Sunday, July 14, 2013

Today's News

WWE Top 10:

This week, Mega Money Moments...

DH Smith interview:

WWE Alum DH Smith has criticized WWE as ''Stupid'' for limiting their talents use of certain moves in an interview with WrestleTalk TV...

South Africa tour:

Rob Van Dam has been added to WWE's upcoming South Africa tour. SA native Justin Gabriel has also been promised a title opportunity on the tour.

Ultimate Warrior on Raw???:

WWE plan on making a major announcement regarding the next WWE video game on Monday. It is expected that they will officially announce that The Ultimate Warrior is going to be on the game. 

WWE are planning a huge episode of Raw to start SummerSlam season, and with the Warrior being seen at WWE offices earlier this week (he had been recording promo's and an exclusive interview for the game) internet speculation is mounting that He may appear in person.

As much as I would love to see it, I will only believe it when his music hits and he comes down the aisle probably running (slower than usual).

Ric Flair:

Ric Flair's ex wife has had an arrest warrant issued against her, for making threatening phone calls to Flair's current partner.

Raw commentator remembers the first episode:

Rob Bartlett spoke to Inside The Ropes...

"It was held in the Manhattan Center which had been an old hotel. So they shot it in one of the ballrooms there. We had pre production meetings every week in this back room, where they'd run down all the matches that night. I remember on that first episode I made a joke about Yokozuna and talking about how it looked like he was wearing a diaper. I turned and said on air "that's one big oriental, Vince" so I think I set the tone and it went downhill from there (laughs) It was exciting. It was an incredibly exciting thing to be a part of. Vince was really taking a chance and trying to take a chance and do something new and different. It was a lot of fun."

Money In The Bank:

Tonight is Money In The Bank, and after a 2 month break PPV live comms will return tonight on Shaggy's Wrestling Page...

So come on over and join in the conversation.

Once again here is the Full Card and My predictions for the show...

WWE Title Match...

Mark Henry vs. John Cena (C)...

Good storyline for Henry this, but Cena will retain...

Money in the Bank Ladder Match for a WWE Title Shot...

Rob Van Dam vs. CM Punk vs. Daniel Bryan vs. Randy Orton vs. Christian vs. Sheamus

1 name still to confirmed for this match, I predict a Daniel Bryan win...

World Heavyweight Title Match...

Dolph Ziggler vs. Alberto Del Rio (C)

Not sure on this one, they took the title off Ziggler because he was too over to be a heel champ, would they give him it back so soon?? I hope so, going for a Ziggler win...

Money in the Bank Ladder Match for a World Title Shot...

Cody Rhodes vs. Damien Sandow vs. Dean Ambrose vs. Jack Swagger vs. Antonio Cesaro vs. Wade Barrett vs. Fandango

This is a really open match for me, going to support the Brit, Wade to win...

WWE Intercontinental Title Match...

The Miz vs. Curtis Axel (C)

Curtis Axel to retain...

WWE Divas Title Match...

Kaitlyn vs. AJ Lee (C)

AJ Lee to retain...

Ryback vs. Chris Jericho

Ryback is going to win this, he loses far too often on PPV...

WWE Tag Team Title Match, Kickoff Pre-show...

The Usos vs. Seth Rollins and Roman Reigns (C)

The Shield to retain...

OK over to you, what do you think, or hope will happen tonight???.

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