Saturday, December 1, 2012

Today's News

Scott Steiner vs TNA court case cancelled:

It seems Scott Steiner and TNA have decided to sort out their issues behind closed doors, their court hearing was cancelled and another date has not been arranged.

TNA backstage notes:

TNA have changed the way they book, writing their shows weeks in advance, and having storylines that last for several months, this is apparently very popular with the locker room.

Matt Morgan has started to wear Hulk Hogan's cape that he wore in the 1970's, Hulk Hogan is working closely with Matt to iron out the flaws in his character.

Christopher Daniels and Kazarian are now known as Bad Influence.

The PPV's Against All Odds and No Surrender are expected to be dropped from next year, There will be more as TNA want to cut back to between 6 and 8 PPV's a year.

Jeff Hardy says his recent World Title winning match was one of his best...

“Even Bound for Glory will go down in my history books as one of my favorite matches of all time. I won the TNA world title against him [Austin Aries] and thought we’d have good chemistry, but I never thought it would be that special.”

“This probably is the most important world title I’ve ever had just because I have been through such dark periods of my life. To be able to come back and succeed just feels really good.”

Second chance for Sakamoto:

After failing to impress on the WWE main roster as Tensai's sidekick, Sakamoto was quietly deleted from WWE.Com's roster page a few weeks back, he was re-added to their developmental group NXT's roster page last night however, so he has not been released, but has unfortunately for him been demoted.

The last person that happened too was Husky Harris in 2011, and he has still not made it back.

Martha Hart loses another lawsuit vs WWE / McMahon's:

Martha Hart asserts that her late husband Owen Hart's name would revert to his real name, and no longer be his ring name after his death, and therefore WWE have no right to use him, his name, or his likeness, on their website, on DVD's, on their TV programming, or in books.

Despite being told that WWE do own and do have the right to use footage of Owen that they own, and Martha being advised not to file more suits on this matter, she again has, and has again failed to win her case.

She says the charity she set up in her husband's name is being negatively affected by WWE using his image, but at the same time demanded payment's from WWE continue to the Owen Hart estate, this led to a rebuke from the judge, who said she cannot hold Vince McMahon personally responsible for copyright infringement.

Martha also has a lawsuit ongoing vs Linda McMahon, this case is still active.

WWE did not get everything they wanted however, they wanted defamatory statements made by Martha Hart removed from her writ against them, the judge refused that request.

CM Punk Q&A:

If he could choose his WrestleMania opponent, who would it be?

''Steve Austin''

Is there anything he would like to accomplish in his career that he hasn’t yet?

''The WrestleMania main event''

Does he watch his matches?

“Haven’t watched a thing of mine since the MITB match with Cena in Chicago.”

Which young talent is most deserving of a proper push?

''Dean Ambrose''

Mick Foley pop quiz:

Mick Foley says a current WWE star wants to use a classic Foley move as part of his offence, and asked...

“Any ideas on who it might be..and which move?”

WWE confirm plans to promote The Ascension:

Kenneth Cameron did officially blow a WWE career by getting himself fired yesterday, WWE have today confirmed the tag team were to be promoted to the main WWE roster soon.

His now former tag team partner Conor O'Brian has spoken for the first time since the release...

“Creativity – like human life – begins in darkness…#WEWILLRISE”

No word on his destiny now, but they will have to give him a new creative path now that this one has come to a screeching halt. So his promotion will be at best delayed.

Future NXT Champ gets Raw match:

Corey Graves who is expected to take Seth Rollins title, lost in the Raw pre-show match this week to Zack Ryder.

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