Friday, November 23, 2012

Today's News

Christian York on Gutcheck:

Indy star Christian York, has recalled how his recent Gutcheck appearance came about...

“They told me it’s all a shoot, it’s all real. It’s not scripted stuff or anything like that, and we did that. We went from there, they did the profile thing with me, and then the match with Zema (Ion), which was pretty wild. All day long you don’t know anything, its just like a rehearsal type thing. Just stand in the ring and we will go from there. Its all a shoot, they want raw emotion.”

Hulk Hogan is a turkey:

Hulk Hogan has been named as one of 2012's celebrity turkey's, due to his sex tape.

Linda's crude joke:

Linda McMahon has sent cheques to her political team, and attached a condom to each one, with a note saying ''We were screwed''. One of her team did not enjoy the gag, saying it was...

“The rudest gesture you can ever do to a person.”

To add insult to injury, the cheques bounced, Linda has apologized, and promised her team will be payed what they are owed.

John Morrison lands Theatre role:

John Morrison will star in ''A Christmas Carol - Twist Your Dickens'' from November 24 - December 30 at the Kirk Douglas Theatre in LA.


ECW star New Jack fractured his heel and suffered deep bruising after jumping from a balcony, and through tables at Extreme Rising.

The Rock:

Flew home to celebrate Thanksgiving with his family, and is now on a flight back to the UK, to finish his movie Fast 6.

Deal done:

The Watts family have confirmed that they have sold their video library to the WWE.

Bret on 80's vs now:

He was asked to compare his generation, from the current WWE roster...

“They’ve really stepped up a lot. They might not be as big and as bulky as the wrestlers back in the ’80s were, but they’re every bit as hard-workers as this industry has seen. I think they’re working harder today than they’ve ever been working.”

Cody injury update:

From the man himself...

“Just peeked at my shoulder, genuinely quick healer. Be back before most of these big talkers on the list #healingfactor”

Stars celebrate milestones:

Tyson Kidd...

“November 22 2002 I made my New Japan Pro-Wrestling debut. I can still remember every detail about that tour. Can’t believe it’s been 10 yrs”

Justin Roberts...

“It began 16 years ago today, Sonny Rogers allowed me to announce a match on his wrestling show in Waukegan, IL. #Thankful Happy Thanksgiving”

Backstage heat:

Rosa Mendes has furiously chastised new star Brad Maddox, after a video of a Woman, (Who was very clearly, NOT Rosa) getting undressed in the locker rooms, was posted to an account under his name, she wrote...

“@BradMaddoxIsWWE nice move to get more followers. You are a nobody and you will always be a nobody! If ur going make a fake video find someone hotter!! I look nothing like that!! You are such loser! You burned bridges with the wrong Diva!”

The account, however does not belong to Brad, it is owned by a fan, who regularly makes parody accounts, based on the WWE talent.

JBL to get web series:

WWE Alumnus JBL will host a show on WWE.Com...

“Looking forward to The JBL Show debut next week! @wwe .com will carry it. @MichaelCole may also appear some. #dollarwithadime”

WWE overseas:

WWE have announced that their network will host ''Super Shows'' in the UK and around the world, on a regular basis, with the intention of bringing WWE to a global audience.

Most beautiful WWE star:

Miss Elizabeth has been named the most beautiful star in WWE history...

Full list.

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