Monday, December 17, 2012

Today's News

TLC results:

* Naomi won the pre-show Battle Royal, last eliminating Kaitlyn.

* Cody Rhodes and Damien Sandow bt Rey Mysterio and Sin Cara, and now earn a Tag Title match.

* Antonio Cesaro bt R-Truth to retain the US Title.

* Kofi Kingston bt Wade Barrett to retain the Intercontinental Title.

* The Shield bt Ryback, Kane and Daniel Bryan.

* Eve Torres bt Naomi to retain the Diva's Title.

* Big Show bt Sheamus to retain the World Title.

* The Miz, Alberto Del Rio and The Brooklyn Brawler bt 3MB

* Dolph Ziggler bt John Cena to retain the briefcase.

AJ turned heel in this match.

Other notes...

Alberto Del Rio's face turn:

Last night WWE turned ADR face, teaming him with The Miz and The Brooklyn Brawler to face 3MB in a bonus match added to the TLC PPV.

They did it as a test to gage fans reaction to ADR as a face, but have not yet decided if they will continue with the turn. We will probably find out on Raw tonight.


A number of injuries happened at last night's PPV, R-Truth badly cut his knee (Pic on wall), Seth Rollins hit his head hard falling through tables after jumping from a ladder, and John Cena suffered a laceration to his eye.

Also Sin Cara has been working with an injured left knee, he was noticeably struggling at times last night.

Brawler to HOF:

There was some talk backstage last night of announcing that the Brooklyn Brawler will be going into the Hall Of Fame next year, as the show was in Brooklyn, WWE plan on returning to the arena next year, so they decided against it.

Mark Henry:

There was some internet speculation that Mark Henry would return to WWE last night, he has angrily denied the rumours, and stated his career may be over...

“This is bullsh*t,truth is who ever wrote don’t now a damn thing. There is a chance I won’t come back,I have not been cleared yet.”

Bubba Ray Dudley was not impressed with TLC:

He tweeted...

"Dudleys, Hardys, E&C...still the KINGS of TLC. Anybody doubt that? Of course not.''

Jeff Hardy on CM Punk:

TNA Champion Jeff Hardy has discussed his real world feud with WWE Champion CM Punk, The problems started when Punk mocked his arrest for trafficking drugs in 2009, Hardy than made a YouTube video attacking CM Punk's lifestyle, whilst inebriated.

Hardy said of Punk...

''CM Punk is great, man, he’s so talented, it’s crazy. We’re just on different pages on our beliefs and our outlook on life.''

He than teased he may resume his feud with Punk in TNA...

''This guy said, He might be coming to TNA, LOL. I don’t know about that. But CM Punk is crazy talented. We don’t stay in touch or have contact, but I have nothing bad to say about the guy … we’re just different.”

It is more likely it will resume in WWE.

CM Punk honoured:

PWI have named CM Punk the wrestler of the year, for the second year running.

New WWE signing:

WWE have signed California indy star Zander Jones, he worked his last match on Saturday, before announcing the news.

This is him.

Slammy winner's:

The online Slammy's were announced last night, the results were...

* Best Dancer of the Year – Brodus Clay

* Top Social Media Ambassador – Charlie Sheen

* Video of the Year – Jerry Lawler

* Crowd Chant of the Year – “Feed Me More!”

* Upset of the Year – Daniel Bryan (retaining World Heavyweight Championship at Royal Rumble)

* Diva of the Year – AJ Lee

* Insult of the Year – John Cena

* Tweet of the Year – Daniel Bryan

* YouTube Show of the Year – Z! True Long Island Story

* Facial Hair of the Year – Daniel Bryan

* Feat of Strength Award – Sheamus (for hitting White Noise on Big Show)

* Betrayal of the Year – Big Show (knocking out John Cena)

Scott Hall:

Scott Hall has been re-hospitalized in the past couple of weeks, and WWE are trying to get him to agree to enter their rehab programme again, no word from the bad guy.

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