Thursday, November 1, 2012

Today's News

Iron Sheik on winning and losing the WWF title:

Winning the WWF Title from Bob Backlund: That was the biggest day in my life. Bob Backlund was WWF Champion for six years. Nobody beat him. I was the first Iranian, Middle-Eastern guy to come there and I beat Backlund in the most famous arena in the world, Madison Square Garden in New York City.

Dropping the belt to Hulk Hogan: “I had so much heatbecause of the hostage situation going on. McMahon was worried about me. I was the first Iranian to be the champion, he was afraid about somebody hurting me. So I lost the belt to Hogan. It was again Madison Square Garden. I was part of the company, whatever he wanted me to do, I’d do it. I felt bad about it because I was a real wrestler and would’ve liked to stay champ, but Hogan had good charisma and he stole the show every night everywhere he went, so they had every right to have me drop the belt to Hogan.”

John Cena:

Cena is back in action, he has wrestled Dolph Ziggler in France last night.

HIAC guests:

Scott Steiner and Robert Gibson were backstage at WWE's Hell In A Cell PPV this past weekend.

Ex WWE star to release nude pics:

Amy Weber has decided to release an unpublished set of pictures she did during her WWE run, that at the time were rejected by the magazine, Playboy. She had them stored on a laptop, which was stolen yesterday, She has chosen to release the pictures herself, so the thief does not profit from them.

WWE / Scooby Doo:

The WWE meets Scooby Doo movie has been named “Scooby Doo: The Curse of the Ghost Bear.” It will be released in 2014.

TNA belt thieves charged:

Joel Luke has received 2 years probation for stealing the TNA World title and a replica from a TNA house show in August, his friend has been charged as an accessory and is awaiting sentencing.

King Mo:

Has a 4 man team working extensively with him, to get him ring ready for his TNA debut, Al Snow, Eugene, Kurt Angle and Samoa Joe.

TNA are impressed with his selling, and he says he wants to be a heel when he joins the roster.

Paul Heyman:

CM Punk's advisor / manager, did not travel with the WWE roster for the European tour, but is expected to join up on the 5th of November, ready for the TV tapings.

Foley vs Punk:

Fans who are critical of WWE teasing a CM Punk vs Mick Foley match, only to have Foley as team captain, not wrestling at Survivor Series may not have to wait much longer, the plan is for a singles match between the two at December's TLC event.

Creative vs Vince:

It has emerged that Vince didn't just change the World title result, and came up with the screwy ref angle, but also changed the WWE title result, Ryback was booked to win the title clean in the middle of the ring, but Vince rejected that on Friday before the show. The plan was for Ryback to be champ until Survivor Series, where he would drop the belt in a multi man match, without being the one to lose the fall.

They also had 4 different endings planned...

* Brock run in
* Big Show run in
* Mark Henry run in
* Vince run in...

But they used none of those and went with the ref angle that Vince thought up on the night.

WCW star dies:

Brad Armstrong, Brother of Road Dogg Jesse James and WWE referee Scott Armstrong was found dead in his home today, he was 51.

WWE Statement...

''WWE is saddened to learn of the passing of Brad Armstrong, 51, one of four sons of “Bullet” Bob Armstrong. Brad Armstrong last participated in the ring for the ECW brand in 2006. WWE understands that Brad saw his physician last week for a medical issue and was found unresponsive this morning. WWE extends its sincerest condolences to the entire Armstrong family.''

Will add him to R.I.P Dead Wrestlers later.

Vince on WWE network:

Vince said the WWE Network will be a premium subscription model. He said it will be the most interactive network in the world and that there is movement on the network.

WWE release?:

Sakamoto has been deleted from WWE.Com, no word from either side as of yet, but he was not moved to the Alumni page, with is always the earliest sign for a release, and has not been re-added to NXT as was planned when they broke up his pairing with Tensai.

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