Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Today's News

WWE break record:

WWE have smashed an 11 year record, which had stood since WrestleMania 18 for day 1 ticket sales to attend WrestleMania 29. They shifted 52,029 tickets, Beating the 51,620 from 2001, when Mania 18's tickets went up for sale.


Ezekiel Jackson has started to weight train today, he has been benched for a while with a chest injury.

Not so funky:

WWE have confirmed that Naomi was the dancer to miss the Irish dates on the WWE European tour, but did not say why.

Sad landmark:

Vickie Guerrero last night tweeted her sadness at the anniversary today of the death of her late husband Eddie Guerrero...

“I have been feeling “off” with many emotions. Tomorrow will be 7 years since Eddie’s passing. I wish I was home with my girls”

Marty Jannetty:

Sad to say it seems my all time favourite tag team are no longer friends (...again).

Marty has recalled seeing Shawn Michaels at a recent fan convention, A WWF poster featuring 16 stars of the early 90's was on the wall, and Marty expressed his sadness that 8 of those faces had since died, (Including Boss Man, Mr. Perfect and Hawk), to which Shawn, he alleges said that he...

''Doesn’t keep up with that kind of stuff''. and that he ''Has other things to do, such as ride his tractor''.

He then went on to show Shawn his horribly injured ankles (Pic on wall), to which Shawn and Bret Hart, who was also at the event said...


Shawn then walked away, leaving Bret to offer to help Marty get the medical help he clearly needs to repair the problem.

This did not impress Marty, he said...

''Bret, who was never a tag team partner, nor best friend at one time..took action..told me what we can do to get it fixed''

Marty who is also suffering from a broken collarbone from an in ring injury, (He is still working despite his medical problems), criticized Shawn in a recent interview, but regretted what he said, so sent HBK a text to apologise, Shawn replied that he had not heard the interview, and asked Marty...

“Are you still in high school?”

WWE are unilkly to help with Marty's medical bills, because he was openly critical of the company's dedication to helping stars new and old with addiction issues, but does not offer the same help to stars with legitimate injuries caused from in ring accidents or wear and tear on the body, which comes from years in the ring.

Survivor Series:

WWE are working on a Survivor Series elimination match with co captains Rey and Sin Cara vs co captains the Prime Time Playa's, the extra spots will be added on tonight's TV taping's I expect.

Tyson Kidd, Justin Gabriel, Primo and Epico are some names rumoured to be involved.

Hall Of Famer Rowdy Roddy Piper is expected to a part of the Survivor Series in some way, he has cancelled all appearances and signings for this weekend.

Two new matches have been confirmed...

Eve Torres vs Kaitlyn (Diva's Title).

Antonio Cesaro vs R-Truth (US Title).

As predicted The Miz has been confirmed as the last man on team Foley, but that may not mean a face turn after all, WWE.Com are asking if he is he out to prove himself, and how would that affect his team's performance. They called ''The Awesome One'' a ''Lone Wolf''.

The theme song is “Now or Never” by the band Outasight.

Wrestling loses an icon:

Mean Gene Okerlund has shaved off his iconic Mustache, shame on you Gene... ;(


Dixie Carter has announced that TNA are going to try to reinvigorate their women's division with a battle royal on Thursday, also announcing the return to the show of former WWE star Mickie James.

They taped Impact last night, so if you don't want to know what happened, look away now...

Impact Spoilers...

* Bobby Roode challenges James Storm to one last match for Storm’s world title shot. Storm accepts.

* Rob Van Dam vs, Kid Kash.

* Aces & 8s attack Magnus backstage.

* Jesse vs Eric Young.

* Devon and a member of Aces & 8s challenge Kurt Angle and Garrett Bischoff to a tag team match.

That match is next.

* Tara and Jesse confront Brooke Hogan in her office about the Knockouts Battle Royal signed for later tonight.

* ODB, Madison Rayne, Gail Kim, Miss Tessmacker and Mickie James wrestle in a Battle Royal for the #1 contenders spot.

* AJ Styles cuts a promo until Daniels and Kazarian interupt. AJ challenges Daniels to one more match but Kazarian says they have nothing left to prove.

* Main Event - Bobby Roode vs James Storm.

Angle regrets leaving WWE:

Kurt Angle has revealed his regrets in leaving WWE, claiming he was going to be the next top guy, not John Cena, but ended saying he is happy with TNA...

''Do I miss the Wrestlemania crowds and the Royal Rumble crowds? Yes, I do. It was hard to walk away from that. I felt, for my family and for my health at the time, I had to seek a reduced schedule. I had a painkiller problem, and problems with my marriage, and I kind of took it out on Vince McMahon. He was trying to make me the guy, before John Cena came along. I just didn’t do the right things. I blame myself for that. You live and you learn''.


WWE have released the full contents of their new Attitude Era DVD...



The Birth of Attitude

Entrance Music

D-Generation X

Austin vs. McMahon

Long-Arching Stories


New Demographic




Wealth of Talent

The World Was Watching

Watershed Period
Jim Ross interviews Goldust & Marlena
Raw – Nov 3, 1997

Steve Austin Throws the InterContinental Championship Off A Bridge
Raw – Dec 15, 1997

Soldier of Love
Raw – May 4, 1998

Mr McMahon Presents Mankind with the WWE Hardcore Championship
Raw – Nov 2, 1998

Jim Ross Interviews Triple H
Sunday Night Heat – July 25, 1999

An Evening At The Friendly Tap
SmackDown! – Jan 20, 2000

Mae Young and the Acolyte Protection Agency
SmackDown! – Jan 27, 2000

“The Jug Band”
Judgment Day 2000

Triple H Trains Trish Stratus
SmackDown! – July 27, 2000

Edges Totally Awesome Birthday
Raw – Oct 30, 2000

The Rocks Message to His Hell in a Cell Opponents
Raw – Dec 4, 2000



Mike Tyson Joins DX
Raw – Mar 2, 1998

A New Beginning For D-Generation X
Raw – March 30, 1998

Sable vs. “Marvelous” Marc Mero
Raw – May 11, 1998

Nation of Degeneration
Raw – July 6, 1998

Brawl for All Match
Bart Gunn vs. “Dr Death” Steve Williams
Raw – July 27, 1998

Four Corners Match for the WWE Tag Team Championship
The Undertaker & Stone Cold Steve Austin vs. Kane & Mankind vs. The New Age Outlaws vs. The Rock & Owen Hart
Raw – Aug 10, 1998

Lions Den Match
Ken Shamrock vs. Owen Hart
SummerSlam 1998

Finals of WWE Championship Tournament
The Rock vs. Mankind
Survivor Series 1998

The Rock & The Undertaker vs. Mankind & Stone Cold Steve Austin
Raw – Dec 7, 1998

Austin Gives The Corporation A Beer Bath
Raw – March 22, 1999

The Undertaker vs. Stone Cold Steve Austin
Raw – June 28, 1999

The Debut of Y2J
Raw – Aug 9, 1999


Content still to be confirmed.

Special Features

(Expected Best Buy Exclusive)

GTV – Al Snow & Head

Mae Young Gives Birth
Raw – Feb 28, 2000

WWE Womens Championship Match
Lita vs. Stephanie McMahon-Helmsley
Raw – June 12, 2000

The Dudley Boyz vs. The Hardy Boyz
Raw – July 17, 2000


King of Kings Match
Ken Shamrock vs. Triple H vs. Owen Hart
Raw – June 29, 1998

The Oddities w/ Insane Clown Posse vs. The Headbangers
Raw – Sept 28, 1998

The Truth About Sammy
Raw – Jan 18, 1999

The Unholy Union of Stephanie McMahon & The Undertaker
Raw – April 26, 1999

The Rock vs. Val Venis
SmackDown – Oct 7, 1999

Survivor Series Elimination Match
Stone Cold Steve Austin, The Rock, Kane & Shane McMahon vs. Triple H, X-Pac & The New Age Outlaws
SmackDown – Nov 4, 1999

WWE Hardcore Championship Match
Al Snow vs. Crash Holly
SmackDown – June 29, 2000

The Hardy Boyz & Lita vs. Perry Saturn, Eddie Guerrero & Dean Malenko
SmackDown – Nov 30, 2000

Chris Jericho & The Dudley Boyz vs. Kurt Angle, Edge & Christian
Raw – Dec 25, 2000

Hardy's future:

Jeff Hardy says he will make his decision on where he will go next, in January next year, he has told friends he wants one more run at the top (WWE) to earn as much money as possible before he retires, but TNA are offering to fund his music career if he stays with them, he said...

“In January when that rolls around, I’ll make a decision. I’ve pretty much made that decision. The music is going to be a huge part of it as far as keeping me around. We haven’t signed anything yet, but we are getting close.”

The Rock:

Reports are that The Rock has signed on to make a movie named Arabian Nights, which will begin shooting in Abu Dhabi in March, adding to his already hectic 2013 schedule.

Edge Q&A:

Interesting answers to A Q&A session on Twitter with Hall Of Famer Edge...

* He will not be at WrestleMania 29 as he will be in Winnipeg that day

* He is not under a WWE Legends contract

* He doesn’t miss being in the ring but does miss the crowd reactions

* He doesn’t really keep up with what happens on WWE RAW

WWE landmark:

WWE will host it's 10th annual Tribute To The Troops later this year. They have signed a deal to have the Muppets involved.

DDP Documentary:

Diamond Dallas Page has released a trailer for his Jake The Snake documentary...

DDP has also been announced as the winner of the Frank Gotch award for 2013, he will be inducted into the Tragos / Thesz Hall Of Fame next year.

WWE Japan game:

THQ chief Corey Ledesma has gone to Japan to sound out Japanese promotions about a link up with the WWE for the next WWE game.

He said talks were going well.

Del Rio joins Twitter:

You can follow him.

Major heat on WWE:

If you didn't see how WWE handled Jerry Lawler's return to Raw watch this...

They have been receiving major heat from mainstream media for this, Fans, Heart Disease Charities, and other workers have also hit out at the insensitivity of the angle.

Personally it was not comfortable viewing, WWE are famous for exploiting a situation for easy heel heat, and this is clearly another case of that, this came across however as mis-guided cruelty.

I hope that this is the first major indication that now Linda has walked away from politics, they intend to move on from PG, but more that this wasn't, as some are claiming, Paul Heyman taking a shot a a man he legit does not like.

Ex star in Playboy:

WWE Alum and girlfriend of The Miz, Maryse has signed on today, to be a future Playboy cover model.

Regal injury:

WWE.Com say William Regal has a broken Jaw and Concussion.

Brad Maddox:

We have not seen the last of him, he will be kept off TV, maybe into the new year, to sell his injuries from last night, but Triple H is a big fan of the guy, he will return with a new character, possibly for the Royal Rumble.

Foley vs Dolph:

WWE are toying with the idea of changing Mick Foley's opponent for TLC, from WWE Champ CM Punk to Dolph Ziggler. Some (Triple H) in the company, feel Foley should not and won't work another match for the company however.

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