Monday, July 1, 2013

Today's News

Proud Grandfather puts over current WWE star:

Larry The Axe Hennig has commented on his Grandson Curtis Axel's resurgence in WWE...

"He's representing a billion dollar company. You have to be good or you're going to be gone. They can't afford any misfires there"

Chris Benoit:

Chris Benoit's Sister - In Law has been interviewed on the Benoit tragedy, She says she does not believe his concussions should be used as an excuse for what he did, discusses his health and mental issues, and reveals he was set to quit WWE after Eddie Guerrero died...

Reports that Chris Benoit's breakdown was caused by Concussion Syndrome:...

"You know, evidence showed that on the Sunday before he committed suicide, he was booking flights to get to the show he was scheduled to appear on in Beaumont, Texas. This shows that there was a moment, however brief, that he thought he could get away with it. I don't believe in the brain damage theory. He killed 2 people and believed he could go wrestle. The concussion theory doesn't really stick with me."

What the medical examiner told them about Chris:...

"Yes, my brother-in-law had concussions, he hit his head for a living and I understand that. But way beyond that, he had a very serious drug and steroid problem. Unfortunately, a lot of athletes still do to this day. It's spiraling out of control. The medical examiner told us after the autopsy that Chris was on his way to death within 10 months. His heart was huge, about 3 times normal size, and it was ready to blow up at any moment."

What effects Eddie Guerrero and other deaths had on the Benoit family:...

"Chris had suffered multiple losses of friends. Eddie Guerrero's death in 2005 shocked us all, no one was prepared for that. It was devastating for Nancy but it was devastating for Chris on a whole other level. Eddie's passing came after a long line of huge losses and Chris was in a state of perpetual bereavement ... The final blow came in mid-June 2007, just a few days before everything happened, when Sherri Martel passed away. That devastated Nancy just as much as Eddie's death had devastated Chris."

Chris planning to leave WWE after Eddie Guerrero's death:...

"After Eddie passed away, Chris and Nancy discussed the possibility of Chris leaving the WWE and starting his own wrestling school. As a matter of fact, it had become more than a possibility. A business plan had been developed and merchandise had been designed. However, the WWE was prepared to give Chris a big push and put him into another championship match so Chris began training harder and pushing his body further. Chris did a lot of self-medicating."

Raw teaser:

* Will a tag team victory smooth things out within Paul Heyman's circle?

* Will Mark Henry finally capture a title that has eluded him his entire career?

* Is the party coming to an end for Alberto Del Rio?

* Will AJ Lee or Kaitlyn strike next?

* How will Kane respond to his loss to Randy Orton on SmackDown?


* John Cena vs Alberto Del Rio (Champion vs Champion) is confirmed.

* Jack Swagger's return has been teased by his Manager.

UK star makes the move:

Irish wrestler Rebecca Knox is ready to make the move to the States to take up her WWE developmental contract.

SummerSlam match changed?:

John Cena vs Daniel Bryan may become a Triple Threat match, WWE are impressed with Mark Henry and are playing with the idea of including him in the WWE Title bout.

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