Thursday, November 8, 2012

Today's News


The Former WWE Champ has again recalled how a referee botch ruined his early career in WWE... (He's not bitter... much).

“My first Survivor Series my team was to go over and it was to be my first big push. It was one of first times refs used ear pieces, or at least, different ear pieces. So, I do a ‘false finish’ and Tim White counts me out! I had kicked out on ’2,’ but Tim was listening to someone in his ear and wasn’t paying attention. He looked up and said, ‘Oh my God, kid, I am so sorry,’ but then had to pantomine he was sending me out of ring.”

“I got to the back and was chewed out, I couldn’t stooge Tim so I just took it-later they realized Tim made a mistake and told me they were sorry. It was my pal Gerald Brisco that had chewed me out as he ran ‘Gorilla’ back then. My push was killed and pretty much so was ‘Justin Hawk Bradshaw,’ but that is a different story-which I’ll tell later. I thought about this today as I was reading some tweets from folks about Survivor Series.”

You can watch the match here.

The Botch is at the 10.50 mark.

Roddy Piper vs McMahon's:

WWE Hall Of Famer Roddy Piper has hit out at Linda McMahon spending $90M on her failed election campaign, but WWE made Talent pay their own hotel bills at WrestleMania this year...

“Can spend 90 million on a losing election but won’t give the people that earned that money for them medical or retirement help of any 

“They can spend 90 mill on elections but still make midcarders pay their and their family own way for wrestlemania. crazy.”

Chris Jericho UK show:

Chris Jericho will host a one man show at The Garage in London on November 25, telling road stories from his time with WWE.

Kharma returns:

WWE Alumnus Kharma will return to the ring, for the first time since her surprise entrance into the Royal Rumble, on November 17 for Shine, she will team with another WWE alum Jazz.

WWE vs Movies clash for The Rock:

The Rock has been named as the preferred star to take the lead role in the new Hercules movie, however production begins during his upcoming WWE title reign, between the Royal Rumble and WrestleMania next year.

Booker T vs Batista:

Booker T has openly discussed his fist fight with Batista from 2006.

The locker room were very critical of Batista's too quick rise to the top of the roster, and his lack of respect for those that went before.

During a promotional shoot for SummerSlam 2006, Booker took Batista into an empty room and called for him to go, they fought for about five minutes and apart from a sucker punch by Batista as Booker had his back turned to close the door of the room, Booker dominated his much more muscular opponent.

WWE said at the time, the incident was ''Blown out of proportion'', Booker disagrees...

“It wasn’t blown out of proportion. He took a pretty good beating...

“The thing is, when you’re in a fight, it’s different from an MMA fight. That’s the thing with me. I’ve fought my whole life. You don’t just call a person out to a fight if you don’t know their background, what they’ve been through, and how to test them. That was his mistake, and I think it was definitely a case of him underestimating me, and thinking he was the bigger guy. For me fighting is in the blood, and it’s something I grew up doing. Honestly though, I hope Batista does well (in MMA), even just for the business’ sake.”

Survivor Series:

WWE changed the main event for Survivor Series because they do not feel that Tag Team main events draw money, and that the Hell In A Cell numbers were so good they wanted to continue to use Ryback's momentum to it's fullest impact.

NXT roster update:

WWE have confirmed that Angelo Dawkins has not been released, they are working on his profile.

Jerry Lawler:

Has tweeted on his return to Raw...

''Really excited about returning to Raw this Monday night in Columbus, Ohio!! I’ve missed everyone!”

JBL re-signs:

JBL Has signed a new WWE contract, he will be a full time commentator on SmackDown alongside Josh Matthews.


WWE were so happy with the incredible crowd response at the tour, that they arranged meetings with officials at some of the countries biggest arena's including Cardiff's Millennium Stadium, Old Trafford in Manchester and an un-named arena in London (I know they are interested in the Olympic Stadium, and a return to Wembley, so I presume one or both of those were the arena in question).

There has been talk of WrestleMania 30 coming to the UK, that announcement will not be made until early next year, Wade Barrett has joined in calls to get them over here for another major PPV event...

“Wrestlemania 29 tickets go on sale this Saturday and I’ve no doubt that the Brits will again make up a disproportionately large % of sales. After showing that they are the best fans on the planet this week in Brum, I think it’s about time Summerslam made a return to Wembley. There is no place in the world i’d rather beat Sheamus than over the centre-circle of the greatest stadium in the world.”

The last PPV to happen outside the US or Canada was SummerSlam 1992.

Not all positive news though, JR was critical of the UK tryouts...

''Perhaps conditioning & focus an issue.''

CM Punk:

The current WWE champion has hit out at parallels been drawn between Linda McMahon's political bid and the PG Era...

“Enough about the PG era and Linda. Nothing to do with one another. Stop living in the last. Eyes front, one foot in front of the other…”

He has also accepted a role in a TV show, without WWE approval, he says if he told the show that approached him to got through the WWE office, they would reject it, but he wanted to do it, he has not yet named the show, but the appearance will be taped in a few weeks.

WWE injuries:

WWE have released the times they expect some of their benched talent to return...

* Mark Henry right now is scheduled to return at the end of 2012 after having shoulder surgery a few months back.

* Hunico is scheduled to return at the end of January 2013 after surgery for a torn ACL.

* Evan Bourne is scheduled back in early spring after a foot injury.

* Christian is expected back in late November or early December after shoulder surgery

Brad Maddox:

The screwy ref form Hell In A Cell, was personally brought in to WWE by Triple H, despite being considered ordinary and not a stand out star, during his WWE developmental career.

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