Friday, November 30, 2012

Today's News

Kharma interview:

WWE Alum Kharma, has revealed she was set to announce her retirement before WWE offered her a job, has spoken of their decision to release her, and a possible TNA return in a recent interview...

On being offered a job by WWE in December 2010...

“I did not see it coming. I was actually about 14 days away from announcing my retirement in wrestling. I got a call. I’ll never forget, I was sick with a cold and I got a call from Tommy Dreamer and he asked if he could give my number to John Laurinaitis. And I said, ‘Um, yeah!’ Five minutes later I got a call from John Laurinaitis who spoke with me and offered me a position at WWE. I don’t think I closed my mouth for a good 20 days.”

On her WWE release...

“Sometimes things aren’t moving along as quickly as they need to be, and some things weren’t progressing as quickly as they should have been. I think the release was actually a good idea and very appropriate. WWE, the world knows they don’t just hire anyone. If they hire you, they’re going to invest in you. They’re going to apply any and every resource they have for anything that you’re going through, so having said that, again, the timing just was there. My release was, in my opinion, appropriate.”

On whether she would return to TNA...

“I do appreciate the opportunities I was given by TNA, Dixie Carter and Terry Taylor. I appreciate my time there, it was good… until it wasn’t. [Laughs] No [communication] whatsoever with them. I’m very grateful, they’re the ones that introduced me to the US market, but that time is gone.”

TNA finally acknowledge loss of Ric Flair:

Another obstacle has been removed to allow Ric Flair a WWE return, TNA have finally removed his profile from their website, it had remained active despite the double Hall Of Famer leaving the company in May.

Jim Ross compares SCSA and Sheamus:

Stone Cold Steve Austin has been very outspoken on Sheamus, especially during his recent World Title run, Jim Ross thinks it is because they are so alike...

“@wwesheamus has many qualities as did Stone Cold…physically and mentally tough and loves to perform at a physical level that some opponents don’t embrace. Both were great examples of not accepting being denied stardom and continued to work through career challenge no matter what hand was dealt them.”

Jericho on WWE return:

Chris Jericho and his band Fozzy are currently touring the UK, in an interview to promote a gig in Stoke, he was asked about a return to WWE, he replied...

“I’m not quite done with wrestling yet. Never say never.”

Wes Brisco:

Son of a WWE Hall Of Famer, Wes Brisco has earned a TNA deal, by winning his gutcheck, he said...

“Greatest day of my life just made on the TNA Roster!!!!!”

He had been working as a member of Aces and Eights.

NXT star fired:

British Wrestler Thomas Latimer, who wrestles on NXT as Ascension member Kenneth Cameron was arrested on the night before Thanksgiving for assaulting a Police officer and drunken or disorderly conduct in Florida, he was arrested and bailed for $5,100.

This is a major fail on his part, he has been with WWE for two years and was about to be promoted to the main WWE roster as a member of The Shield in the coming weeks, as WWE are extremely impressed with his pairing with Conor O'Brian.

No word on what affect this will have on Conor's promotion, but it will be less likely he will move up now.

WWE it seems have decided to cut their ties with the 26 year old from Chesterfield, removing his NXT profile, and citing a previous altercation from January 2011, where he was booked for DUI.


Triple H and Kevin Nash will be at the next NXT taping's, the buzz in the locker room is that they will be assessing the talent to decide who will be the next star to come up to join The Shield, favourite right now is British female worker Paige, who is getting rave reviews from the NXT team.

WWE want women:

The current soap opera style stories between John Cena and AJ and Alberto Del Rio and Rosa Mendes, will continue, WWE want to grow their female audience, and think this is the way to do it.

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