Sunday, November 18, 2012

Today's News

Firstly we have passed 500 fans since yesterday's post, so thank you all for following the page and welcome to the newcomers... 


Former WWE man gets creepy new show:

The Boogeyman will host ''Boogeyman's Bedtime Stories''. trailer (Video)...

Cody Rhodes injury update:

Cody has tweeted the extent of his injuries from Tuesday's awful bump...

“Torn trapezius grade 2, torn deltoid grade 1, separated shoulder, no surgery needed,”

He still hopes to compete tonight, however...

“Won’t stop us. #boyhooddream.”

He then thanked his friends...

“In debt to @TedDiBiase for packing my bag that night, and @TheDamienSandow for refusing to tag me in after I got hurt…protected my career.”

Ricardo Rodriguez is now favourite to get the spot if Cody is not cleared.

Better news for Cody, his girlfriend Eden Stiles has announced they are now engaged to be married, Congrats to them both.

WWE developmental star attacks WWE:

Tac has tweeted many messages attacking the company's product, and said to one fan that the show had been ''On repeat'' for 10 years...

“I am here to bring change to #wwe to give power to the people instead of telling you what to love #TACRevolution,” 

“Not one person in developmental or #wwe have the accolades that I do, yet they act like they are deserved something. #wwe you deserve more! Same generic cookie cutter wrestlers. ONE speaks out and he’s a REVOLUTION starter? Change is coming! #wwe you deserve it! #TAC REVOLUTION.”

“#wwe you deserve a REAL REVOLUTION. A revolution is not taking the mic from @JohnCena FOLLOW ME! I ill bring you to a REVOLUTION! #TAC.

“Everybody is afraid of getting fired and that’s why they play it safe! Thats why what you #wwe fans get is all the same old stuff

“Don’t you #wwe fans want something new? A real revolution? A real change? Demand it. I will lead you #TAC revolution.

“not afraid to get fired. It’s happened before. But if I don’t attempt to make a change in what I love, that means I failed all of you #wwe

“I’m sure right now people are squirming in their seats in Connecticut! But we all know what needs to be done #wwe #TAC revolution follow me!

“Don’t all of you want change?Do you feel like you’ve been watching the same show on repeat since ’02?Get behind me and we will make a change.

“I can’t lower your taxes, or bring you health care. But what I can do is bring change to what you love, #wwe #TACRevolution

“No one will stand up for what they believe in because they are a puppet to the “machine” I have cut my own strings to bring you change! #wwe.”

He says he is a life long fan, and has collected over 900 action figures, but does not recognize the company anymore.

Survivor Series:

Tonight's PPV card, One more match is expected to be added, will do a live comms on Shaggy's Wrestling Page.

WWE Title Triple Threat
John Cena vs. Ryback vs. CM Punk

World Heavyweight Title Match
Sheamus vs. Big Show

Traditional Survivor Series Match
Team Foley: The Miz, Randy Orton, Kane, Daniel Bryan and Kofi Kingston vs. Team Ziggler: Damien Sandow, Wade Barrett, Alberto Del Rio, Dolph Ziggler and a possible replacement for Cody Rhodes

WWE United States Title Match
R-Truth vs. Antonio Cesaro

WWE Divas Title Match
Kaitlyn vs. Eve Torres

YouTube Pre-show Match
Tyson Kidd and Justin Gabriel vs. Heath Slater and Jinder Mahal

Worries over Matt Hardy's health:

Matt Hardy was hurt after being pushed from the top rope to the floor, during a match at Extreme Rising, he was sick, then fell down and began to go into convulsions, he was trying to sit up as the show went off the air, but was made to lay back down by the doctors.

Early word is he suffered a concussion, and has damaged his ribs.

Benefit show:

Dutch Mantell is to hold a wrestling benefit event in tribute to his 16 year old Grand Daughter Amelia, who was killed by a man trying to avoid cops in Tennessee.

The show will be tonight at 6pm from 10-18 Seals Way in Murfreesboro, Tennessee. Crimson.

For more information, call 615-243-7574.

Incident between former WWE stars:

TMZ are reporting they have news of an incident between John Morrison and Melina, which they will release on Monday.

Police were called.

Kurt Angle on Hall Of Fame:

Kurt Angle say he deserves to be inducted into the WWE Hall Of Fame, but isn't going to wait by the phone...

"The best times I had were with WWE. Will it come back full circle? I don't know. I do know that I'm not going to stand by the door and wait for an invite. I deserve it.

"I am very happy right now with TNA. Will it happen? I never answer that one way or the other because in pro wrestling you just don't know."

Cena new look:

John Cena says he will debut new ring gear tonight.

DDP on Jake The Snake:

"Jake's down 40lbs, when we filmed him to begin with, just standing up and going to the floor to do a push up. He couldn't do it. He had to have a chair or a table to push himself up. Now he can''.

"The whole point of the Resurrection of Jake is to go out on his terms. We say it all the time, his history is not his destiny and he knows that he messed up. He knows he dropped the ball numerous times. He knows he's a junkie and an alcoholic, so we provide here at my house that we call the 'accountability crib', you're accountable for everything! He has really come light years in a very short time, he still has a long way to go. The goal is to not have it end the way it ended, you know, on TMZ. Where he was all sh*tfaced in the ring and couldn't do anything. The guy was one of the greatest performers of all time, he wants to go out with some dignity. So we want to get him ready for either one last tour or one last match, we'll see how that works out. And hopefully he can retire with his head held high."

Chris Jericho recalls almost quitting WWF during his first year:

"I remember the week before I lost to Viscera on Sunday Night Heat and I was like "This is it" I was pissed off, I was ready to quit. I showed up that day and i told one of the writers "I'm done, this is bulls--t" At that point I wanted to go, nobody was forcing me to quit, I just wasn't doing anything. Brian told me "Maybe you should wait before you go talk to him" He said "You're gonna win the title tonight" I think it was a test to see what the crowd would do. I think if Vince knew how the crowd would react he might not have had me lose it later that night but it was the first test that I had that I passed with flying colours not just with Vince but with Triple H as well. It was the first time I'd had a great match in WWE. Even though I lost, I won that night. Thats what led to my last man standing match with Triple H."

WWE pull freebies:

WWE have stopped giving free tickets to students at Full Sail University, the site of the NXT tapings.

Another WWE release:

Lincoln Broderick is the fifth star to have his profile removed from the NXT roster page, indicating he has been released, PWI have confirmed the releases of 3 of the other four, (Chad Baxter, Chase Donovan, and Nick Rogers), while the fourth Louis Fontaine, quit on Thursday.

WCW man dies:

Awesome Kong, real name Dwayne McCullough's death was announced by Texas Stampede, via their Facebook page, he was 54.

Will add his profile to R.I.P Dead Wrestlers later.

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