Thursday, November 29, 2012

Today's News

British wrestler talks TNA:

Marty Scurll one of the young Brits set to take part in TNA UK Gutcheck, said of the process...

“Basically, it’s myself, Rockstar Spud and the Blossom Twins are kind of fighting it out for a TNA contract, but where it’s different from other shows, you know like Tough Enough where it’s just the house and wrestling, this is all aspects, they want to see how much of a star we are, so they follow us everywhere in day-to-day life, they want to get to know the real us…It’s kind of hard to categorize it …think of it like a Jersey Shore meets a Wrestling show. The charm of the show is that wrestling fans are going to enjoy it, but I think non-wrestling fans, reality show fans will enjoy it. What is going to make the show, I believe, is the relationship between the four of us. I mean that’s what makes all reality TV shows.”

King Kong Bundy to HOF:

Jim Ross says King Kong Bundy is being considered for induction into the WWE class of 2013...

''Another 2013 HOF candidate for consideration….@RealKKBundy who was a major player in WWE in their breakout, national expansion years and was one of the best super heavyweights ever in the business. ‘King Kong Tonnage’ as Ernie Ladd used to call Bundy, is hilarious to follow on Twitter.”

More on other names...

WWE are getting ever more confident that Bruno Sammartino will accept induction next year, however friends close to him still say he will not do it.

WWE also still want to induct the Ultimate Warrior, but are worried he may screw them over, they want to announce him at the Royal Rumble, but feel if they do announce him in advance he may demand more money, or refuse to show.

They want to celebrate Madison Square Garden, and Owen Hart is top of the list for that, but his wife Martha is firm that, she does not want Owen's name linked with WWE, they refuse to give up, but he is considered a very long shot.

WWE Movies:

WWE Studios have announced the list of movies due for release in 2013...

* “No One Lives” (Jan. 2013): WWE star in supporting role is Brodus Clay.

* “Dead Man Down”: WWE star in supporting role is Wade Barrett.

* “Marine 3: Homefront”: WWE star in the leading role is The Miz.

* “12 Rounds 2: Reloaded”: WWE star in the leading role is Randy Orton.

* “The Hive”: WWE star in a supporting role is David Otunga, plus Halle Berry in a leading role.

* “Leprechaun: Origins”: WWE star in the leading role is Hornswoggle.

* Coming in 2014: Scooby-Doo themed movie when “Scooby Doo and the Gang go to WrestleMania.”

Christopher Daniels on AJ Styles:

TNA star Christopher Daniels has discussed his last match vs AJ Styles, which will be at Final Resolution...

“Well, my lord, if there’s any other rivalry that’s been going on as long as me and AJ, I’d like to know who it is. Honestly, we talk about it, half-jokingly, like ‘Holy Cow, we’re wrestling each other again?!’ But, it’s just a testament to, I guess, our chemistry and the fact that the fans, despite the fact we’ve been doing it pretty much non-stop for a year to a year and a half, we’re still finding ways to make it different, make it new for the fans; and that’s the challenge for us. I was actually talking to somebody and they told me that they figured out that AJ and I have wrestled 114 singles matches in our career, and that’s to date. At this point now, I’m sure that this weekend I have live events in North Dakota , and I’m almost 100% sure that will be 115, 116, and 117, you know? TNA is going to get as many as many times out of it as they can before the “last time”. But, I just think our challenge is to make it new; the matches that we had this year, I’ve been real happy with: The Last Man Standing at Destination X, the Tag team matches we had with me and Frankie versus him and Kurt, you know the Bound for Glory Series match that we had on television. And here’s a chance to sort of end this rivalry the place where it started and see where it goes. I think it’s going to be cool; I think the fans are going to be entertained and I’m interested to see where we go from here.”

He also joked he and former TNA star Velvet Sky both want to be on Dancing With The Stars, and have a private battle to be the first to get on the show.

WrestleMania match leaked:

WWE plan on giving Ryback a WrestleMania moment at WrestleMania 29, he is due to face The Big Show, and Vince McMahon thinks Ryback stomping around the ring with Big Show on his shoulders would be a great moment.

ROH star in talks with WWE:

Mike Bennett is in talks with WWE, no details have yet emerged, he said of joining WWE in an interview in August...

“Well, I’ll give you the political answer right now and say never-say-never. I’d be absolutely lying to you if I said I didn’t become a wrestler to be at WrestleMania and headline WrestleMania, which is what 99% of all guys want to do if they’re in wrestling. They want to make the big bucks and be on the main stage. But for me, right now, I’m 100% happy in Ring of Honor. I mean, I feel like I’m building a company. Its been around since 2002, its been building since then, but I feel now with the Sinclair network behind it we really are truly building a company. Is WWE ever an option? Like I said, I’d be lying if I said wouldn’t want to go there, but right now Ring of Honor is where I like to be.”

JBL reveals backstage chaos:

JBL has described the scene backstage as the fire alarm sounded at this weeks TV Taping's...

“I was doing commentary so I missed the exact facts of what happened, but here’s what I know. I had finished Main Event (Miz was returning from Middle East so I was filling in) and coming back to change my suit and tie to go back out for Smackdown.

I see total chaos. Apparently Dave Kapoor (who is Great Khali’s working ‘brother’) was filming a backstage segment and a light either burst or got too close to a sprinkler and set off the fire sprinklers in the dressing room I had my stuff in.

The force of the water was unreal. Guys were trying to save our stuff in the dark (we all had computers, clothes etc) and also trying to figure out a way to get the water off. The alarm had sounded it looked like the filming of the sinking of the Titanic.

I’m in the room trying to get my extra suit and computer as my stuff was right under the sprinkler, guys were helping me with flashlights in the darkness.

The alarm was saying to evacuate the building.

Triple H had left ‘Gorilla’ and was directing guys to put towels down to keep the flooding in one area, it was a ton of water. Our whole crew was back there trying to figure out how to keep the water in one room. It was unreal seeing guys trying to stop something minor before it became something major. If all the sprinklers had come on, tons of stuff would have been ruined-fortunately it was only one dressing room

They all finally succeeded. Some guys stuff was ruined, poor Dave Kapoor was just soaked with horrible smelling water.

We tape up to four shows on Tuesdays, not to mention the backstage stuff-an incredible amount. The WWE did what we always do and adjusted to outside forces and taped the shows.

Ah, the joys of taping TV. Just another fun chapter now and some really good TV taped around it.”

Velvet Sky to return:

Dixie Carter may have gotten her wish and re-signed Velvet Sky to a TNA deal, she will not return until early next year, but word is they have secretly put pen to paper, and the deal is sealed.

John Cena breaks WWE embargo:

Raw was in Lafayette, Louisiana this week, and as they have before, they banned their talent from naming the city they were in because the consider it too small, John Cena however decided to ignore that and name checked the town in his promo.

Not cool Bro:

British wrestler Pac, who has just joined WWE developmental under the name Adrian Neville says he chose the name as tribute to former Manchester United player Gary Neville.


Vince McMahon's love of Twitter has soured, he is said to be sick of his talent embarrassing themselves and the company via the site, Triple H however is warming to it.

Triple H is also preparing for Vince McMahon's wrath, upon his return to the States, after the 3rd hour of Raw's viewing figures fell off a cliff.

Laurinaitis gone for good:

It now seems Johnny Ace won't return to WWE in any capacity, not even as Big Show's manager as planned.

Dr Tom to open school:

WWE Alum Tom Prichard has moved to Knoxville and is looking for a venue to host a new wrestling school.

Raw is 20:

January 14th 2013 will be the 20th Birthday of WWE's flagship show, they are teasing a big celebration, but feeling is it won't be as big as Raw 1000.

Stephanie McMahon honoured:

She has been named as one of the Powerful women in Television.

WWE Alumnus dies:

Fabulous Freebird Buddy Roberts has died, The news was announced by WWE.Com, I will add his profile to R.I.P Dead Wrestlers later.


Will start to host shows outside of Florida starting in March 2013.

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