Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Today's News

Ric Flair:

Ric Flair's ex wife turned herself in today after police issued an arrest warrant for her, She was charged with a misdemeanor for making threatening and abusive phone calls to Flair's new Partner and was placed on bond. However in a twist WWE creative would be proud of, Police than issued an arrest warrant for Ric Flair, saying he had not paid $32,000 of the agreed divorce settlement between the two.

Flair responded by saying he was mourning the death of his Son, and recounted his own health issues, and said that because of that he couldn't work for 3 months, meaning he was unable to pay.

Rich Rock:

The Rock has been named the world's 5th highest paid actor...

Top 5 are...

* Robert Downey Jr. ($75 million)

* Channing Tatum ($60 million)

* Hugh Jackman ($55 million)

* Mark Wahlberg ($52 million).

* The Rock ($46 million).

Mark Briscoe signs for...:

ROH have announced Mark Briscoe will compete in a 16 man tournament to crown a new ROH Champion, necessary because he and his Brother (The previous Champ) left to enter into contract talks with WWE, no word on how this affects those talks, or Jay's plans at this time.

Hall Of Fame:

Triple H has shared his vision of a Physical Hall Of Fame building...

"I don't want a Hall of Fame or some other attraction to just be something where people see some guy's shorts. We are the WWE and we are big, so whatever we do needs to be the same. If I were to say what it could be, think of it as something that has shows or live interactive things for fans. For example, something like a 4-D experience where the fan would come face-to-face with a 3-D Andre the Giant - something along that scale."

TNA releases:

TNA have released former knockout champion Tara, (Formerly Victoria in WWE) they cite budget cuts as the reason, Tara was the highest paid lady on the roster, and they decided they could no longer afford the expense of keeping her around.

Another former WWE star has also been dropped, DOC, formerly known as Luke Gallows said his short term deal ended on July 12, and they chose not to renew. This release is said to be a blow to TNA's long term plans, they were going to turn him face later in the Summer for a World Title stories run vs Bully Ray, the two sides could not agree on a new deal.

SmackDown SPOILERS!!!:

* Teddy Long and Booker T (Making his return from injury) start the show by announcing Vince McMahon will pick which of them will be SmackDown GM, they both book matches hoping to impress the boss.

* Brad Maddox enters with the Boss who announces who will get the role.

* Dolph Ziggler vs Jack Swagger.

* The Shield vs The Uso's.

* Daniel Bryan vs Wade Barrett (This match was pulled from Raw earlier this week).

* MizTV with Paul Heyman.

* Chris Jericho vs Curtis Axel.

* Damien Sandow / Cody Rhodes in ring promo.

* Darren Young vs Rob Van Dam.

* Alberto Del Rio vs Randy Orton.

Note, The failed GM was removed from the arena by security, and it was announced that Big Show will return from injury on Monday's Raw, unfortunately another star has gone the other way, Chris Jericho has finished his current WWE run, and will now go back to being a rock star for the Summer, he may not be back until next year.

WWE star injured:

WWE's major stories may have been thrown into jeopardy, one of the Money In The Bank winners Randy Orton was injured in the main event of SmackDown last night, the injury is a cervical problem, WWE say he strained muscles, and suffered neuropraxia. Randy Orton has played the injury down on his Twitter, saying ADR caught him on the neck with a stiff kick, but he is feeling OK now.

He also attacked the wrestling press for reporting the story, but when a fan pointed out that it was WWE that broke the news he backtracked.

Heat on TNA officials:

Bruce (Brother Love) Prichard is being blamed for the loss of RVD and DOC from the TNA roster. He may also be on his way out of TNA, he was asked to sign a per night deal rather then a set contract of employment, he refused, another official D'Lo Brown did agree to the new structure, but word is He was fired anyway, This has not yet been officially confirmed.

WrestleMania 31 / 32:

WWE will announce the venues of the next two Mania's at the same time in early 2014.

Time off for WWE:

With two long haul tours coming up, WWE have decided to give their staff the rest of this week off, they will not return to work until Monday.

Sheamus talks early career heat:

Sheamus says some in WWE were not happy with his top level push coming so early into his WWE career, but did not name names...

"In the past I had cut my red hair, but I decided to do an image change and let it grow so people would remember me. Also, they saw the pale white skin which became part of my look. My success in a matter of months even had some wrestlers jealous, but I was happy to announce that I was here to stay."

WWE vs Edward Snowden???:

An online article about the leaks in WWE has suggested WWE should team up with the NSA vs hackers and leakers, and compared the WWE Mole that has been revealing match results to Edward Snowden and Bradley Manning saying the guy could ''Shake up the world of professional wrestling forever''.

WWE say the leaks are having an effect on the ''Integrity of the product''.

MVP wants to return to the ring soon:

"If I did return to wrestling in the States — which I most likely will — the clock is running down. I'm 40 in October. I started training when I was 27 and signed with WWE when I was 31. But I don't have the wear and tear that most guys my age have, I got some time left."

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