Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Today's News

WWE star continues to work hurt:

US Champ Antonio Cesaro is still suffering from the broken bone in his hand, but has again refused to take time out to allow it to heal.

WWE star named:

The controversial Twitter account which likes to reveal backstage secrets from within WWE, has named the star that he alleges asked for his release from the company last week, he says the man was Jack Swagger. Jack is currently in the UK for the tour sporting a very different look (Pic on wall), but there is no word on whether or not he will appear on screen.

CM Punk is not a Forest fan:

WWE Champ CM Punk mocked Nottingham Forest player Lee Camp during the live show in the city this weekend (Video).

After his match he went and shook his hand and later Tweeted...

“Lee Camp! What a good sport!”

Greatest entrances:

WWE.Com have listed the 15 greatest entrances in their history...

15 - The Ultimate Warrior
14 - Goldust
13 - Alberto Del Rio
12 - Glacier
11 - The Sandman
10 - The Rock
09 - Rey Mysterio
08 - Gangrel
07 - Goldberg
06 - The Dragon Rick Steamboat
05 - Hulk Hogan
04 - Kane
03 - Chris Jericho
02 - Triple H
01 - The Undertaker

Linda McMahon:

The wife of WWE boss Vince McMahon has again risked the wrath of her Republican party by posting fliers asking her supporters to vote for the incumbent President Barrack Obama, the flier said...

“President Barack Obama and Linda McMahon will fight for us. Vote Barack Obama For President and Vote Linda McMahon For U.S. Senate”

The President did not return the favour, however, he has taken part in an ad supporting her rival Chris Murphy, interestingly, it was the only ad he has done to support a prospective senator in this campaign.

Stephanie McMahon has taped a Spanish language ad for her Mother, showing Family Photo's of a young McMahon Family (Video)...

Vince McMahon and Triple H were scheduled to fly back to the states to support Linda straight after Raw last night, her chances of winning have slipped further, now standing at 8%.

CM Punk interview:

Interesting highlights, dream opponent, dream match, helping new talent to develop, injuries, and more.

Creative issues:

Dave Kapoor (Better known as Ranjin Singh) lead writer for Raw has not been able to travel to the UK for the current tour, and is not expected to be back on the road for a few weeks, due to an undisclosed medical issue, SmackDown writer Ed Koskey is currently pulling double duty and writing both shows.

Wade Barrett:

Has promised fans in England that he will become the first English WWE World Champion.

Survivor Series card changes:

Vince McMahon was said to have torn up the script for Raw on Friday and started again, he took CM Punk and Ryback out of the Survivor Series match and put them, along with John Cena into a triple threat for the WWE title. The Miz also quit the team, and was replaced by Wade Barrett, Dolph Ziggler will be the new team leader of what was Team Punk. The final spot on team Foley is To Be Announced. Many stars have been left disappointed by the changes, saying Mick Foley's great promo's last week were wasted.

WWE pairs up with another Social Media site:

They have launched the ''Parts Unknown'' service with Tumblr.

New character:

“Fandangoo” will be coming to TV soon, played by Johnny Curtis, he is a ballroom dancer, Curtis has been playing the character on the road for a few weeks, and now WWE are airing vignettes to start the characters transition onto TV.

Live SmackDown teaser:

SmackDown will be live tonight, from Birmingham, England, official teaser...

* Can Randy Orton overcome the numerous threats facing him?

* Will Sheamus and Big Show cross paths?

* What surprises might Booker T have in store for Super SmackDown?

* What’s next with Antonio Cesaro and R-Truth?

* Who should be the new #1 contender – Layla or Kaitlyn?

WWE just miss record:

2012 has had 16 title changes 2nd only to 1996 when 11 titles changes occurred during that calender year.

Jerry Lawler:

WWE plan to keep a 3 man broadcast team, Michael Cole, Jim Ross, and the King, at least in the early days of the King's return to TV, which will be next week on Raw.

Drew McIntyre:

The Scottish superstar missed Raw this week, because his Mother is ''Very Sick'', he went home to be with her, no word on a return for tonight's taping's.

WWE try out:

WWE are to hold a British boot camp before they return to the States, Jim Ross and William Regal will lead up the evaluation team.

Steiner sues TNA / Hardy:

Scott Steiner claims that due to TNA allowing an alcoholically and drug impaired Jeff Hardy to compete in a match vs himself, he suffered neck, nerve and arm damage. he wants $750,000.

Matt Hardy defended his Brother...

“Since 4/1/11, my brother @JEFFHARDYBRAND’s been the most responsible human being I know. Jeff hasn’t done anything wrong in life since then.”

TNA star to quit:

Eric Young has teased he will soon have his last TNA match.

Great news:

TNA Star Jesse Sorenson, who was almost paralysed in an accident at a TNA show, has been cleared to return to the ring, and will do soon vs Sonjay Dutt on Saturday.

WWE stars in pub fight:

WWE.Com say Sheamus, Big Show and William Regal were involved in a pub fight last night, (Storyline IMO).

WWE conveniently had camera's in the pub, and taped this footage.

WWE.Com have also announced that they have cancelled their WrestleMania tickets launch party, due to the New York storm.

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