Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Today's News

Scotty 2 Hotty:

WWE have caught up with their former star Scotty 2 Hotty, and in an interview with their website WWE.Com he has revealed he will quit wrestling and begin a new career in the new year, he begins training for a job as a firefighter and EMT in February.

New Age Outlaws reunion:

The legendary multiple time Tag Team Champions will return to a WWE ring together for the first time in over a decade tonight, they will face Cody Rhodes and Damien Sandow.

What chance a Rumble match???.


Christian may be brought back to TV before the Royal Rumble to establish a story line for him, WWE have not decided if he will be face or heel yet.

Mark Henry has told WWE he will continue to rehab his shoulder injury, but he is growing frustrated with the slow progress he is making. He says if he cannot return by WrestleMania 29, he will announce he won't be returning at all.

WWE are confident he can get back, and despite negative rumblings in the back, WWE are supporting the former World Champ.

Ryback vs The Rock:

WWE are to tease a Ryback vs The Rock match early next year to gage fans reaction to a possible feud in the road to WrestleMania.

In relation to this The Rock is said to have been told he will be the man to end CM Punk's title reign, and he also says he will have no problem dropping the title to John Cena at WrestleMania 29. So it looks like The Rock will be getting the WWE strap after all, beating Punk at the Rumble, then starting a feud going into Elimination Chamber vs Ryback, ending his return vs John Cena at Mania 29.

Sin Cara:

Sources within WWE say the Luchador may return for this Saturday lives in Washington.


WWE have set aside a pot of money for THQ to develop and create the next installment of the video game franchise, despite being owed $45 Million by the company.

WWE14 will be released in November(ish) 2013.

Big E. Langston:

WWE have confirmed Langston is the NXT Champion on the Developmental groups website, so he will be working both shows for the time being.

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