Thursday, July 25, 2013

Today's News

Scott Hall:

Scott Hall has moved out of Diamond Dallas Page's home and into an Atlanta house with his Son Cody, he will continue to follow DDP's fitness regime.

Bill DeMott trainee defends his style:

Velvet Jones says DeMott is tough but fair, He was responding to a torrent of anti DeMott stories coming out of WWE developmental...

"Bill was the kind of guy, where if he trained you and he saw something in you, he did all that he could to get you to see it in yourself and try to pull it out of yourself. He wouldn't let you shortchange yourself. He can make you a better wrestler. His style... it wasn't discriminatory, it wasn't abusive. It wasn't distasteful by any stretch of the imagination."

SmackDown SPOILERS!!!:

* The show starts with the two MITB winners cutting a promo, leading to the announcement of a match between the two.

* Damien Sandow vs Randy Orton

* Mark Henry & The Uso's vs Prime Time Playaz & Wade Barrett

* Alberto Del Rio vs Rob Van Dam

* Tons Of Funk vs Wyatt Family

* Christian vs Jack Swagger

* CM Punk vs Fandango

Note WWE will tape next weeks SmackDown tonight, the show will be held on Booker T appreciation night in the city of Houston.

Ex WWE star charged with murder:

Brian ''DT Porter'' McGhee who made the news last Summer just before his WWE release for a series of worrying social media posts, where he was begging for help with his alcoholism and was suffering from some Mental issues as a result, including threats to harm himself was involved in an auto wreck yesterday, unfortunately that was the end of a tragic story. McGhee allegedly assaulted his Girl Friend outside the apartment complex they shared stabbing her multiple times before jumping in his car and fleeing from Police, he eventually wrecked the vehicle and was taken to hospital, suffering from multiple injuries. Police say they will charge him with First degree murder as soon as he is well enough to be aware of the charges he faces. 

Another shocking twist emerged later, he took a picture, allegedly of the victim after the attack, but before the Police arrived and made it his profile picture on his Facebook page. I am not going to post it here, but you can see it at this link if you so wish.

Jerry Lawler:

Jerry Lawler will wrestle his first singles match since his near fatal heart attack this weekend, he will face the recently released Matt Striker.

Vickie draws!!!:

WWE decided to move Vickie Guerrero from Raw GM to SmackDown GM because they are disappointed with the low viewing figures on the blue brand, and feel She could bring people back.


Saturday Morning Slam will return in September.

Memo Montenegro:

Was released from WWE because of his poor ring work showing little sign of improving.

Alberto Del Rio:

The current World Champion is currently working hurt, he suffered broken ribs at the hands of Sheamus on one of this weeks Raw taping's. He is working through the injury.

Ultimate Warrior / Vince McMahon:

Speculation is mounting online that the Warrior / Vince meeting is going to happen ''Soon'', likely on the topics for discussion will be Hall Of Fame induction, WWE have long wanted Warrior in, he has always refused, it is thought this may be their best chance to get him in, and WWE want to capitalize on the opportunity.

Kassius Ohno:

WWE are again demanding Chris Hero work on changing his physique before being moved up to the main roster, he will not be back on TV (NXT) until he shows signs of making the changes to his body that WWE want to see.

Former Diva to return:

WWE are said to be in talks with Stacy Keibler, in the hopes of a return to the WWE roster. They hope to cash in on her main stream media fame, after her relationship with George Clooney greatly increased her profile. The plan is to put her with Daniel Bryan.

Nixed angle revealed:

Before Big Show's no show on this weeks Raw, the plan was for a Show face turn, where he would save Mark Henry from a beat down by The Shield leading to a 2 on 3 Tag Match at SummerSlam, The Uso's made the save instead. The match is still penciled in, dependent on Show's injury.

WWE want African - American to lead the company:

WWE are looking to hire an African - American baby face to lead the WWE, they want to attract more fans from that demographic, and hope to gain increased revenue sales from merch etc. They cited the effect Rey Mysterio had on the Latino market as the blueprint for what they hope to achieve with the new star.

WWE list top 10 SummerSlams:

10 - SummerSlam 1994

9 - SummerSlam 2011

8 - SummerSlam 2001

7 - SummerSlam 1997

6 - SummerSlam 2000

5 - SummerSlam 1991

4 - SummerSlam 2008

3 - SummerSlam 1998

2 - SummerSlam 1992

1 - SummerSlam 2002

Dixie Carter speaks out on TNA releases:

"The relationship that fans have with wrestlers is unique and one of the many great aspects of the wrestling business. And, for this reason, releasing talent is never easy – not for you and not for us. But, bringing in fresh faces and the best wrestling talent in the world is what you expect, and what TNA will always strive to deliver. Recently, we have brought back some talent favorites (Sonjay Dutt, Petey Williams and Homicide), and you will continue to see this and new talent that we are excited to introduce you to in the coming months."

Raw taping brawl:

Something I didn't mention on yesterday's post was a crowd fight at the second of this weeks 2 Raw taping's. Today it has emerged that one of those involved suffered a brutal beating in the incident, and was taken to a local hospital as a result of the fight. The incident happened when a fan confronted the Father of a child who was annoying him because he kept walking in front of his seat to get a better view. No arrests were made, and it is not thought the victim filed charges.

New Alumnus:

This week Bull Nakano.

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