Monday, July 22, 2013

Today's News

Jake The Snake:

Jake The Snake Roberts has tweeted an update on his battle with addictions...

''254days coke free. 33 without a drink! Moving forward.''


Kharma says She is getting ready for a return to TV, but offered no further details.

Hall Of Famer elected:

Antonio Inoki was elected to the Japanese Upper House Of Councillors over the weekend. He won in a landslide.


Lita has revealed what happened to her last week (See Saturday's post). She says She took Her Godson to the Six Flags Amusement Park and whilst there, they were mugged. The pair had bags, Credit cards, cash, the boy's wallet and mobile phones stolen. She added that she took steps to cancel the cards, and replaced the stolen phones and now wants to put the incident behind her.

Raw teaser:

* Has Brock Lesnar awakened the beast within CM Punk?

* Who or what will Big Show go after?

* Is The Hall of Pain set to induct The Shield?

* Is GM Brad Maddox capable of running RAW?

* Who will The Wyatt Family target next?

Ricardo Rodriguez:

Ricardo's 30 day drugs suspension will be extended by a few days. He is clear to return on August 1, but WWE are on tour in South Africa and China that week, so his return will not happen until Raw on August 5.

Big O interview:

Zack Ryder's buddy Big O, has discussed getting into wrestling...

"Zack invited me to go to a live RAW event at the National Coliseum in Long Island in 2011 and it was the 1st professional wrestling show I'd ever been to in my whole life. Never been to a pro wrestling show. I go to take my seat as I'm walking with his father who also appeared on the show with us. We couldn't get to the aisle where our seats are because there was literally a crowd of 500 people who wanted to get my autograph and take a picture with me. Solely based on the fact that I was doing this YouTube show with him. So I was like wow this is exciting! This is cool! So after doing the episodes for another three months from that moment on, a few more shows, I ended up backstage meeting with a few wrestlers, I was like you know what this really might be something I could get into cause I've always been an athlete, in great shape, I have a very flexible job working at a nightclub, little responsibility and at the end I had the head start because I had connections. So I was like you know what gimme the number of the wrestling company that you started training at years ago with the New York Wrestling Connection and I'll go in once or twice to see what it's all about and see if it's for me or not. Labor Day of 2011 I go into NYWC, two weeks later I was body slamming a 400 pound guy in the main event, and here I am less than two years later having just appeared on National Television for TNA IMPACT."

On the YouTube show that made him famous, Zack Ryder's ZTLIS...

"When we first started doing it, it was very risky because nobody in the business had ever done something like that. No one had ever done a live radio shoot-talk show or a fan mail Q & A interacting with fans or directing responding to fans. It was the 1st time that anybody used social media and used that as an extension of television and superstars on WWE's internet website to really let people into the world of Zack Ryder to know what kind of person he really is. That kid's got ton of personality but when you're not featured on television or you're on television once a month for a two minute match, fans don't know who you are.''

Ex WWE agent attacks TNA:

Tom Prichard has spoken out on TNA after they released his Brother Bruce last week...

''First of all, I never worked for TNA. That was my brother Bruce. I don't care what happens to TNA. It was evident long before Bruce ever got there that their problems were (are) deep. Maybe TNA should start at the top (the very top) and look at what the real issues are. Hiring and firing people is all well and good if it produces the desired changes and makes the company more successful. I can't speak about what's going on behind the scenes and I never discussed that with Bruce or anyone else at TNA. I can tell you I got a call last July with an offer to help with the developmental system in OVW. As seems to be the case with TNA, lack of follow up and professionalism was indeed the case as I didn't go to Louisville. Why? Never got a straight answer or courtesy call explaining why a representative of the company called and initiated talks about going to OVW as a trainer, ask what I would want to go and then promise an answer "by Monday." Monday has yet to come… It's a shame when a talented roster can't get a straight answer or get paid on time. Who's to blame? All I know is if no one can get a straight answer at WWE they go to Vince McMahon. At this time, Vince has the last word and accepts responsibility. Did Bruce screw up or make bad decisions? Don't know. I wasn't there. But I do know enough people in TNA who enlightened me on the dealings they've had with upper management (long before Bruce ever entered the picture) and the song remains the same…''

WWE release?:

Memo Montenegro, younger Brother of Alberto Del Rio has had his WWE profile removed from WWE.Com, no official word yet, but that tends to be the first sign of bad news for a talent.

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