Friday, July 26, 2013

Today's News

WWE star pulled from tour:

Kofi Kingston did not travel to Australia, WWE hoped to bring him back on this trip, but he has not recovered quickly enough to take part.

Royal fail:

King Jerry Lawler almost missed the second of this weeks Raw taping's, because he drove 4 hours in the wrong direction, WWE had to charter a flight to get him to the arena in time.

Luke Gallows:

Luke Gallows says he is very much open to a WWE return, adding that he is in the prime of his career, and has much more to offer. When asked which of his characters he would like to reprise, (Fake Kane, Festus, or Luke Gallows) he said he would like to hook up with CM Punk again as Gallows.

Stacy Keibler:

The WWE Alum says She is not currently in talks to rejoin WWE, and is currently focusing on her TV presenting career, WWE are interested in bringing her back, it seems She is not as enthusiastic about the idea.

Brit marks landmark achievement:

Paige has discussed becoming the first ever NXT Women's Champion...

"To be the first NXT Women's Champion is such an honor. It's so overwhelming that it hasn't fully sunk in yet. Emma gave me a heck of a match and I have so much respect for her. We made history. I still can't believe I can say that I've made history in WWE. I cried and cried when I won it and the support from everyone has been crazy. I'm getting goose bumps and teary-eyed just talking about it."

WWE take heat for Wrestler's downfall:

Friends of DT Porter who has been charged with murder (See yesterday) say his time with WWE changed him for the worse...

"I know the past few months he's been a mess. Since his release, he was always talking about how f-cked up the developmental system is. His release also really hit him hard. I'm not saying it's the WWE's fault he went crazy, but he was a different person after he got released than before he was signed."

He went on to say that while in Developmental he was hurt, and the coaching staff and fellow workers bullied him for ''Milking the injury''...

"He felt obligated to return, but he knew the writing was on the wall with the treatment he was getting while injured. He was constantly ribbed while he was out and after he came back.''

The friend said that he had recently been trying to get McGhee to move back to St. Louis and that McGhee had become even more depressed the last couple of months after his wife left him. McGhee had also lost his nephew a few months ago.

"A couple of us in St. Louis kept trying to get him to move back. He didn't have any real friends in Florida, just a couple of cousins."

TNA crown new Champion:

Manik won the X Division belt last night on Impact

SmackDown SPOILERS!!! for 2/8/2013:

* A change on Comms with Michael Cole and Alex Riley behind the desk.

* Alberto Del Rio wants to pick his SummerSlam opponent as John Cena did, and picks Ricardo Rodriguez, Vickie Guerrero refuses and books a match to make a number 1 contender.

* Cody Rhodes vs Jack Swagger

* Big E. Langston vs Sin Cara

* CM Punk vs Fandango

* AJ Lee vs Kaitlyn (Diva's Title)

* Booker T promo, his wife Sharmell was also present.

* Christian vs Randy Orton vs Rob Van Dam (Number 1 contenders match).

Scott Hall talks the ''Curtain call'' incident:

"As far as the infamous curtain call it wasn't planned, I had my match with hunter and it was one of the best matches I had in my career. Pat Patterson was the booker at the time and he pulled me and Hunter aside, gave us some ideas and we followed them and the match was great. There was an intermission when they set up the cage for Kev and Shawn's match and Vince told me to meet him in his office in Madison Square Garden and when I was in there talking to him Shawn came strolling in and said after the match he wanted Hunter and myself to come out, and Vince went along with it. We had permission, it wasn't some kind of outlaw renegade move to hurt the company, which is what everybody seems to say. For me, I felt the responsibility to go out there and say good bye to the fans at MSG, and thank you for supporting me all of these years. That is the last time the four of us have ever been together at one time."

SummerSlam card updated:

John Cena vs Daniel Bryan (WWE Title)...

CM Punk vs Brock Lesnar...

Alberto Del Rio vs Christian (World Title)...

Rock punished:

WWE have pulled all advertising for The Rock's TV show ''Heroes''. They have also had Bray Wyatt utter digs at the show, such as ''There are no heroes anymore'', commentators have also been told not to use the word hero for broadcasts taped during the run of Rock's show.

TNA stars want to join WWE:

WWE have acknowledged that active TNA stars are contacting them about moving over to Connecticut, but say they will refuse to talk with anyone that is still under contract to TNA, they however conceded that they are monitoring the stars that are being released.

Heat on The Shield:

More has emerged on the backstage heat on The Shield members Seth Rollins and Roman Reigns, and the ramifications on the relationship between Vince McMahon and Triple H. Rollins had a falling out with the Big Show, not much else is known about why, but the major issue was with Reigns, He is said to have called Randy Orton out after the viper botched a spot during a match.

Vince demanded that action be taken against them, but Triple H as with Daniel Bryan, decided that the story line momentum they were building with The Shield should not be derailed by punishing them for backstage issues, and refused. This led to a power struggle in the back, with Triple H having to fight to maintain The Shield's favourable booking.

That heat is said to have dissipated now after the great match they had at Money In The Bank.

Ex WWE star fears for life:

Jacques ''The Mountie'' Rougeau has reported that a man brandishing a 12 gauge shot gun has been searching for him and threatening his safety around his home town.

Police are investigating.

PPV re-named:

Over The Edge in October will now be called Battleground.

TNA champ talks TNA's financial problems:

Chris Sabin said...

''I've seen the company change, management actually, many times. Just throughout the years but that's just how it's always been. Writers change, people's jobs change, people come and go but it is weird every time because you get used to working with someone and use to seeing someone and then they're not there anymore. So it's like ahhh well what's it gonna be like when the next group of guys that are coming in? So you got to pick it up and start over with that too but I've seen it happen many times and luckily I have seemed to stuck around the entire time so hopefully I can continue to stick around."

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