Saturday, December 22, 2012

Today's News

TNA Wrestler Of The Year vote:

The Nominees are...

* James Storm

* Jeff Hardy

* Austin Aries

* Bobby Roode

* Bully Ray

Vote here.

David Otunga gives away tickets:

David is giving away tickets to the WWE house show on Boxing Day from his home town of Chicago, to get one you have to tweet him a Christmas Holiday picture and attach the Hashtag #OtungasTickets.

The same day on the Raw tour, which will happen in Detroit, will see an extra appearance by The New Age Outlaws in their WWE ring returns, this will be the first of what is now a 3 date wrestling reunion.

Sin Cara:

Has returned home to Mexico to recover from his knee surgery, he says it went well, and he should be back soon. Today is his 30th Birthday.

Royal Rumble:

WWE have confirmed next year will have 30 Men in the Royal Rumble, initially plans were to revert to 30 for last year for the 25th event, and go back to the 40 Man match that first happened in 2011, but they have decided to stay with the traditional format.

TNA to hold UK tryouts:

During next year's UK Tour TNA are asking British indy stars to go to Nottingham to be assessed by their developmental team, which will include British indy star The Alpha Female.

DiBiase's WWE days numbered?:

After slashing the prices of Ted DiBiase Jr's Merch this week, WWE have now removed it completely. Signs are not looking good for his wrestling fans, he wants a change of career.

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