Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Today's News

Chuck Palumbo on the death of WCW:

“It was very strange, we found out about it pretty much that day and the next thing you know here comes Shane McMahon, Pat Patterson and Jerry Brisco, and that’s when I realised they were taking over. It was a very surreal experience but at the same time I was very fortunate to be on the last Monday Nitro ever,” said Palumbo. “That night it was Sean O’Haire and myself against Mike Awesome and Lance Storm, so it was a good experience.”

He also recalled the tensions when WCW talent turned up to WWE TV Taping's for the first time...

''There were some egos in the WWE and WCW, and I never understood this and I think they regret it now, but when we first came in it was like the WWE guys against the WCW guys and if you think about it that’s kinda foolish, if anything the boys should have been bonding but there was a lot of heat in the air.”

SmackDown SPOILERS!!!:

* John Cena opens the show, and has a confrontation with Alberto Del Rio, leading into a match.

* David Otunga vs Great Khali

* Kofi Kingston and Team Hell No vs Prime Time Playa's and Wade Barrett.

* Damien Sandow vs Tyson Kidd

* The Usos vs 3MB

* Sheamus vs Dolph Ziggler (Main Event).

CM Punk dig at Journo's:

CM Punk confirmed rumours he was going for an X-Ray, with a dig at wrestling writer Dave Meltzer...

“I am getting X-rays. Thought you should know. @davemeltzerWON #scoop”

CM Punk has allegedly been suffering from a knee injury, and this was presumed to be the reason for the medical checks, however after the X-Ray CM Punk tweeted the real reason...

“Suckers. Was a chest X-ray for a physical so I can go up in an F-18. Remember who pulls the strings. #BITW”

WWE 13:

The DLC pack for the most recent WWE game has been announced...

* Tensai
* Ryback
* AJ Lee
* Antonio Cesaro
* The Usos
* Natalya
* Damien Sandow


With Vince McMahon away Triple H was in charge at Raw this week, the atmosphere was described as more laid back, with much less creative rewrites.

Brooklyn Brawler:

Has joined Twitter.

Cody Rhodes:

Has talked with WWE.Com about his injury...

''Well, honestly, the best way I’ve heard the injury described, is that I dodged a bullet. The trap tear is a grade two (on a scale of one to three), but I don’t need surgery — the tears will heal themselves over time with proper physical therapy. The separated shoulder is an old injury from amateur wrestling, and it’s basically the area that could have been considerably worse. I could have landed on my neck, but I turned just in time to land on my shoulder. The separated shoulder is where the most pain is and it’s the AC joint, but like I said, I dodged a bullet — no surgery''.

He ended saying he will not rush back and has no timeline for a return to action.

Cesaro landmark:

Antonio Cesaro today celebrates 100 days as United States Champion.

TV taping's disturbed:

Last nights WWE TV Taping's were halted in between SMS and Main Event when the lights went out and the fire alarm sounded. Early thoughts were it was caused by Kane's pyro, but it later emerged that someone had triggered the alarm manually.

Main Event's taping had to start before the crowd had fully returned to their seats, but SmackDown was unaffected.

WWE creative direction:

Storylines are now locked in up to and including the Royal Rumble, but from there it is ''Still up in the air''.

Hardy Boyz return:

Matt Hardy was interviewed to promote an Indy appearance in New York, and was asked, with him being a free agent and Jeff Hardy's TNA deal expiring, what the chances of a 2013 Hardy Boyz reunion in WWE were???, He replied...

"Very likely!"

I know WWE are monitoring the Jeff Hardy situation, but this is the first time I have heard a link to a Matt return. Coming from Matt however, we will have to be cautious, Matt is not shy about self promotion, Jeff's contract is up in February we will have to wait until then to see what happens.

TNA issues:

Last weeks Impact drew the lowest viewing figures in 6 years.

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