Saturday, July 27, 2013

Today's News

Jim Ross says WWE tried to help Paul Bearer:

"I remember when I signed him to come back to WWE, part of that agreement was to help him get his surgery to address his weight issues. We were very concerned and wanted him to be healthy and wanted to help him be healthy. Having an eating disorder is nothing to joke about. It's not a fat joke. It's a serious issue that the company took very seriously."

WWE list it's top 50 Ring Names:

50 - Andre The Giant
49 - Bobo Brazil
48 - Mikey Whipwreck
47 - Ultimate Warrior
46 - Crybaby Cannon
45 - Diamond Dallas Page
44 - Pork Chop Cash
43 - Chris Jericho
42 - Great Kabuki
41 - Big Boss Man
40 - Michael PS Hayes
39 - The Undertaker
38 - Jim The Anvil Neidhart
37 - Buzz Sawyer
36 - Jesse The Body Ventura
35 - King Kong Bundy
34 - The Mongolian Stomper
33 - Big Van Vader
32 - Sweet Daddy Siki
31 - Bret Hitman Hart
30 - Kamala
29 - Sputnik Monroe
28 - Rowdy Roddy Piper
27 - Bruiser Brody
26 - Hulk Hogan
25 - Dynamite Kid
24 - Iceman King Parsons
23 - Greg The Hammer Valentine
22 - Thunderbolt Patterson
21 - CM Punk
20 - Ravishing Rick Rude
19 - Mad Dog Vachon
18 - Jake The Snake Roberts
17 - Gorgeous George
16 - Superfly Jimmy Snika
15 - Haystacks Calhoun
14 - Ric Flair
13 - Bad News Brown
12 - Dusty Rhodes
11 - The Dragon Ricky Steamboat
10 - Cactus Jack
9 -- Dr. Death Steve Williams
8 -- Gorilla Monsson
7 -- Fabulous Moolah
6 -- Bam Bam Bigelow
5 -- Killer Kowalski
4 -- One Man Gang
3 -- Abdullah The Butcher
2 -- Stone Cold Steve Austin
1 -- Macho Man Randy Savage

Maria Kanellis vs The Bella's:

Former WWE star Maria has alleged that She wasn't the only victim of The Bella Twins and that 2 other former Diva's offers of re-employment with WWE were rescinded after The Bella's stepped in to block the signings. She did not the the other ladies in question.

OVW star promoted:

OVW announcer Dean Hill was on Impact this week as Bully Ray's lawyer.

TNA release cryptic trailer for August 1 Impact:

WWE promote History Of WWE DVD:

"The History of WWE celebrates 50 years of sports entertainment by chronicling the evolution of WWE from small regional promotion into a worldwide phenomenon With new interviews from several key personalities past and present get the inside story behind each era of WWE as well as all your favorite moments and Superstars."

Big Show sent home:

Big Show has been pulled from the current Australian WWE tour, due to his injury.

Movie wraps:

Hornswoggle has finished filming his movie Leprechaun Origins today.

The Rock:

The Rock is on his way back to the States to film the last episode of his TV show Hero, he is taking a break from filming Hercules to do so.

He also revealed that WCW tried to sign him early in his career, in response to a fan question on Twitter, he wrote...

"Yup in the beginning. Offered 2xs my WWE salary. No thank you. My goal was to 'move the crowd' first. Money would come later."

Keibler snubs WWE:

This week is not the first time that former Diva Stacy Keibler has rejected the chance to return to WWE, sources close to Stacy say She has turned down multiple approaches in the last 2 years, and even refused the chance to visit friends backstage when Raw was in her home town of Baltimore recently.

Hall Of Fame 2014:

The Ultimate Warrior will be offered WWE Hall Of Fame induction as part of next years WrestleMania 30 festivities. However this time he is said to be more open to the idea than ever before. He will probably not be the headline inductee though, that is still penciled in to be DX, and the group induction WILL include Chyna.

DX were originally going to be inducted this year however Bruno Sammartino shocked them by accepting induction meaning DX were bumped back a year.

Chyna revealed that Vince McMahon had personally telephoned her earlier this year, during Triple H's attempts to secure Sammartino's induction, to reveal the plans for a DX induction and to inform her She would be included. Many did not believe Chyna's claims at the time, but today word coming out of WWE is Chyna will be invited to join up with Shawn Michaels, Triple H, X-Pac and The New Age Outlaws to take her place in the HOF. Rumour is (confirmed by friends of the former star) talks are already ongoing, and that She may appear on WWE TV before next years induction, If so it will be the first time since 2001.

Great Muta:

Great Muta's new promotion W-1 have announced a talent exchange program with a major US promotion.

Ahmed Johnson on WWE racism:

Ahmed Johnson has continued to attack WWE for racism in another interview this week he said...

"To become the black champion in history there (WWF), it was so neat. But there was also a dull side to it, I lived in this fantasy land where I thought there was no more racism in the world, then I go out to my car and and someone had scratched 'Congratulations n----r' on my car. I didn't know who did it, nobody would fess up to it. I never found out who did it but you know I thought about it for a while and I asked Vince the question, I asked him why did it take them until 1996 to decide that they'd have a black champion because there was so many great black wrestlers before me like Junkyard Dog and other people. Why didn't he give them the opportunity to be a champion and wear the belt? He got very upset about me asking that question. So that ended up being the end of me in the WWF after that. I didn't want anything to do with him. The word I got from the booker Vince Russo, he told me after this was over and all the smoke had cleared, that they would have meetings about this and Vince and other people said that the American audience wasn't ready for a black champion, which was bulls--t. Every time we went to Germany, Kuwait, India, I was the number one draw over there when we went."

He also accused Pat Patterson of taking liberties with male talent, saying if they did what he wanted them to do, he would make sure they were rewarded with a push...

"Not so cool. He likes guys you know, I don't have a problem with that, that's cool. But when you start pushing guys based on who has the sexiest ass to you, I have a problem with that. I'm telling you this as a respect point, I'm gonna be honest, he was gay, there's no secret about it. He did do some things that are unmentionable. He made certain wrestlers do certain things to get pushed in certain positions. That was his thing. He was a bully, a gay bully. The casting couch type thing but with males not females."

WWE Top 10:

Tag Team Finishers...

Page news:

In a new feature on our sister page Shaggy's Wrestling Page I have blogged about the WWE blacklist of talent and asked with Bruno Sammartino and Bob Backlund's HOF inductions this year, and the plans to induct Ultimate Warrior and Chyna next, are the days of stars being ''Blackballed'' forever by WWE over???

Full article.

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