Sunday, July 7, 2013

Today's News

WWE Top 10:

This week Money In The Bank Moments...

DeMott mauled:

Former NXT stars Chad Baxter and Chase Donovan have revealed more of Bill DeMott's bad behaviour as a coach including...

* DeMott pulling out a gun in front of some trainees

* Hitting talents on the back with a yardstick

* Using homophobic slurs daily

* Telling talents to go kill themselves

* Bullying

* Over training talents

* Getting Cena's trainer fired

To listen to the interview in full...

Briscoe's to WWE:

Mark and Jay Briscoe attended a WWE live show this weekend as guests of Justin Gabriel, they have not yet signed their own WWE contracts.

Angry JR is back:

Jim Ross has bitten back at a fan who disagreed with his opinion on Sting being a future Hall Of Famer...

''Love the experts that call me an idiot for even suggesting that Sting could some day be a member of the WWE Hall of Fame because he's never wrestled in WWE. I'm not sure who the idiot is within this discussion but this development wouldn't set a precedent. Check out the list, Einstein.''

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