Monday, July 15, 2013

Today's News

Money In The Bank news and notes:

Disappointing show for me, the best match didn't even get on the card The Uso's and The Shield tore it up in the pre show...

Baffling result in the first match, I said it was open and you could have made a case for most men to win, bar the guy that did, Damien Sandow, I honestly don't get that result. Curtis Axel and The Miz were next and that was underwhelming, a good old school spot with the figure 4, but not much else to write home about. The Diva's title match was very good, but even Chris Jericho couldn't get a good performance out of Ryback who was laboured throughout, and the end, a school boy was awful. The world title match was OK, but had a screwy finish. The WWE title match was dominated by Mark Henry only for super Cena to turn it around and get a submission win. The second Money In The Bank Match saved the show with a couple of big spots and a story twist in Heyman turning on Punk.

There was also plenty of injuries...

Cody Rhodes (Eye)...

Christian (Broken Tooth, also possible Concussion.)

Rob Van Dam (Staples in head)

CM Punk (Staples in head)

Randy Orton (Knee)

Sheamus (Leg)


* The Shield bt The Uso's (Tag Titles)

* Damien Sandow won the Blue briefcase

* Curtis Axel bt The Miz (IC Title)

* AJ Lee bt Kaitlyn (Diva's Title)

* Ryback bt Chris Jericho

* Alberto Del Rio bt Dolph Ziggler (World Title)

* John Cena bt Mark Henry (WWE Title)

* Randy Orton won the Red briefcase

Evan Bourne also tweeted that he was at the event, but he did not appear on camera. Tommy Dreamer was also backstage.

Tony Chimel:

Tony Chimel has completed his weight loss challenge, losing 58lbs on Rosa Mendes' fitness regime.

Raw teaser:

* Will Team Rhodes Scholars' bonds of friendship begin to fray?

* Will Mark Henry make a play for the WWE Title or will a new challenger like Rob Van Dam step up?

* How will Dolph Ziggler recover from twin disappointments at MITB?

* Will CM Punk try and make Paul Heyman go to sleep?

* Will The Wyatt Family provide answers for their assault on Kane?

Ultimate Warrior is back:

WWE today confirmed that the Ultimate Warrior will be in this years video game, and released this ad, featuring the man himself...

The deal he signed is with the games maker, not WWE and there are no plans for him to appear on WWE TV, however that may change as the game's release date closes in.

WWE also released a press statement saying that the Warrior has returned from parts unknown and is back in the WWE, They have also interviewed him for their website, the exclusive conversation will be released later this week.

Backstage heat:

No word on why, but there is huge heat on The Shield members Seth Rollins and Roman Reigns following last night's PPV.


Damien Sandow will defend his Money In The Bank case against his (Former?) partner Cody Rhodes at this years SummerSlam.

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