Thursday, December 27, 2012

Today's News

Jim Ross highlight of 2012:

“Been asked the highlight of my WWE year and without question it was being afforded the opportunity by WWE upper management to broadcast the HIAC bout at WM28 featuring the Undertaker, HHH and @ShawnMichaels, Big time bucket list memory for me and a night that I’ll always fondly remember. I’m hopeful that I can call one bout at WM29 just to be a part of the event. Many of us worked some amazing hours over the years to contribute to building this amazing event.

“When I sit back and see where WrestleMania has come since I made my debut in Vegas at WM9, I am honestly amazed. I see continued use of stadiums for future WrestleMania events and hope that I can be a small part of the proceedings for as long as I’m able. It’s our Super Bowl and who wouldn’t want to be associated with the biggest event in our profession? Old players still like to play.”

Stone Cold Steve Austin interview:

On Bret Hart...

''Man, working with Bret Hart was some of the most fun matches I’ve ever had in my life. There was Chicago and WrestleMania 13, over in South Africa, in Germany — and Bret had a pretty good stronghold over in Germany.

Man, I loved working with Bret. I’ve got a lot of respect for Bret as a person, and everything he did as a pro wrestler. Hell, I remember one time we were working a show somewhere and Bret was in the main event. [Bret] got a flat tire on his Lincoln Towncar, and I changed his tire while he was in the ring working.

Every day you work with Bret, you could learn something. We had 100 percent trust in each other, and 100 percent respect for each other. He’s a badass guy, and I just — every night was a good night with Hart. That’s the damn truth.''

On John Cena...

“Yeah, had he been placed in it, and been dealt with accordingly, the John Cena you see now — the face of the franchise, the leader of the pack? Not so much, But I guarantee if you’d have gotten him face to face with ‘Stone Cold’ in an interview, and you know John cuts a good interview himself, if I slapped the s*** out of that son of a b****, I think we’re off and running to make a lot of money.

All he needs is to be poked and prodded in the right way. I think John Cena has a hell of a lot of fire and he needs to be in the ring with the right opponent, or the right cat, to bring that out. So in the current environment, you really don’t see that in him. Place [Cena] back 10 years in the ring with ‘Stone Cold’? You’d have rung the cash register, big time.”

Zema Ion:

TNA star Zema Ion has earned his advertising degree from West Virginia University, he has been studying in his spare time for the past six years to complete his education, whilst also living out his dream of pursuing a wrestling career.

Hulk Hogan:

Hogan has confirmed to friends he wants to get back in the ring for another run, citing Ric Flair's appearance on Raw as his motivation. He is not ready yet though, he turned down a big money offer from a Mexican promotion recently.

McCool on Melina:

“Throughout her career, she may have had some run-ins or problems with a lot of people backstage. Personally, I was never one of them. All of the things that she supposedly had done or whatever issues were going on, I was not a part of that. So, I didn’t have a problem with her. That’s not my business — I try to stay out of people’s business, if it doesn’t personally affect me, then I don’t really need to get into the drama!”

Dynamite Kid:

DH Smith visited his late Father The British Bulldog's tag team partner, whilst visiting the UK and family over the Christmas Holidays, Kid told Harry that he will never be inducted into the WWE Hall Of Fame.

Don't know if he meant he would never accept, or he thinks he will never be asked, but he deserves it IMO.

Tickets for next years HOF ceremony go on sale tonight.

WWE Network:

WWE have pulled back from looking for investment in their flagging network idea, and will go it alone.

Orton's health:

Randy Orton is suffering from hypermobile shoulders, a condition that means he can rotate his shoulders further than most people, but leaves him prone to dislocations and leads to osteoarthritis in later life.

WWE sign Rikishi student:

Alexander Jones, from Rikishi's Knox Pro school will join NXT soon.

New Age Outlaws:

The New Age Outlaws won their return match last night beating Cody Rhodes and Damien Sandow.

Also Fandangoo returned to action with a win.

Paul Bearer's tough Christmas:

Paul Bearer was caught up in a major storm over the holidays, he tweeted...

“You don’t know how much I appreciate those that asked about my family and myself after the tornadoes Christmas night. We are fine. Thanks. My thoughts and prayers are with my WWE Family traveling in the horrible weather; everyone traveling for that matter. Be safe and patient. When the tornadoes hit, I was in a local Emergency Room with my Mom, after taking my Dad there by ambulance. He is back at his nursing home.”


R-Truth is scheduled to return to the road this weekend, after his injury.

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