Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Today's News

WWE punishing schedule:

After a live Raw on Monday, WWE also held a live SmackDown last night, followed immediately by a taping of Raw, recorded early due to Christmas. Tonight they will tape another SmackDown. Talent are working off 4 or 5 hours sleep, before driving from Pittsburgh to tonight's venue in Rochester, New York.

They have also taped Main Event, Superstars, and SMS matches.

Fans at last nights SmackDown revealed that the show started earlier then it appeared on TV, so it aired on tape delay, not live as advertised.

Raw SPOILERS!!! for next week...

* Alberto Del Rio confirms he is still heel by Running Santa over with his car.

* Cody Rhodes vs Kane

* 8 Diva Tag Match (Dressed in Christmas attire)

* Big Show vs Sheamus (Non Title lumberjack match)

Note - This match started with the roster entering to be lumberjack's, They got to the ring and were then sent back for a retake, when they came back they were all wearing Santa hats.

* David Otunga vs Zack Ryder

* Antonio Cesaro & Wade Barrett vs Kofi Kingston & The Miz

* Brad Maddox vs The Great Khali

Note - Initially Hornswaggle entered, hinting he was going to be Brad's opponent, but then he introduced Khali.

* CM Punk says he will face Ryback in a TLC match on Raw on January 7, that is a week earlier than planned.

* Damien Sandow vs Daniel Bryan

* 12 man tag

* Alberto Del Rio vs John Cena

Santa enters revealing himself to be Mick Foley, to end the show.

Mike Tyson to WWE:

WWE Hall Of Famer Mike Tyson still harbours ambitions of becoming a WWE star, he said...

“Yeah, definitely … If I’m healthy, and I am, I think, I would do it, You have to be in shape. You can’t just come off the street and do this stuff. I did a little wrestling before in there during rehearsal, and you have to be in top shape. You gotta work out. You’re going to get hurt, so you have to be in shape that way you can make sure you limit the damage.''

He was not full of praise for WWE, Critically commenting on WrestleMania 24, where boxer Floyd Mayweather beat Big Show...

“I was so mad when they did that s—. Floyd can’t beat no [expletive] Big Show. That’s bulls—. I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I forgot I was doing an interview, but he was fighting one of my boys … When you step into their field, you have to let them be kings in their field… So don’t bring guys into their field and make them look bad on their own mat. I don’t like that. From a fan’s perspective, I didn’t like that.”

He also remembered 1998...

“I didn’t want it to ever stop. I was living the lifestyle. I was living the dream. You’re talking cr*p to the bad guys and doing whatever you want. I never wanted it to stop. That’s why when you’re on top, like Tony Atlas and them, you gotta go to drugs. How do you get back to that high? All the cocaine, LSD in the world can’t get you that high back. How do you get that high back? You can’t get that high with cocaine and heroin like you think you could. You can’t get it. This is the only natural high that can supersede drugs.”

Mark Henry:

Mark Henry is working in Tampa, at the WWE gym, hoping to return to action, he still says he is not sure he can come back, but is doing everything he can to do so.

Ric Flair:

The Double Hall Of Famer's WWE appearance is thought to have been a one shot deal, nothing permanent has yet been signed, he thanked fans, for their reaction to him...


CM Punk interview:

On Jerry Lawler's heart attack...

"People nowadays think that we exploited the heart attack. Yeah, of course we did, That was a serious deal, I mean the guy did have a heart attack at ringside doing commentary right after I got done wrestling him... Everybody thought that was it, that was the last we were going to see of him. If it was a planned thing, I don't think anything's too silly. I think that if you don't plan on going too far in a lot of ways in life, then you're not going to go far.''

On the man he is expected to face at WrestleMania, The Undertaker...

"You have to evolve, it's just evolution of your character. I don't think there's been anybody who's been on TV doing the same thing for a sustainable amount of years. I think the average career in WWE is like three years maybe? There's a big turnaround.

"The guys who I think make it to the top and stay there are the ones who constantly evolve their character, and it's not necessarily flipping from good to bad. There's just changes, you know what I mean? The perfect example would be a guy like The Undertaker. He was like this total cartoon character when he started, he was essentially a zombie, that was the whole reason why I thought he was cool. He's been here for over 20 years, he couldn't have been that same guy that debuted in 1991 or whatever for 20 years. He evolved... You gotta evolve."

Samoa Joe:

Samoa Joe has revealed he has been working with torn cartilage in his ribs for 3 months, but is finally over the discomfort.

Konnan accuses TNA of plagiarism:

He says they are copying a TV show called Sons Of Anarchy, with their Aces and 8's group.

Shad Gaspard interview:

On his reality show...

"Well a friend of mine came to me and said he wants to do a reality documentary on me. I was kind of standoffish at first because he asked me earlier last year and I said no because I am pretty private about my life, you know it's not a lot of pictures of my son or anybody in my family online. He kind of convinced me because he told me it would be like Alistar Overeem's Show where it's not a jerk off to himself he's not sitting there talking bout 'look at me! Oh, I'm great'. It's a real reality show. It's a real documentary. It's not even a reality show. It's a documentary. It's what's happening in my life on a day to day basis and you guys get to see it now."

On a WWE Return...

''I'm not big on closing doors. I always leave them cracked open."

He later clarified he would not quit his acting ambitions to return to WWE, and that he had recently lost a movie role to The Rock.

He also revealed he was about to start a top level feud with John Cena when his WWE career ended.

He ended saying WWE should make Kofi Kingston the World Champion.

Sin Cara written off TV:

WWE have written Sin Cara off the road, to give him time to heal his damaged left knee.

Tribute To The Troops:

Will air tonight on the USA network.

The card is...

* Dolph Ziggler and Big Show vs. Randy Orton and Sheamus

* Ryback vs. Alberto Del Rio

* Jinder Mahal, Heath Slater and Drew McIntyre vs. Kane, Daniel Bryan and R-Truth

* MizTV with The Muppets

* Damien Sandow vs. The Miz

* Eve Torres vs. Layla

* Primo, Epico, Tensai and David Otunga vs. Brodus Clay, Sin Cara, The Great Khali and Hornswoggle

* Antonio Cesaro vs. John Cena

NXT star call up date?:

Corey Graves Tweeted, he wants to be on the card next time WWE visit his home town of Pittsburgh...

"3.18.13 #goals"

Tommy Dreamer heat With WWE:

After appearing on Raw this week Tommy Dreamer has ended up in ER, his head is severely swollen after a bolt pierced his forehead during a beat down by The Shield, he tweeted that his return was ruined by the injury, and that he expected The Shield or WWE to pick up the bill for his treatment.

Tommy Dreamer's appearance at Raw was arranged on the day.

Great WWE story:

A young fan, who is battling Brain Cancer posted a YouTube video asking to meet Daniel Bryan (Video) in October, the meeting finally happened before SmackDown last night.

Video of the meeting from a local news network.


The Boogeyman:

Vince McMahon wanted to bring The Boogeyman back, the original plan was for him to work a dark match, to assess him for a possible roster return, they did not have time unfortunately.

John Cena:

WWE feel they cannot put John Cena with a female star for too long, because they feel it will hurt his popularity with their female audience, also with his public divorce recently, they feel they could get heat if it didn't work out and they split them.

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