoko didn't like that, and when Vince told me I would be body slamming him in our match, Yoko pulled me to one side and said 'I'm not gonna jump for you and I'm not helping you. If you're gonna pick me up, you're gonna pick me up.' I couldn't understand that. I don't know what I did wrong. We did become friends shortly after that."

On Jeff Jarrett...

"I didn't like working with him. He wasn't like Shawn Michaels, he'd complain if you hit him too hard. He didn't want to put anybody over, and on top of that, man, he was a racist son of a b---h. Really racist."

On kissing Goldust...

"He agreed to kiss my hand when we practiced it, but when we got out there. Man.... he kissed me harder than any female has ever kissed me. I'm talking your husband's going to the military and he's never coming home kind of kiss, and that just P*SSED ME OFF."

On never winning the WWF Title...

"I was going to face The Undertaker for the title. I found out through Vince Russo that we were gonna do that match, and he told me that some of the people at the booking table told him that the WWF were not ready for a black champion. Can you believe that s--t? F**k that. More of that racist s--t coming to surface. And there was a lot of it."

He went on to say he was proud of breaking down Racial barriers in WWE by winning the IC title, Ron Simmons purposely hurting him in '96, his falling out with Vince McMahon and his time with WCW...

Full podcast interview is here.

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