Thursday, December 20, 2012

Today's News

WWE game producer files for bankruptcy:

THQ, who have for 13 years made WWE's annual video game has filed for chapter 11 bankruptcy, WWE have issued a statement on the situation and have offered to help...

“WWE is following the developments of THQ’s bankruptcy filing today and proposed sale under Bankruptcy Code Section 363. The Company anticipates actively participating within this proceeding.”

SmackDown SPOILERS!!! (To air on December 28):

* The show starts with a lottery, all the WWE roster's names are placed into a tumbler, the winner is to receive a World Title Match.

* The locker room comes out for the drawing, the winner is Santino Marella.

* Brodus Clay vs Epico

* Backstage segment, Sheamus is coaching Santino on how to perform the Brogue Kick, Santino tries, and pulls his groin.

* Cody Rhodes, Damien Sandow & Wade Barrett vs Daniel Bryan, Kane & Kofi Kingston

* Backstage segment, Booker T announces Santino can't compete and says another name will be picked later.

* Teddy Long announces the next name to be drawn is Ricardo Rodriguez, Big Show laughs and KO punches him.

* Antonio Cesaro vs Zack Ryder

* Dolph Ziggler vs The Miz

* Booker T announces Ricardo Rodriguez can't compete tonight. Brad Maddox enters and asks for the match, Booker says he has a different opponent for him. Alberto Del Rio enters, and wants revenge for his friend, Booker offers him the title shot, he accepts.

* Brad Maddox vs Sheamus

* Prime Time Playaz v The Uso's

* Big Show vs Alberto Del Rio (World Title Match)

Another frustrated WWE star emerges:

Michael McGillicutty may be one of the group of stars threatening to quit the promotion next year, he tweeted earlier...

“Can someone explain to me why Michael McGillicutty is not on Raw or Smackdown? I can’t…”

Related to this, WWE seem to have resigned themselves to losing Ted DiBiase Jr, they have today slashed prices of his merch to $1.99 on their shopping page.

The Rock:

Has announced he is writing a second biog.

WWE alum lands TV gig:

Todd Grisham has landed the anchor spot on Friday Night Fights on ESPN.

JBL angers Scotland:

JBL has been receiving hate mail from fans of Glasgow Rangers Football Club, after he joked about them going into bankruptcy on WWE TV this past week.


Word is Christian may be able to return to the ring in mid January, possibly getting back to TV at the Royal Rumble.

WWE not pleased with Bubba Ray Dudley:

Backstage chatter in WWE this week has not been kind to former star Bubba Ray Dudley, (Currently Bully Ray in TNA) after he tweeted negatively about the TLC PPV on Sunday night.

WWE heat over school shooting:

Vince McMahon says he is prepared to face a media backlash from the current anti-violence stance in the press following the slaughter of 26 people, 20 of which were children at a school in McMahon's home state Connecticut. Vince feels it is only a matter of time before WWE's product in the past is blamed for creating a violent streak in fans that watched during the Attitude Era.

He has preempted the bad press, by talking about the current WWE, and their new family friendly outlook.

Antonio Cesaro continues to work hurt:

He has been suffering from broken fingers and damaged tendons in his hand for weeks, the problem has not yet resolved itself.

Ric Flair:

Backstage news on Ric Flair's return... Vince McMahon personally arranged the return of Flair to WWE a few weeks ago, but had been holding the appearance back. He was adamant with Ric Flair that he would not breach the retirement stipulation that Flair lost vs Shawn Michaels in 2008, but would, dependent on his health, be allowed to take part in some physical altercations.

WWE proposed the angle with CM Punk to him at Raw, but required him to undergo an EKG heart check before they signed off on it.

He will return to continue his feud with CM Punk, but there will be no match.

Ric was hidden away in a trailer at Raw, and most of the talent did not know he was at the show, until he appeared on TV.

Chris Jericho talking to WWE:

Chris Jericho and the WWE have seemingly resolved their deadlock, and are in talks for Y2J to compete at WrestleMania, no angle, or match has yet been written for him.

Big E. Langston title win to be scrapped?:

Big E. Langston who won the NXT title from Seth Rollins when Rollins moved up to the main roster as part of The Shield may not get his title reign after all. NXT tape weeks in advance, and the title change will not air until a couple of weeks into the new year, WWE have been so impressed with him, they decided to give him a shot on main roster TV to test fans reaction to him, and they feel he has gone down great. They are now deciding whether to add him to the main roster, and to re-tape the title change with someone else from developmental getting the prize.

WrestleMania rewrites:

Major rewrites of WrestleMania 29's creative plans have taken place over the past week, because WWE are so frustrated with the amount of creative leaks revealing their plans, matches may not be changed, but the stories leading up to them will be reworked.

One of the new creative plans has leaked already however, Sheamus is penciled in to win the Royal Rumble for the second consecutive year, he will then go on to face Randy Orton for the World Title at Mania.

Story line dropped:

Alberto Del Rio and Rosa Mendes' story has been shelved, WWE don't want to overdo the female targeted stories, in case they drive away the men from watching the show.

Fandango dropped?:

It seems WWE have grown cold on Johnny Curtis' new character, he was to debut at TLC or Raw the night after, he did neither, and there is now no plans on the horizon for him to do so, they have also decided to stop airing vignettes for his character.

WWE to relocate their gym:

Their training facility is currently in Tampa, they want to move to Orlando.

Week off for WWE:

The WWE roster have now been released for a Christmas break, after a grueling week of taping's, they will return to the road next Wednesday.

Vickie Guerrero was relieved, tweeting...

"Ready for time off....burned out and lack of grateful for time to energize. #blessed"

WWE to change:

WWE will stop using Pyro at the start of Raw, they have announced.

WWE Network:

WWE are looking to join with an investment company to help get the WWE Network off the ground, despite Vince McMahon's reluctance to work with outside organizations.

WWE Roster fears:

WWE talent are said to be concerned about the number of stars being brought up from developmental, and the stars of the past that WWE are talking to, in the hopes of bringing them back, Worrying that jobs are going to be in jeopardy.

WWE have apparently told them that all roster cuts have been put on hold until the spring (Post WrestleMania), to allay their concerns.


- TNA Knockouts Champion Tara defeated Mickie James.

- Joey Ryan and Matt Morgan defeated Rob Van Dam and Kenny King.

- Kazarian and Daniels are in the ring with a Christmas tree and presents with Santa Claus. They offer Santa a pair of Zubas, and Daniels cut a promo on AJ Styles. James Storm came out, knocked down the tree and nails Santa with the Last Call. Storm then takes the presents and throws them to the crowd.

- Kurt Angle calls out Devon, and they square off for the TV title. Devon defeats Angle after Angle is hit with a pipe by one of the members of Aces & 8's.

- Jeff Hardy defeated Austin Aries to retain the TNA World Heavyweight Championship. When the referee after Bobby Roode interfered and hit Aries with the Double R Spinebuster while the referee was knocked out.

- Hulk Hogan promo citing the success of TNA in 2012. Aces & 8's come out and circle him. The lights go out and the 1.3.13 video airs. Bully Ray then hit the ring to save Hogan.

Universal studio's have announced that there will be no TNA taping's in February next year, due to TNA been in the UK and taping shows over here.

Sin Cara goes under the knife:

He is to undergo exploratory surgery on his damaged knee.

Jeff Hardy to stay with TNA:

He said in a podcast interview he is worried he would be lost in the pack in WWE, and that as long as he is a stand out star in TNA, he has no need to move on. He has not yet put pen to paper on a new deal though...

"I'll look at the comments on Instagram and there's all this WWE, TNA talk, I get so tired of hearing that as far as where I should be or whatever. Being here is what's cool to me because we have so much room to grow and get better. And really, I feel needed more here. Like if I did ever go back to WWE, I wouldn't feel as needed. I mean, I would stand out but I would just vanish with the other top guys. Being here is just unique because I'm able to be the complete package of 'The Charismatic Enigma,' like with my music coming out and my artwork. There's just so much potential for me overall being more than just a wrestler here in TNA. And that's why I'm going to remain here."


R-Truth should return late on in January from his TLC injury.

US President talks to WWE:

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