Sunday, November 25, 2012

Today's News

With no house shows this weekend, there is not much to tell you about, but to keep up the daily news, I have got to post something...!!!

Bret Hart interview:

On the Attitude Era...

“By the early ’90s when I was sort of in my prime, we started moving to the Attitude Era and I like to think that I kicked the doors open for the Attitude Era. It was more about the wrestling. It wasn’t so much about the characters, even though we were in a lot of ways much more interesting characters.

“The titles really seemed to mean a lot to the wrestlers in that era. Winning and losing and being on top was sort of critical… Winning titles meant prestige and better pay. The top guys were making the best money. So there was a lot at stake. I think all that played into that Attitude Era. I know for me probably in ’97, for sure, I had my greatest matches in the WWE. I was for sure in my prime, (doing) my best stuff.”

On The Undertaker...

“Whereas in the beginning, he was kind of like Frankenstein, kind of moving around slow and ponderous in the ring, and was very methodical. But times changed and by the mid-90s, Undertaker had revamped his whole character.”

On Hulk Hogan...

“I don’t want to rag too much on Hulk Hogan but he’s pretty one-dimensional. Very big guy. The great, magnificent body that he had — the 22-inch arms and all that kind of stuff. But after a while, after (The Ultimate) Warrior came, it was like, ‘Enough of the body-building, let’s go on with who can actually do a drop-kick and who can actually climb up on top and do stuff.’

“I think the wrestling really did change from these sort of dinosaurs to the guys who were really picking it up and doing the moves.”

R-Truth on WWE vs Music:

“I’ve been wrestling and making music for a long time. I’ve been around the right people in the entertainment business who know what it takes in several different areas to make things happen. I’m passionate about both of them, so I try to be an artist when I’m doing both. In many ways professional wrestling is a dance. I guess it depends on how you look at it. When I’m in the ring I’ve got a million people watching me weekly, looking for me to present something memorable to them. I try to do that in the studio as well.”

TNA Impact teaser:

- The countdown continues to December's Final Resolution event, featuring Jeff Hardy vs. Bobby Roode for the World Heavyweight Championship! Both Hardy and Roode will be on the huge broadcast - what will happen when champion and challenger go face-to-face?

- Thursday's IMPACT also showcases the return of CHAMPIONSHIP THURSDAY! X Division Champion Rob Van Dam will defend his title on the broadcast - who will IMPACT General Manager Hulk Hogan select to face RVD? Tune in and find out!

- Last week, Austin Aries dropped a bombshell on Hulk Hogan with his accusation about his daughter, Brooke Hogan. How will Hulk, Brooke and Bully Ray react this Thursday night on SpikeTV? Is Aries ready for the potential war he just started with Hulk and Bully Ray?

- Did second-generation star Wes Brisco pass his TNA GUT CHECK? After his tryout match, Brisco will face the judges on Thursday's IMPACT! Will Brisco realize his dream of earning a spot on the roster - or is it back to the proving grounds for the young star?

- Plus, it's a huge tag team war on IMPACT as "The Phenomenal" AJ Styles teams up with "Cowboy" James Storm to take on Christopher Daniels and Kazarian!

The Rock on NFL vs Rugby:

He told an Australian news reporter...

''There is no tougher sport than rugby"

He then challenged NFL players to prove themselves, by taking off the pads and playing the game as it is meant to be played...

"And for those who have played it and understand the game know what I am talking about and those who don't and I have this argument with my American buddies all the time who are great football players and I tell them 'so as amazing as you are in football I want you to take all your pads off including your helmet and go play the game and see how long you last'. So no I don't wish I was playing."

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