Sunday, November 11, 2012

Today's News

Lest We Forget...

Fred ''Tugboat'' Ottman interview:

The WWE Alumni has recalled his ''Shocking'' WCW debut.

He was known as The Shockmaster, things didn't go well, and the incident went down in Wrestling folklore...

“That (the glittered helmet) was just to keep my identity, keep me under wraps…The wall was increased in height…Mike Graham’s the one who gave me the cue to go. I had the mask on, holes drilled in it, but then the glitter was coming through. So they took the secretary, cut off her panty hose, cut patches and glued them over the eye holes…That was to keep the glitter out of my eyes. Mike told me I had to bust the wood, bust the 5/8-inch sheetrock that made up the set; I had to hit it hard…Well, I busted it all the way to my knees, and just like a teeter-totter, I hit it so hard it blew me over the top of the bottom. Then the little helmet popped off, I turned away from the camera, and attempted to pop it back on my face, jump up, and do the promo. ‘Cause I wasn’t down there long, if you watch the video…Dusty Rhodes, he was there along with the rest of them. If you read their lips, there’s some funny things being said…I was the one that was the most upset that night; it would have been like about a minimum of a 12-pack drive back to my house. I just got my stuff and when I was finished to head out the door, I pulled up to the Gorilla position, looked at Dusty, looked at Mike Graham, looked at the rest of them, shook my head, and walked out the door. There’s no doing over a live deal. What it is is what it is.”

He also recalled how he Earthquake, IRS and The Million Dollar Man almost got fired following a WrestleMania 8 match, Vince had told the Natural Disasters that they needed a quick match, due to time issues, but did not share the news with DiBiase, who refused to rush the match, even as the ref was telling them to take it home, under duress from Vince in the back, MDM continued to work the match he intended to do...

“That’s true. It was in Indianapolis, Indiana. We were given the cue to go home as we were walking out to our intro music. We went out to the ring, we told them, and they said ‘We’re doing our match!’ So we did the match, however long it was; we were out there for awhile. After we finished the match, we went back to the curtain. Vince was there, losing his mind yelling at us as we were walking through. I said, ‘Don’t talk to me; talk to the captain out there. I just did what I was told to do.’…How we all didn’t get fired from that deal I don’t know.”

New theme:

Wade Barrett has asked the Manic Street Preachers to work on a new entrance theme for him, WWE music chief James A. Johnston is in contact with the group, and the wheels are turning on the project, he says.

NXT star re-added:

Angelo Dawkins has had his official NXT Profile re-uploaded to the promotions website, it had been down for a week, while they changed his profile picture.

Foley's last man:

WWE.Com have shortlisted 5 names as the potential replacement for Ryback on Team Foley for Survivor Series, they are...

* Santino Marella

* Zack Ryder

* Brodus Clay

* Tyson Kidd

* The Miz

No official word on when the announcement will be made, but I presume on Raw.

Before Vince McMahon ''Tore up'' the original plans for Survivor Series a second elimination match was to be added, I have not heard any word about that since, but hopefully the losers on this list will be added to another traditional 5 on 5 match, or, WWE are trying to relaunch the tag division, why not have one of those epic 20 man elimination matches from the events earliest days, they were killer.

WWE burn out:

WWE are all on there way back to the USA after the European tour, with many stars and crew complaining of fatigue and burn out, WWE promise to give them some time off after this weeks TV's are done, to help stars be as fresh as possible for next Sunday's supershow.


“The body seems to know when a long tour’s over. Like my brain says ‘it’s ok to be sore now.” Someone tell it I still have RAW and Smackdown!”

CM Punk...

“Thanks Strasbourg, Nantes, Newcastle, Manchester, Nottingham, Birmingham, Glasgow, Belfast, Dublin, Cardiff and Minehead. I’m shot.”

Jack Swagger:

Continues to work heel on the road, he beat Ted DiBiase last night in Portugal, his first win since he re-joined the road.

Batista called out:

John Shaddock has challenged the former WWE Champion to make him his next MMA opponent, Batista has not responded, as of yet, or confirmed when he will do MMA again, he is a busy actor, right now.

Edge signs:

WWE Hall Of Famer Edge has signed up for another series of TV Show Haven, he will begin filming in February.

Brad Maddox:

Has started to tease his future character on Twitter, it seems he will be a fitness nerd, he has been giving advice to his opponent for Monday Ryback, telling him he should eat better and do more cardio work.

Randy Orton:

WWE have said Randy Orton will be pushed in the next 6 months, but they want to rebuild trust in him, both with fans and officials, following his recent mistakes. He is just one drugs fail from an automatic Future Endeavoured notice, which would mean 1 year minimum that WWE could not rehire him.

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