Friday, July 19, 2013

Today's News

Mark Henry:

Mark Henry has signed a new 3 year WWE contract.

TNA in trouble?:

Recently released star DOC has spoken out about his views on the current financial struggles the company are having...

"It always looked to me on the surface, like it was a positive move. The houses for those live TVs looked good on camera. I don't know what it costs to do those live shows, I'm sure it's expensive. But none of us know what the TNA bank account or the Carter family bank account looks like. Panda Energy are a huge company so I don't know if we can infer that they're in trouble but I certainly hope and want to believe that they're not and 30 wrestlers won't be out of a job. I mean, When negotiations with me broke down on Tuesday night, I was at home with my family and they said they were sorry to hear about it, but I've been in this position before, I know how well I did. You gotta just hit the ground running whatever happens. I'm hoping that they're not in trouble. I'd hate hate to think there's a big mass of guys sitting out there looking for a job."

Devon Dudley retiring?:

Devon Dudley is expected to replace D'Lo Brown as lead talent agent for TNA, leading to speculation that he may be coming to the end of his wrestling career.

Destination X:

Chris Sabin became the new TNA Champion last night, former TNA Tag Champ Homicide appeared and Former WWE man Trent Baretta debuted under his real name (Pic to follow).

Impact SPOilLERS for 25/7:

* Mr. Anderson vs Hernandez.

* Manik vs Sonjay Dutt vs Greg Marisculio (Trent).

* Mickie James vs Gail Kim.

* Christopher Daniels vs Samoa Joa.

* AJ Styles vs Jeff Hardy.

* It was also announced that Hardcore Justice will return instead of Impact on August 15.

Sheamus tweets the Ultimate Warrior:

"Just marked-out there. Ultimate Warrior is back in the loving arms of #WWE!! Anyone do good warpaint?"

He also revealed he has been cleared to return following his MITB injury.

DVD name changed:

The Money In The Bank Anthology will now be called...

"Straight to the Top: The Money in the Bank Ladder Match Anthology."

Sandman wanted by Police:

WWE Alum The Sandman is wanted by Police in Delaware for non payment of child support.

Matt Morgan to WWE:

WWE have expressed an interest in signing the recently released former TNA star Matt Morgan.

Rey Mysterio:

Rey Mysterio has cancelled his planned dates for this weekend, his Mother is fighting for her life in hospital.

Billy Kidman dropped:

Billy Kidman is the latest star dropped from the NXT roster, he will no longer train talent, but will move back into an agents role on the main roster.

WWE sign indy star:

Dory Funk trainee Cory Weston has been signed to an NXT deal.

Ultimate Warrior speaks to WWE.Com:


Sunny talks heat with Sable:

“Basically it was this. She used to bring her eight year old daughter Mariah on the road. I knew that Marc Mero wasn’t Mariah’s dad. So I asked her one day in the locker room in front of Terri Runnels, where’s her real dad? She said oh, you know. He died when she was an infant. He was in a car accident. I said oh my God, I’m so sorry to hear that. This was her reply and this is why I lost all respect for her Sable). She says no, it was the best thing that ever happened to me, because if he never would have died, I never would have met Marc. So she said that about her husband and her baby’s father. That the best that ever happened to her was him dying so she would be able to meet Marc. And right then and there I lost all respect for the woman. I mean, that’s just the most selfish, cruel, horrible, inhumane thing to say. You should never be happy that someone that’s that important in your life died. It was just horrible. Terri and I looked at each other like did she just say what we think she just said? And from that day on, that’s where she kind of buried herself with her personality and in the locker room with everyone because words got spread around and nobody had respect for her.''

Doink's cause of death released:

Matt Borne died of an accidental drugs overdose, Compounded by a heart condition.

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