Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Today's News

SmackDown SPOILERS!!!:

  • Footage of the ''Fight'' airs, Booker makes Sheamus and William Regal vs Big Show and Wade Barrett for later.
  • IC Title match Kofi Kingston vs The Miz.
  • Prime Time Playa's vs Rey Mysterio and Sin Cara.
  • Big Show / Wade Barrett vs Sheamus / William Regal.
  • Randy Orton vs Alberto Del Rio - Falls Count Anywhere.
  • Before the last match WWE started a manager swap angle for Del Rio, Rosa Mendes is set to dump Primo and Epico and join ADR, leaving Ricardo Rodriguez free to wrestle.

Swagger denial:

Catalina, Wife of WWE star Jack Swagger has denied that Jack asked for his WWE release.

Carlito - WWE:

Former WWE man Carlito has revealed that he has an open contract with WWE, and can return to the company whenever he desires, he is not planning on doing so yet however, saying he is enjoying working on the indy scene.

He was released in 2010 for a drugs fail, and a refusal to enter WWE rehab.

Lilian to be released?:

Lilian Garcia has made the same mistake that cost former WWE man AW his job, Tweeting her followers to vote for Linda in her Political bid, no word yet from WWE, maybe because the Election is now done she will be OK. I hope so.

Will Edge ever wrestle again?:

“Nope, so the docs say.” Was his response to a question by a fan on Twitter, The fan asked if the neck surgery he was about to have, could allow him to return to the ring.

He goes under the knife today.

Linda Loses:

Linda McMahon has failed to be elected to the US Senate for a second time, beaten by Chris Murphy in her home state Connecticut.

She has told a local newspaper, she will not run for office again.

Cena tends to young fan:

A young boy fell over the guard rail whilst trying to catch a wristband Cena had thrown, and landed on his head at last nights Raw house show, Cena sat and hugged the boy until the medical team came over to check on him.

Sandow to get Rhodes push:

Vince McMahon has been so impressed with Damien Sandow's pairing with Cody Rhodes that he wants to give him a top level push, even if it means breaking the pair up.

Foley's last man:

WWE are planning to make The Miz, the last man on Mick Foley's Survivor Series team, which will mean a face turn next week.

Face of WWE:

WWE intend to make The Rock the face of the company for 2013, he will be back full time from the Royal Rumble until WrestleMania 29.

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