Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Today's News

Batista kills rumours:

Batista has killed rumours that he is in talks with Triple H for a WWE return.


John Cena and Daniel Bryan are still going to compete for the WWE title at SummerSlam, Cena chose D-Bry as his opponent on Raw last night.

WWE at the centre of a betting scandal:

A user of social media site Reddit has been predicting the results of WWE PPV's with perfect success throughout 2013, speculation is he works for WWE, and is leaking the results to embarrass the company. Things have taken a turn since, with fans using his predictions to place bets on the cards and are winning, big. For example moments before MITB, a huge spike in bets on Damien Sandow to win the blue case were taken. Police action is likely, but has not yet begun.

WWE have confirmed the leaks are coming from someone very close to the top of the organization, but say they have not being able to root out the ''Mole''. They say they will have to monitor this person's posts and confirm PPV results as late as possible to minimize the effect this is having on fans enjoyment. One official has suggested keeping the match result secret until the stars are in the ring for the bout, where the competitors would be informed of the outcome by the referee, who would be told by an official via his earpiece.

Ultimate Warrior interview:

The Ultimate Warrior has been interviewed by 2K sports, he talks about his relationship with WWE, Vince McMahon and the game. He also said he would consider a match vs Vince McMahon...

Team named:

Jack Swagger and Antonio Cesaro are now officially known as The Real Americans.


Full contents confirmed, release date September 24...

Disc 1

The Game
Growing Up
Hunter Hearst Helmsley
Ninth Wonder of the World
Mick Foley
D-Generation X
DX vs. The Nation
The Rock
DX Returns
Torn and Rebuilt
Randy Orton
The Undertaker
Chief Operating Officer
A Unique Breed

Disc 2

Jean-Paul Levesque vs. Ricky Steamboat
WCW Saturday Night – 3rd September, 1994

Hunter Hearst Helmsley vs. Dude Love
One Night Only – September 1997

Iron Man Match for the WWE Championship
The Rock vs. Triple H
Judgment Day – 21st May, 2000

No Disqualification Match
Triple H vs. Kurt Angle
Unforgiven – 24th September, 2000

Disc 3

All Championships on the Line
Triple H & Stone Cold vs. The Undertaker & Kane
Backlash – 29th April, 2001

World Heavyweight Championship
Triple H vs. Rob Van Dam
RAW – 30th June, 2003

Last Man Standing Match for the World Heavyweight Championship
Shawn Michaels vs. Triple H
Royal Rumble – 25th January, 2004

Road to WrestleMania Tournament Match
Ric Flair vs. Triple H
RAW – 6th February, 2006

Return from Injury
Triple H vs. King Booker
SummerSlam – 26th August, 2007

Last Man Standing Match for the WWE Championship
Triple H vs. Randy Orton
No Mercy – 7th October, 2007

Non-Title Match
Jeff Hardy vs. Triple H
SmackDown – 21st November, 2008

Triple H vs. Chris Jericho
RAW – 30th November, 2009

Blu-ray Exclusives

No Disqualification / Career on the Line
Triple H vs. Brock Lesnar
WrestleMania 29 – 7th April, 2013

Motivation in High School
Hard Way In
Paul Scream
Diamond Cutter
Hunter Hearst Helmsley – The Name
Wild 'n Crazy Guys
Evolution's Fifth Member ??
Shawn's Comeback
WrestleMania 26
Two Movies at Once
Commemorating the End
Worst Gas on the Planet
Candy Bar
Praising the Boss
Behind the Scenes – Photo Shoot
Behind the Scenes – WrestleMania 29 Weekend
Taping Wrists
The Levesque Game
King of Signs

RVD taunts TNA:

RVD was joking that the crowd at Money In The Bank was bigger than the crowds at every TNA event he competed at added together on Sunday.

Punk hurt:

WWE are reporting that CM Punk suffered whiplash, strained knee and ankle ligaments and bruised, possibly broken ribs on Raw last night.

Raw match nixed:

Daniel Bryan vs Wade Barrett was pulled from Raw last night, because Paul Heyman and CM Punk's segment over ran by almost 5 minutes. The Bryan / Barrett match had been given 13 minutes, but instead of cutting the match down to 8, they decided to add the extra time to the Chris Jericho vs Rob Van Dam match.

Former WWE star gets new job:

Gene Snitsky is now working as a security aide for Alex Rodriguez, boyfriend of WWE Alum Torrie Wilson.

Roddy seeing ghosts:

Hot Rod Rowdy Roddy Piper says he was in contact with the ghosts of Adrian Adonis, Mr. Perfect and Owen Hart whilst appearing on a celebrity ghost hunting show... You can watch a preview here.

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