Sunday, December 9, 2012

Today's News

Backstage heat:

WWE Hall Of Famer Dusty Rhodes has taken offence to a joke made by US Champion Antonio Cesaro after this weeks SmackDown taping ended, He tweeted...

“Fun once agin the dots show up for fun , Cesaro bad move , need to look at my body of work ,the other dream years . Old man kicks ass”

Uso's have big plans:

The Uso's predict a big 2013, saying they will hold both the Tag and an individual title each...

“We will be the first brothers to hold separate titles and Tag titles at the same time!! Mark our words!!! #HISTORY #USOOO”


The Muppet's will be back on Raw tomorrow, Hornswaggle will be pleased.

Colt to WWE:

WWE have a list of stars they hope to rehire, and one of those may very well be Colt (Scotty Goldman) Cabana, he has been featured twice this week on WWE.Com, firstly a YouTube video of his career highlights, and he is also on a list of great Jewish competitors.

This has led to internet speculation that he may be one of the returning stars, However, WWE have not yet contacted any of the stars they want to come back, so talks are not ongoing at the moment.

Ryback to get title shot:

The cancelled TLC match between WWE Champion CM Punk and Ryback will happen on one of the early episodes of Raw in January, more likely at the start of the month, because the closer we get to the Royal Rumble, the more obvious the result will be.

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