Thursday, December 6, 2012

Today's News

Rey Mysterio:

Has been taken off the road to deal with some personal issues.

I'm Not Dead:

Ex ECW man Don (DC) Drake, has written a letter to some wrestling news sites to inform them that the reports of his death, were incorrect, and had caused distress to his family...

“Last night I was informed by my sister that my obituary appeared on several wrestling news sites. Her first question to me was, ‘Are you ok?’ and my question to her was, ‘If you thought I was dead, why would you call me?

I remember a profound piece of advice I received from several old timers in the wrestling business when I started in the sport, ‘Never believe your own publicity’ — and in this case, I am more than pleased to follow that advice.

In reading some of the reports, I must say I was flattered and humbled by the nice things people were saying about my wrestling career and although the circumstances under which these words were written are not necessarily what I would want them to be, the memories that flooded back to me gave me pause.

Paul Heyman’s words were especially meaningful given the many hours he and I spent ‘in the trenches’ trying to build a strong Northeastern Independent Wrestling scene.

Regarding my health, yes I do have serious heart problems which include multiple surgeries and heart attacks. I did briefly use steroids under a doctor’s care however I don’t blame anyone or anything for my health issues as I made the choice to take a short cut and must take responsibility for my own actions. But with every negative comes a positive and I try to make the most out of the lessons I have learned in life.

Professional wrestling allowed me to see and do things I would never have had the opportunity to do in any other profession. I traveled the country and the world and met good people and bad people, witnessed the damage that drug and alcohol addiction can do to professional athletes and sadly watched the passing of many young men I have worked with in the business.

This has helped motivated me to continue in the career I had before wrestling and now after wrestling. As many of the articles stated, I am the director of a substance use disorder treatment program for individuals afflicted with HIV/AIDs at the Shattuck Hospital in Boston, working for Victory Programs, Inc. Even with my health issues, I am blessed to be able to wake up every morning and do something I truly enjoy and am dedicated to. I certainly hope to be doing this work for many years to come.

Happy Holidays to all.''

“Don Drake”

Pop star to WWE:

Backstreet Boy Nick Carter has started an online campaign via his Twitter to get his current girl friend a job with WWE.

Lilian Garcia:

Has returned to work, this week, she handled ring announcing for SmackDown which was in her home state of South Carolina.

Bella's new career:

WWE Alumni Brianna and Nicole Bella, have started a fitness website.

Story line pushed back:

WWE have decided to push the John Cena and AJ Lee stories onto the backburner, after a picture of John Cena and his current real world GF Nikki Bella emerged on TMZ, they feel their fans would see it as WWE throwing it “in the face of the fans.”

The story will resume, later this month, or early in 2013.

WWE Christmas Message:

The WWE roster have recorded a musical message for all of us wrestling fans... Thanks... I Think...

Taker's streak may have ended:

Ex WWE creative writer John Carle has revealed that The Undertaker was booked to lose his WrestleMania streak a couple of times over the years, but for one reason or another it just never happened, (And hopefully never will)...

“Yeah, we (the creative team) kind of talked about it. It was one of those things that was pitched, but it never really came to fruition.”

I know he was initially booked to lose to Giant Gonzalez at Mania 9, then get revenge at SummerSlam that year, but don't know if that is one of the occasions referenced here.

Bill DeMott receives more criticism for his training methods:

After a picture was posted of a male wrestler performing a naked stink face yesterday, today another former DeMott student has recalled a similar incident involving Luke Gallows and Zack Ryder.

Devon 'Hannibal' Nicholson said that, Bill got Gallows to strip naked and put jelly doughnuts on himself, then stink face Zack Ryder, but he says it was not forced upon them, it was a game that DeMott came up with at the end of the day and the wrestlers were happy to do it...

“I was in DSW during the time of the incident between Zack Ryder, Melissa Coates and Drew Hankinson. Nobody involved in the “Naked Jelly Donut Incident” were forced to do it. They volunteered to do it to get out of training that day. Bill had come up with the elaborate game because he wanted them to train and didn’t think they’d agree to it.

“Hankinson was not “nearly naked” he was totally naked, the only thing covering his genital area were his hands. He was in the ring nude for approximately 30 – 45 minutes while Demott walked from one corner to the other holding up approximately 18 jelly donuts for Hankinson to “stink face” on both Zack Ryder and Melissa Coates. Ryder and Coates were cheered on heavily by many of the DSW talent who also did not want to train.”

“I had passed a try out and was paying to be there to learn wrestling and attempt to get a WWE contract but went back to wrestling in Puerto Rico shortly after this incident occurred. I doubt Vince McMahon knew that this type of “training” was going on in his territory and I had assumed him finding out was one of the reasons it was shut down and Demott was let go. Although I disagreed with some of his training methods, I had a good relationship with Bill Demott while I was in DSW and valued the wrestling related advice he gave me.”

JR to work with new talent:

Hall Of Famer Jim Ross will work with WWE's new broadcast signings, at tonight's NXT shows.

He is also finalizing a speaking a tour of England for next year, he says it will be two hours full of stories, motivation and Q&A's.

Drew McIntyre returns:

Drew McIntyre's first match since his Mother's death will be on SmackDown tomorrow.

Guerrero wants to return to WWE:

Shaul Guerrero who competed on NXT as Raquel Diaz, before quitting after some personal issues earlier this year, says she wants to come back, but has things to do first...

“Hey everyone I’m back! I got a whole new life and feel amazing! Wanna reconnect and catch up? Tweet me! I defiantly want to return to WWE but I have a couple of things to accomplish. My life is in Gods hands now! I’m dancing and off to college”

WWE scouting college wrestlers:

Gerald Brisco was at a Minnesota vs Oklahoma match looking for future WWE stars.

Curtis finally gets reward:

Johnny Curtis earned a title shot by winning NXT in 2011, he finally got it challenging Kane and Daniel Bryan for the Tag titles on NXT his partner was Michael McGillicutty, they lost.

Eve out of TLC:

Eve Torres, current WWE Diva's Champion is to take some time off the road to heal nagging injuries.

Rey Mysterio and CM Punk are also out of the show, Punk should be benched for around 3 weeks, but will be back in plenty of time for his match vs The Rock, he had been suffering with his knee for a while and WWE decided to do the spot with the table to write him out, so he can be as close to 100% for his 2013 campaign as possible.

The angle did not, as WWE claim, cause the injury.

Daniel Bryan:

Says he likes working with Sheamus and Shawn Michaels, but does not like working with Mark Henry and Big Show.

William Regal accused of Child Abuse, receives death threats:

He says two teenagers tweeted him with accusations and the situation has spiraled out of control, he responded...

"Faceless keyboard warriors are divs but how do you describe someone who puts a profile pic on his account and then gives you abuse. Bless''.

"I'm used to abuse and death threats but that has to be stopped."

Sara Del Rey:

Indy great Sara has finally being acknowledged on NXT's website, on the staff roster.

TNA worries over Hardy:

TNA appear to be losing the fight to retain Jeff Hardy's services for next year, with a WWE return looking ever more likely.

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