Saturday, November 24, 2012

Today's News

Jerry Lynn talks retirement:

“In-ring that's it. I don’t have a choice in the matter. My body is done. My bump card is full. I’m on fumes now, and I’m really pushing it. I’m just trying to get around to a lot of my regulars one last time. There’s a couple of independent groups like Crossfire in Nashville, and Extreme Rising, and there might be a few others that may be interested in using me as a road agent behind the scenes to help them with the shows. You never know. I may be interested in being a trainer for the WWE one day. But that needs to be put on the back burner right now, because then I’d have to pick up and move the family. But again, they would have to be interested in me. I couldn’t just show up and say ‘I’m here!’ But I would love to be involved behind the scenes, because I have a passion for this. There’s a lot more I’d like to learn.”

Jim Ross's Thanksgiving day blog:

On WWE...

''The best professional move that I ever made was coming to WWE in 1993. In approximately two months, I will be a 20 year guy in WWE while celebrating 39 years in the business in 2013. The McMahon family has facilitated all my wrestling dreams coming true and a quality of life that I never foresaw''.

On WCW...

''I’m thankful that I left there in 1993. Had some fun years despite the corporate dysfunction and the run away egos that were in positions of power. Nonetheless, Atlanta was my second favorite city in which to live''.

On Jerry Lawler...

''I’m grateful that my friend is still alive. I’m hopeful that he wakes up every day realizing how lucky and blessed that he is to still be above ground''.

On Michael Cole...

''Pleased that our controversial storyline issues are behind us and that we’ve been able to collaborate in a productive manner. I sincerely enjoyed working with Michael while the King was on the mend and have the utmost respect for @MichaelCole. Hopefully we can do it again some day under better circumstances''.

On Steve Austin...

'' We’ve remained our friendship through so much that has occurred in our personal and professional lives. In the wrestling business, long term friendships are challenging to maintain but we have. Hopefully, I will live to see Stone Cold wrestle one, last, big time match in his career and, if I’m lucky, I’ll be there to call it. Hey, a guy can dream, right? Steve Austin will always be known as WWE’s Greatest Superstar for a variety of reasons''.


Johnny Curtis will debut his new character at TLC or Raw the next night, Vince McMahon invented the character to gain fans from the popular show Dancing With The Stars.

He feels, the Men will hate him, and the women will love him, akin to the days of Ravishing Rick Rude.

2012 Best of WWE DVD contents revealed:


A Remarkable Year

WWE Championship Match
CM Punk vs. Dolph Ziggler
Special Guest Referee: John Laurinaitis
Royal Rumble • January 29, 2012

Elimination Chamber Match for the World Heavyweight Championship
Daniel Bryan vs. Big Show vs. The Great Khali vs. Santino Marella vs. Wade Barrett vs. Cody Rhodes
Elimination Chamber • February 19, 2012

One Man, One Legend, One Streak

End of an Era Hell in a Cell Match
Triple H vs. Undertaker
Special Guest Referee: Shawn Michaels
WrestleMania XXVIII • April 1, 2012


Hometown Return

Once in a Lifetime
The Rock vs. John Cena
WrestleMania XXVIII • April 1, 2012

Divas Championship Match
Layla vs. Beth Phoenix
Over the Limit • May 20, 2012

Intercontinental Championship Match
Christian vs. Cody Rhodes
No Way Out • June 17, 2012

Complicated Situations

No Disqualification Match for the WWE Championship
CM Punk vs. Daniel Bryan
Special Guest Referee: AJ
Money in the Bank • July 15, 2012


Colossal Collision

The Perfect Storm
Triple H vs. Brock Lesnar
SummerSlam • August 19, 2012

Randy Orton vs. Dolph Ziggler
Night of Champions • September 16, 2012

WWE Championship Match
CM Punk vs. John Cena
Night of Champions • September 16, 2012

World Heavyweight Championship Match
Sheamus vs. Big Show
Hell in a Cell • October 28, 2012

A Sizzling Year


Best PPV Matches 2012 WWE Blu-ray Content Listing
Ambulance Match
John Cena vs. Kane
Elimination Chamber • February 19, 2012

2 out of 3 Falls Match for the World Heavyweight Championship
Sheamus vs. Daniel Bryan
Extreme Rules • April 29, 2012

SmackDown Money in the Bank Ladder Match
Christian vs. Dolph Ziggler vs. Tensai vs. Santino Marella vs. Damien Sandow vs. Tyson Kidd vs. Cody Rhodes vs. Sin Cara
Money in the Bank • July 15, 2012

WWE Championship Hell in a Cell Match
CM Punk vs. Ryback
Hell in a Cell • October 28, 2012

Backstage Pay-Per View Access:

* CM Punk discusses his match at the Royal Rumble
* Sheamus discusses his involvement at Elimination Chamber
* Layla discusses her match at Extreme Rules
* Christian discusses his match at Over The Limit
* Paul Heyman discusses Brock Lesnar’s match at SummerSlam
* The Miz discusses his match at SummerSlam
* John Cena discusses his match at SummerSlam
* CM Punk discusses his match at SummerSlam

WWE and TNA take weekend off:

WWE have given their cast and crew the weekend off to recuperate from the long and grueling European tour earlier this month, TNA have followed suit and have also shelved any house shows they had booked.

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