Thursday, November 22, 2012

Today's News

Major re-write of WWE's 2013 plans:

This is a major spoiler for WrestleMania 29...

After retaining his title at Survivor Series CM Punk will now defend his title vs The Rock at the Royal Rumble, and The Rock will then face John Cena at WrestleMania, as was always planned.

However, WWE have decided that they cannot allow The Rock to win the WWE title and then disappear with it for two months, (His inability to defend the title at February's Elimination Chamber PPV, being the deciding factor), so the new plan is for CM Punk to retain his title at the Royal Rumble, and to forego The Rock's planned title run.

This will lead to The Rock vs John Cena 2 at WrestleMania, and would allow CM Punk to main event the Super Show, against a WWE legend with the title on the line.

WWE have spoken to the guy and he is “on board for a high-profile match.”

This is the first time The man in question has shown any interest in competing at next years WrestleMania, and it may mean he has to work more dates, if he is to keep his streak in tact...

CM Punk's new opponent, (if you haven't worked it out yet) will be The Undertaker.

Eve Torres quizzed on backstage incident:

The WWE Diva's Champion was asked about an altercation with Matt Hardy from her early days with WWE, when she apparently choked him out...

“That I will not comment on. I will say that I, yes, there have been Superstars that went and got out of control and they have [had] applied jiu-jitsu techniques on, and they worked. I’ll just leave it at that. Let’s just put it this way, I don’t get messed with by the Superstars anymore.”

WWE watch other leagues:

WWE insiders have confessed to monitoring TNA, ROH and their own Developmental group NXT for story line ideas.

WWE promote Punk's show:

After criticising WWE yesterday, for lack of promotion for his appearance on Walking Dead, WWE today have pushed the show.


Lance Storm will come out of retirement, for a friend's last match, he will wrestle for Pro Wrestling Syndicate next February, against Jerry Lynn, in what Lynn plans to be his last match.

Raw DVD lists top 100 moments:

100. Silent Stare • Feb 21, 2011
99. Tea Time with Santino • Nov 8, 2010
98. Evolution Kicks Out Randy Orton • Aug 16, 2004
97. WrestleMania XIV Challenge • Mar 2, 1998
96. Mouth-To-Mouth • May 27, 1996
95. Sheamus puts Mark Cuban through a table • Dec 7, 2009
94. Are You Ready For Some Wrestling? • Nov 22, 2004
93. DX mocks the McMahons • Jun 26, 2006
92. Tuxedo Match • Jan 9, 1995
91. Seth Green is the first Celebrity Host • Jul 13, 2009
90. Snitsky punts Kane and Lita’s ‘baby’ • Nov 8, 2004
89. Shawn Michaels superkicks Hulk Hogan • Jul 4, 2005
88. Mr. McMahon trains for the Royal Rumble • Jan 11, 1999
87. Loser-Leaves-Raw Ladder Match • Oct 3, 2005
86. Mr McMahon is Bald • Apr 2, 2007
85. The Rock’s Eulogy for Stone Cold • Apr 19, 1999
84. Santino Marella: Milan Miracle • Apr 16, 2007
83. Mr. McMahon’s Birthday Bash with DX • Aug 24, 2009
82. Marty Jannetty vs. Shawn Michaels • May 17, 1993
81. Edge’s Retirement Speech • Apr 11, 2011
80. Triple H takes over DX • Mar 30, 1998
79. Hugh Jackman punches Dolph Ziggler • Sept 19, 2011
78. Musical Chairs • Jul 5, 2004
77. Big Shows First Match • Mar 22, 1999
76. An Hour in England • Apr 23, 2007
75. Loser-Leaves-Town Match • Jan 25, 1993
74. Triple H and Shawn Michaels reunite DX • Jul 22, 2002
73. CM Punk cashes in Money in the Bank • Jun 30, 2008
72. Stephanie Announces Her Pregnancy • Feb 4, 2002
71. Bret Hart vs. Stone Cold, Street Fight • April 21, 1997
70. Floyd “Money” Mayweather Confronts Big Show • Mar 10, 2008
69. Kofi Kingston… Boom! Boom! Boom! • Nov 16, 2009
68. Hornswoggle is Mr. McMahon’s Son • Sept 10, 2007
67. Y2J Throws HBK into Jeritron 5000 • Jun 9, 2008
66. Cemented Corvette • Oct 12, 1998
65. Donald Trump – New Chairman of WWE • Jun 15, 2009
64. Shawn Michaels Farewell Speech • Mar 29, 2010
63. The Rock makes fun of Toronto • Feb 24, 2003
62. Bob Barker Hosts Raw • Sept 7, 2009
61. The Greater Power Revealed • Jun 7, 1999
60. Intercontinental Title Over A Bridge • Dec 15, 1997
59. Dumpster Incident • Feb 2, 1998
58. The Miz cashes in Money in the Bank • Nov 22, 2010
57. US vs. Canada Flag Match • Jul 21, 1997
56. Ric Flair’s Retirement Celebration • Mar 31, 2008
55. Lita vs. Trish Stratus • Dec 6, 2004
54. Chris Jericho “Wins” The WWE Championship • Apr 17, 2000
53. Dude Love Debuts • Jul 14, 1997
52. John Cena vs. Kevin Federline • Jan 1, 2007
51. Goldberg Debuts • Mar 31, 2003
50. Brock Lesnar Returns To Raw • Apr 2, 2012
49. Formation of Evolution • Feb 3, 2003
48. DX Reunion at Raw 1000 • Jul 23, 2012
47. Shaq Attacks Big Show • Jul 27, 2009
46. Mankind Attacks Jim Ross • Jun 9, 1997
45. Rock vs. Cena – One Year Away • Apr 4, 2011
44. Bret Hart Shoves Mr. McMahon • Mar 17, 1997
43. Vader Attacks Gorilla Monsoon • Jan 22, 1996
42. Jeff Hardy’s Swanton off the Tron • Jan 14, 2008
41. Stone Cold Drives Zamboni • Sept 28, 1998
40. Choppy Choppy Pee Pee • Aug 3, 1998
39. Mike Tyson Joins DX • Mar 2, 1998
38. Batista Quits WWE • May 24, 2010
37. “Bret Screwed Bret” • Nov 17, 1997
36. D-Generation X Forms • Aug 11, 1997
35. Nexus Wreaks Havoc • Jun 7, 2010
34. Live Sex Celebration • Jan 9, 2006
33. Mr. McMahon vs. Stone Cold • Apr 13, 1998
32. The Rock Challenges Hulk Hogan • Feb 18, 2002
31. Stone Cold Stuns Mr. McMahon • Sept 22, 1997
30. DX Invades The Norfolk Scope • Apr 27, 1998
29. Debut of Monday Night Raw • Jan 11, 1993
28. Mae Young Powerbombed • Mar 13, 2000
27. WCW/ECW Alliance • Jul 9, 2001
26. The Rock Returns • Feb 14, 2011
25. Bedpan McMahon • Oct 5, 1998
24. Bret Hart Returns To Raw • Jan 4, 2011
23. Triple H Returns To Raw • Jan 7, 2002
22. Undertaker vs. Jeff Hardy • July 1, 2002
21. Kurt Angle Milk Truck • Aug 20, 2001
20. 1-2-3 Kid Upsets Razor Ramon • May 17, 1993
19. Batista Turns on Evolution • Feb 21, 2005
18. Foley Wins the WWE Championship • Jan 4, 1999
17. Bischoff – New Raw GM • July 15, 2002
16. Shawn Michaels Loses His Smile • Feb 13, 1997
15. Sable Wears A Potato Sack • Dec 8, 1997
14. Mr. McMahon Appreciation Night • Jul 11, 2007
13. Pillman’s Got a Gun • Nov 4, 1996
12. Vegas Wedding • Nov 29, 1999
11. Kane Unmasks • Jun 23, 2003
10. WrestleMania XXVI Challenge• Feb 22, 2010
9. Raw/Nitro Simulcast • Mar 26, 2001
8. Rock Concert • Mar 24, 2003
7. DX Mocks the Nation • Jul 6, 1998
6. #1 Draft Pick • Jun 6, 2005
5. Pipe Bomb • Jun 27, 2011
4. Tyson and Austin • Jan 19, 1998
3. Millennium Man • Aug 9, 1999
2. This Is Your Life • Sept 27, 1999
1. Beer Bath • Mar 22, 1999

Worst attended PPV ever:

Survivor Series was the most heavily papered PPV event ever only 8,500 fans bought tickets for the show, and despite WWE giving as many tickets as possible away, the arena was still only 2/3 full.

Tag Title change dropped:

The match that Cody Rhodes was injured in last week, was to see the tag titles change hands, the match result was changed after Cody's awful bump.


5 more men will join the NXT main roster invasion...

* Big E Langston
* Bray Wyatt (Husky Harris)
* Bo Dallas
* Conor O’Brian
* Kenneth Cameron.


* Sam Shaw comes out and talks about winning Gut Check. He calls out the first winner Alex Silva. Shaw defeats Silva with a diving leg drop.

* Backstage segment with ODB, Eric Young and Hulk Hogan. There's going to be a Turkey Challenge tonight and EY is in it.

* Christian York comes out and talks about Gut Check and his 16 years in wrestling. He challenges Jeff Hardy to a non-title match. Hardy defeated York in a great match. They celebrated after the match until Bobby Roode attacked and laid them both out. He taunted Hardy.

* Taeler Hendrix comes out and talks about Gut Check. She challenges Tara and loses in a non-title match.

* Eric Young beat Robbie E and Jesse Godderz in a three-way. Jesse had to put on a turkey suit after the match. Aces & 8s attacked Young after that, using a bat, hammer and chair while ODB was handcuffed. Agents all ran down and they took EY out on a stretcher.

* Daniels and Kazarian come out to cut a promo on Final Resolution and AJ Styles.

* AJ Styles beat Kazarian.

* Austin Aries come out and talks. He rips Hulk Hogan and Brooke Hogan. Brooke comes out and they have words about her being with Bully Ray. Hogan ends up coming down as does Bully Ray. Aries escapes the ring and laughs at everyone. Brooke runs away crying while Hogan and Ray stare at each other.

Dolph follows friend:

Dolph Ziggler was asked if he watches TNA, he replied no, but that he did keep up with his former Spirit Squad team mate Mike Mondo, who works for ROH.

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