Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Today's News

CM Punk TV appearance:

WWE Champion CM Punk appeared on the panel show Talking Dead, to discuss his favourite TV Show, ''The Walking Dead'' on Sunday, interestingly he never mentioned WWE once, when he was first introduced the Show's host introduced him as WWE Champ, but that was the only mention of the company, he also did not perform in character, cracking jokes and enjoying himself throughout the broadcast.

He has now surpassed his hero Macho Man Randy Savage's 371 day WWF/E title reign.

Hulk Hogan to help hurricane victim:

A huge wrestling fan lost his entire collection of wrestling merch during the massive storm in New York last month, he wrote to Hulk Hogan who is now working on replacing his collection for him.

TLC match change:

WWE have now confirmed a WWE title TLC match between CM Punk and Ryback will headline December's PPV.

They had been working on 3 or 4 different ideas.

Also a possible stipulation for John Cena's match vs Dolph Ziggler has emerged, Dolph's Briefcase may be put up against the Raw GM job, if Cena wins He gets a Dolph's title shot and AJ gets her old job back, if Dolph wins things stay as they are currently.

Rock on Raw:

The Rock has confirmed two appearances on Raw in 2013, January 28, which is the night after the Royal Rumble and February 18.

Orton pulled:

No word on why, but Randy Orton has been withdrawn from tonight's WWE TV taping's and has been replaced by John Cena.

3MB record first single:

Heath Slater's new group missed Raw last night, they were in New Orleans recording a video for their first music single.

It involved a barfight.

WrestleMania 31 venue:

Still no word on the venue for WrestleMania 30, but Cowboys Stadium in Arlington, Texas is the clear favourite to host Mania 31 in 2015.

Why Ryback's title win was nixed:

As I reported Ryback was set to win the WWE title at Survivor Series, then drop it back to CM Punk at TLC, Vince McMahon killed the idea, because he was worried about how The Rock would react, he has been under the impression since Raw 1000 that he would be the man to end Punks reign, and Vince worried that a deviation in that plan could cost them The Rock's services for 2013, plans for next year have since changed drastically (see post on November 22).

Earl Hebner on Montreal screwjob:

"Bret had plenty of time to drop the belt. He could've dropped it in the United States. I didn't know much about the deal with those two but he could've dropped the belt to anyone, hell he could've dropped it to me. But he had an ego and he didn't wanna do it. Time was running out. If you're leavin you drop the strap, he didn't wanna do it. If you remember Alundra Blayze went down there and dropped the Womens belt in the trash. Now if you have a $3 million deal to go to another company, why would you even hesitate to drop the belt? I mean why? Your moneys already guaranteed when you get there. Just drop it and go. A lot of people put him over, made him who he is. So he's gonna refuse to drop it and make those guys look like idiots? This business is a work."

On swearing he would not screw him...

"I was sitting on a plane with Bret. His very words "Will you count me out?" I said "If you keep your shoulder up, I will not count you out" Which I didn't count him out. Did he get pinned 1.2.3? You stop and think about my position. I'm thinking about the guys in the back. Austin, Undertaker, Rocky all the guys that put him over as being the Worlds Champion, we made him what he was, so he's leaving us and he's screwing us because he doesn't want to drop the belt. So on my way to the ring, I'm thinking it's not fair. Someone asked me, I won't say who, about two minutes before I walked to the ring, I said I can't tell you what I'm gonna do, but when I walked to the ring, I thought about all the boys back in the dressing room, so it wasn't right for him to screw 25 guys because of his stubbornness, so thats why I did what I did. When McMahon and Sgt Slaughter came to the ring, whether I had done it or not, that bell was gonna ring. The only thing that made it more official is that I motioned for the bell."

He added...

"It could have been a work. McMahon, Bret, WCW could've all been in on it for all I know. I'm gonna go 50/50 on it. I think it was but I can't say for sure, but look where Bret is now."

Bret's Wife Julie also joined the interview...

"It wasn't really till we got to Montreal. I remember someone came to Bret and told him that they'd saw Shawn getting into an elevator with Vince in his hotel and that kinda got Bret a little worried. That was earlier in the day. The kids and I had gone shopping and when we got back, Bret said he had to go talk to our lawyer who was in town with us as well. The source, I can't tell you who it is, but the source had said what happened, so bret went over to our lawyer to talk about it and that's when Bret really started getting nervous."

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