Thursday, July 11, 2013

Today's News

Austin open to one more match:

WWE Hall Of Famer Stone Cold Steve Austin has given his most positive interview yet for fans hoping for one more match from the Texas Rattle Snake, He started with reservations, to keep the hype down, saying he would have to cancel months of other commitments before he agreed, but said he is healthy enough to do it, if WWE came up with the right story...

"Oh I'm healthy enough. My knees coming around just fine, it's better than it's ever been because I've been doing my do diligence on my rehab. I've got two new ligaments. Everything else is pain free. I'm still in shape been working out harder than I've ever worked out. But here's the deal. When you're gonna try to commit to do a Wrestlemania 30, you're looking really at, at least a two to three month commitment, if not four. So you know you're talking about, taking everything else of the table. I can still do my podcast but take everything else off the table and focus specifically on that task. To do it the way I would do it, to do it the way Stone Cold Steve Austin would do it, at a 120 percent. Because to go out there and to try to perform at 85-90 percent because you didn't prep enough. That would be bogus, that would be BS that would be letting the crowd down. And that would be representing the Stone Cold Steve Austin that I know and love to a degree that is not acceptable. So once you throw a legitimate, real deal offer down on the table and say let's talk, then we'll talk. But until then, conjecture."

He went on to say CM Punk would be his opponent of choice, and had a dig at WWE for dropping Tough Enough.


SummerSlam's card is Shaping up, current plans are...

* Big E. Langston vs Dolph Ziggler (Mark Henry was originally going to be Langston's opponent).

* Kane and 2 partners vs The Wyatt Family.

Note, WWE have conceded the chances of Taker appearing are all but done, he was hurt by The Shield when they put him through the table, and they want to wrap him in cotton wool until WrestleMania 30.

* Dean Ambrose vs Christian (US Title)

* Seth Rollins & Roman Reigns vs Randy Orton & Sheamus or Antonio Cesaro & Jack Swagger (Tag Titles)

John Cena vs Daniel Bryan (WWE Title)


Ryback is to be given a manager, Vickie Guerrero.

Kurrgan to TV:

Robert Maillet has landed a lead role in a new FX horror show named The Master.

TNA pay issues:

It has been revealed that many of TNA's top stars voluntarily delayed payment of their wages, to prevent loss of wages to OVW (TNA's feeder league) stars, they live off the lowest pay structure in the company, and therefore the losses would hurt more. Some production and office staff still have not received their backdated monies due.

Eve lands movie?:

Eve Torres has been to Romania to audition for a role in Scorpion King 4. She says it went well.

Heel turn:

Layla will turn heel this summer for a feud with Kaitlyn.

Steph cashes in:

Stephanie McMahon has sold another $600,000 worth of WWE shares today.

WWE Hall Of Fame:

WWE are to open a restaurant at Universal Studio's in Orlando Florida, that will double as the physical Hall Of Fame building they have been planning for years, according to officials at the theme park, WWE refused to confirm the news when asked for a comment.

The plans may irk TNA, the site they are looking at is 500 yards away from their old Impact Zone.

WrestleMania 2015 / 2016:

WWE are close to committing to hosting an upcoming WrestleMania at Levi's Stadium in Santa Clara, California, the year they do say may depend on the hosts of the stadium NFL team the San Francisco 49ers.

Heat in WWE:

Many in WWE are furious that the Tag Title match booked for Money In The Bank has been dumped onto the pre show, halting the momentum of The Shield, it was explained that they want to allow extra time on the show for the Ladder matches.

WrestleMania 30:

Vince McMahon is open to the idea of facing Triple H at WrestleMania 30 for the ownership of WWE, but it is much more likely he would hire an advocate to do the match for him, Stephanie McMahon will have a large part to play in the stories, but it's not known whose side She will be on (It is, it will be Hunter, but officially it is not decided yet).

Nikki Bella:

Nikki's injury has finally been confirmed, WWE were trying to cover it up, even after the pictures (On wall) of her in a wheelchair appeared online, because they feared it would affect the Total Diva's reality show. She has suffered a stress fracture of the shin.

Chris Benoit movie:

Actor Liev Schreiber (Scream, Phantoms, Ray Donovan) has been asked to play Chris Benoit in the upcoming movie based on the life and career of the former WWE man, the movie will span his entire career, from getting started right up until the murder / suicide that ended his and his Family's lives.

New WWE Alumni:

This Week, Adam Bomb.


WWE.Com have hosted an exclusive interview with the soon to be returning Rob Van Dam.

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