Thursday, November 15, 2012

Today's News

Matt Hardy:

Matt has conceded that he and his Brother Jeff, may have being too extreme in their early WWE career, in the desperate hopes of getting noticed. He cited the toll taken on their bodies, and the difficulty in living up to the standards they set as the main reasons...

“We definitely raised the bar too high that we made it harder for everyone else to get near it, even ourselves. We tried to make each match better. Jeff and I wrestled in ladder matches up and down the East Coast on the independents. It was our idea (in WWE), we pitched that. Then Edge and Christian were two guys that worked like us, and had the athleticism and the intestinal fortitude to compete in these matches, and they were magical. No Mercy 1999 we turned the corner and went from WWE wrestlers to WWE Superstars. We had no idea how historic that match would be. This led to matches with the Dudleys, the TLC matches, and how far we went with that.”

Austin on Hogan:

Stone Cold Steve Austin says the reason the match between himself and Hulk Hogan never happened, is he just did not think it would work, and probably would not look good.

WWE promotions:

WWE are desperate to get new faces into the women's division to freshen up the division and get new challengers for Eve's title, and are preparing to fast track the promotion of 1, maybe 2 of their developmental stars.

Hall Of Fame news:

Mick Foley is the first name to be ''Locked'' in as a member of the class of 2013.

WWE are also working on inducting Owen Hart into next years class, to celebrate the famous match between himself and his Brother Bret Hitman Hart, from WrestleMania 10, which happened in the same arena as next April's Hall Of Fame ceremony, Madison Square Garden.

However... Another of Owen's Brother's, Smith Hart has said his wife Martha will never allow that to happen, as long as she is the executor of his estate...

“Because she blames the wrestling business in its entirety for his death, She is the sole owner of his estate. With Martha, there will never Be a way, perhaps his kids may eventually make the choice. But that's at least 20 yrs in future.”

As Martha has said herself, she will eventually hand the estate over to her children Oje and Athena, and will then allow them to make the choice, but that will not be for at least 20 years.

If it happens or not, it is great to hear the WWE acknowledging Owen's long and successful career.

Not so good news for Ultimate Warrior fans, sources within WWE say talk of his induction has cooled off greatly in recent weeks, especially with Bruno Sammartino re-opening the door to a possible headline inductee role next year, this could be a swerve though, I hear they plan on making the first HOF 2013 announcement at the Royal Rumble, which is in Warrior's home town Phoenix.

WWE steal TNA ideas:

WWE have openly admitted taking a TNA idea to narrate over a VT, and have used the idea on their own programming, Vince McMahon said...

“WWE could do it better.”

NXT British invasion:

Two of the three Brits recently signed to WWE developmental deals, Pac and Stevie Swann have officially begun their WWE career's today, they have had their profile added to the feeder league's website.

Axl Keegan, Scott Dawson and Mercedes KV were also added today.


Mick Foley vs CM Punk is scheduled to be the PPV main event for December's show.

WrestleMania 29:

A creative leak has confirmed plans are CM Punk will get his last remaining wish from his WWE career, he will be in the last match of next years Supershow.

Jimmy Hart:

Hall Of Famer Jimmy Hart is on Twitter... @RealJimmyHart.

Cody Rhodes Injury update:

Cody Rhodes has suffered a concussion and strained shoulder, from a horrible bump on Tuesday, he will undergo medical tests this weekend, but his Survivor Series match is now said to be ''Up in the air''. No word yet on a possible replacement for him.

Beth Phoenix:

Former Diva's Champion Beth says she is “Truly content” and happy to be retired from wrestling.

WWE star vs Rapper:

Flo Rida has signed on to perform for WWE's Tribute to the Troops show, and already, he and Heath Slater have picked up their Twitter feud, which started at WrestleMania.

This will eventually lead to a match.


WWE have confirmed they intend to hold next years SummerSlam in Cardiff's Millennium Stadium in Wales, they still have concerns over time difference, TV Schedules and advertising, so will also look at holding a lesser PPV, possibly July's Money In The Bank, or a stand alone PPV, akin to the old events like Rebellion and Mayhem in Manchester, as a test event, earlier in 2013.

This will leave Los Angeles free to bid for WrestleMania 30, WWE have always preferred having the Summer showpiece there, and Mania elsewhere, but LA have lobbied for years to get the chance to host the biggest event in wrestling, and it seems WWE may finally give them a chance.

Louisiana is the current favourite, however.

Lawler angle continues to draw heat:

WWE insiders have now come out openly critical of this weeks angle on Raw, one saying the whole angle was a perfect example of “how Vince McMahon thinks.” adding no-one was shocked, by his decision to go with it.

None of the Roster have criticized the angle, but are upset that footage of Lawler, from backstage while he was fighting for his life was aired on TV in a video package.

Drew McIntyre:

WWE man Drew is on his way back to the United States after the loss of his Mother, he will return to WWE in time for this Sunday's Survivor Series.


* Wes Brisco beat Garrett Bischoff in a Gut Check match. Kurt Angle came out after the match and celebrated with Brisco.

* Joey Ryan comes out and announces Open Fight Night for all Gut Check winners. Ryan talks about how he and Matt Morgan can’t be stopped. He calls out Chavo Guerrero for a match. Chavo defeated Ryan by DQ when Morgan came out and hit a chokeslam. Hernandez came out and they brawled.

* Sam Shaw comes out and talks about winning Gut Check. He calls out the first winner Alex Silva. Shaw defeats Silva with a diving leg drop.

* Backstage segment with ODB, Eric Young and Hulk Hogan. There’s going to be a Turkey Challenge tonight and EY is in it.

* Christian York comes out and talks about Gut Check and his 16 years in wrestling. He challenges Jeff Hardy to a non-title match. Hardy defeated York in a great match. They celebrated after the match until Bobby Roode attacked and laid them both out. He taunted Hardy.

* Taeler Hendrix comes out and talks about Gut Check. She challenges Tara and loses in a non-title match.

* Eric Young beat Robbie E and Jesse Godderz in a three-way. Jesse had to put on a turkey suit after the match. Aces & 8s attacked Young after that, using a bat, hammer and chair while ODB was handcuffed. Agents all ran down and they took EY out on a stretcher.

* Daniels and Kazarian come out to cut a promo on Final Resolution and AJ Styles.

* AJ Styles beat Kazarian.

* Austin Aries come out and talks. He rips Hulk Hogan and Brooke Hogan. Brooke comes out and they have words about her being with Bully Ray. Hogan ends up coming down as does Bully Ray. Aries escapes the ring and laughs at everyone. Brooke runs away crying while Hogan and Ray stare at each other.

Sting to WWE:

Hulk Hogan has responded to rumours flying around the net, that Triple H has met with Sting to offer him a WWE deal...

“I don’t blame him, Sting is hotter than he’s ever been and still moves like he’s a teenager, don’t forget I’m Sting’s partner. HH.”

He also squashed rumours that Ted Turner is to buy into TNA...

“I’ve had that thought come into my head about a million times already, good idea, it’s just a different time now. HH”

AJ Styles:

AJ has signed a book deal to release his autobiography.

TNA high on Aces and Eights man:

TNA feel they have lucked into bad management by WWE, and are thrilled to have Doc, formerly Luke Gallows on their roster.

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