Saturday, November 17, 2012

Today's News

Kurt Angle takes shot at TNA:

Kurt Angle has criticized TNA for under utilizing British Stars Doug Williams and Magnus...

“I think that TNA as a whole might have dropped the ball a little bit with Doug Williams and Magnus, when you look at the talent they have. They are starting to use Magnus and I believe they have big plans for him. But the reason I thought they might have dropped the ball is because he was so young when he started. They might have thought ‘he’s just a baby, we can wait,’ but four years later he’s still only 25.”


Carlito has signed on to put his hair on the line in a match in Puerto Rico next month.

Chavo Guerrero interview:

Chavo was asked how much notice WWE paid of TNA during his time there...

“At first it wasn’t, TNA was seen as just coming up in the business but then little by little they started to pick up more momentum and at this point in time I think TNA has the most momentum we have ever had, If you look at our roster compared to anybodies, WWE’s, New Japan, Ring of Honor, I think we have the best roster in the world right now.”

He also compared his bosses from WWE, WCW and TNA, (Vince, Bischoff and Dixie)...

“First of all they are all great businessmen and women, they are at the head of companies because being a business person you have to be able to make those hard decisions and make good decisions, so that’s the similarities, Differences, to me you have Vince McMahon who rules with fear, you better watch out or he’s going to cut your head off. Dixie Carter she rules with love and she is happy to have you on her roster and when you do well she lets you know about it. Eric Bischoff, he was kind of in the middle, sometimes he was very mean and wanted to bite your head off and other times you would go out for a beer with the guy.”

WWE releases expected soon:

WWE are expected to have a talent clear out in the next few weeks, they have been holding off to avoid criticism for Linda McMahon in her bid to be elected to the US Senate, now those gloves are off.

No names have yet emerged, but some have got to be worried, JTG was very outspoken of WWE earlier this year over pay, Jack Swagger, who reportedly asked for, but was refused his release recently, (Typical Vince, refuse a release, then fire the guy), Evan Bourne, who is one drugs fail from being axed, Curt Hawkins, Trent Baretta, Ezekiel Jackson who have all lost their way, and have had / are having long injury lay offs, Tensai, who has failed to live up to the hype he returned with, and Zack Ryder and Santino Marella, who have been pulled from this Sunday's PPV with no reason provided, Zack is also very critical of WWE, for ruining his YouTube show.

Developmental cuts:

To add to the two stars released yesterday, the profiles of Chase Donovan and Nick Rogers have been removed from the NXT website today, indicating the end of their WWE career's.

Kofi updates Evan Bourne situation:

“Yeah, Evan is doing alright, he has been doing some rehab for his ankle. For those who don’t know, he got into a pretty bad motorcycle accident and pretty much broke almost every bone in his foot…but he’s doing great and he has a real positive attitude…he’ll be back before we know it and doing what he does best and that’s fly around the ring and do all types of superhero/action figure-esque video game type moves…he should be back hopefully soon, not sure the exact timetable on it but yeah he’s doing great.”

He also recalled an embarrassing moment in his earlier career, where he was chastised by Randy Orton during a match...

“Everyone knows Randy kinda has an attitude, so that’s Randy being Randy. What everyone doesn’t remember is that we were in a heated rivalry so a lot of what you saw was him being his character and him kinda playing to that. I thought it was real funny when I started reading these things like ‘Randy Orton doesn’t like Kofi’, which I think is fine because it added to what we were doing at the time, it made people more interested in what we were doing…it is what it is….”

Booker on Benoit:

Booker T was asked how he can separate his friendship with the late grappler, from the man that killed his Family...

“I separate them because I have to. You can’t put the two together. I think of the Chris I knew on the road and in Japan, eating the frickin’ noodles, traveling and working together for years. I can’t put those two people together because I really think the two were different people at the time. We’ll never know what happened, and that’s the thing: We don’t know. The brain is a fragile machine, because you can live with a person for 30 years and then they kill you one day.”

Rene Dupree returns to the US:

Rene who has not worked in America since he departed WWE, returned for a match with Pro Wrestling Syndicate, he was described as much smaller.

Austin on HOF:

Stone Cold Steve Austin has had his say on who he feels is missing from the WWE Hall Of Fame...

''Well, if you’re going to go down that road, I think ‘Macho Man’ Randy Savage needs to be in there. I think the Rock ‘n’ Roll Express need to be in there. I think the Midnight Express need to be in there. I think a guy like ‘Superstar’ Bill Dundee, who a lot of people haven’t heard of, needs to be in there. I could go on and on, but those are a couple of people who’d be on the top of my list''.

Cody Rhodes update:

Cody underwent an MRI on his injured shoulder on Thursday, but will not be cleared to wrestle on Sunday until the last minute, due to his concussion.

Johnny Curtis's new character Fandango is the new favourite to replace him, but Tensai and Jack Swagger are also been talked about as a replacement.

WWE list the 20 greatest Attitude Era stars:

20. The APA – Faarooq and Bradshaw
19. Shane McMahon
18. Goldust
17. The Dudley Boys
16. Bret Hitman Hart
15. Kurt Angle
14. Team Extreme – Matt Hardy, Jeff Hardy, Lita
13. Stephanie McMahon
12. Big Show
11. Edge and Christian
10. Chris Jericho
9. Kane
8. The New Age Outlaws
7. The Undertaker
6. Shawn Michaels
5. Vince McMahon
4. Mick Foley
3. Triple H
2. The Rock
1. Steve Austin

WWE promotions:

NXT Champion Seth Rollins and Dean Ambrose will be promoted to the main WWE roster before the end of 2012.

Seth will have to drop his title first, Dean was to be promoted earlier this year for a feud with Mick Foley, but the angle was squashed by Triple H.

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