Monday, November 19, 2012

Today's News

Survivor Series news and notes:

The Pre Show match was 3MB vs Zack Ryder and Santino Marella, this allowed Tyson Kidd and Justin Gabriel to compete in the bonus Elimination match, which kicked off the show (They won).

Kaitlyn's attacker was revealed as Aksana, she failed to win the Women's Title, but looked good in a strong losing effort.

Antonio Cesaro retained his US title.

Tamina Snuka returned, as a heel, attacking AJ during a segment with Vickie Guerrero.

Big Show retained his World Title.

Cody Rhodes could not compete, due to his injuries, he was replaced by David Otunga, Dolph Ziggler won this match.

Interestingly Randy Orton began his heel turn, he was shaping to hit the illegal Punt kick, before Dolph countered with Sweet Chin Music.

Also after 10 years with WWE Damien Sandow finally got his Major PPV debut, he had wrestled on lesser PPV's (Including dressed as the Easter Bunny once), but last night was the first time he made it onto the card of one of the traditional big 4/5.

Antonio Cesaro and Kaitlyn also had their Super Card debut's.

CM Punk retained his WWE title, and as of today has been champion for a full calender year.

Three members of the NXT roster attacked Ryback during the match, NXT Champ Seth Rollins, Dean Ambrose and Roman Reigns.

Seth and Dean will be added to the main roster, but some feel it is too early for Roman Reigns, (Who is the son of Hall Of Famer, Sika) Triple H is a big fan of him however, so he may be promoted too.

This is set to lead into a Nexus style, NXT invasion, with the promotions of some of the Developmental group's other top stars (Including the Women) to follow.

Corey Graves tweeted ''My turn'' during the angle, teasing he will be a part of this at some point.

Ryback may have been injured during the NXT attack, he had to be helped to the back by WWE officials after the show.

The arena was only 2/3 full, large sections of the balcony area was tarped over to disguise the empty seats.

Tonight's Raw teaser:

* Will we find out why Seth Rollins, Dean Ambrose and Roman Reigns attacked Ryback?

* What will John Cena do next in his quest to get back on top?

* After being screwed at Hell In a Cell and Survivor Series, is Ryback about to snap?

* Is tonight the beginning of a dominant run for Dolph Ziggler?

* Will AJ Lee retaliate for being attacked by Tamina Snuka?


Sheamus' vicious attack after the World Title match last night is to set up a chairs match at next months TLC, this will culminate the feud between himself and current champ Big Show.

WWE introduce newcomers:

WWE have posted a brief biog on the three guys who debuted at Survivor Series last night...

Seth Rollins...

“Seth Rollins is the first ever WWE NXT Champion, having won a tournament to crown the inaugural titleholder. This native of Davenport, Iowa, came into NXT with a sterling reputation from his work on the independent circuit and immediately made an impact in WWE’s developmental system. Perhaps the word best used to describe Rollins would be “chaotic.” His in-ring style is calculated, yet frantic. Employing a combination of high-risk maneuvers and devastating strikes, Rollins’ offense is spectacular and elicits show-closing ovations.”

Roman Reigns...

“Like his fellow WWE NXT standouts, Roman Reigns is a fierce competitor and an exceptional athlete. Inside the ring, Reigns is a heavy hitter, and he is just as aggressive outside the ring. The powerhouse always acts with a sense of purpose, depicting power and commanding respect. Put simply, Roman Reigns views himself as the most valuable commodity in NXT.”

Dean Ambrose...

“Dean Ambrose is every bit as effective as Rollins, but there’s something slightly off about this dangerous competitor. From the moment he marched onto the scene, WWE NXT fans were unable to take their eyes off Ambrose. Fearless, wild and always unpredictable, the iconoclast more than lived up to his reputation as a world-class competitor and infamous troublemaker.”

“In October last year, Ambrose created quite a stir when WWE champion CM Punk appeared at NXT for an autograph signing. Ambrose decided to verbally assault Punk on the microphone, resulting in a raucous and unforgettable scene when The Straight Edge Savior challenged Ambrose that evening. The 30-minute showdown between the two physical competitors blew away the lucky fans who witnessed it.”

New WWE Title?:

Rumours are that WWE will (Finally) debut the new WWE title tonight as part of a planned celebration of CM Punk's 1 year as Champion.

WWE sign new distribution deal:

Freemantle Media will replace SilverVision as the Distributor of WWE content for Europe, The Middle East and Africa, they will host a digital service for fans to purchase the events to watch online, but will also hold the rights for DVD and Blu Ray sales.

The first titles they will get the rights to are...

* Night of Champions 2012
* Hell in a Cell 2012
* Top 100 Raw Moments
* Attitude Era
* WrestleMania 29.

WWE statement...

"WWE is pleased to partner with FremantleMedia Enterprises on the digital and retail distribution of our content in EMEA," said Casey Collins, Executive Vice President, Consumer Products for WWE. "FME's broad retail reach will allow us to place more WWE content across all channels where our fans shop."

NWA Hall Of Fame:

NWA have announced next years class for induction...

Paul Boesch (awarded posthumously)

John Tolos (awarded posthumously)
Mr. Wrestling II
Ricky Steamboat

Fabulous Moolah (awarded posthumously)
Joyce Grable
Misty Blue

Tag Team
Road Warriors (Hawk and Animal)

Little Beaver (awarded posthumously)

Teddy Long

Humanitarian Award
Sputnik Monroe (awarded posthumously)

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