Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Today's News

Raw returns:

Last night was full of past stars making guest returns as part of the Slammy awards, the highlight return of the night was Ric Flair, WWE botched the surprise however, during a segment a mic error played Ric Flair's voice over the arena PA.

Other stars in attendance were, The Dragon Ricky Steamboat, Ron (Faarooq) Simmons, Mean Gene Okerlund, Jim Ross, Tommy Dreamer, The New Age Outlaws (Billy's first appearance since re-signing), and The Boogeyman.

Expect this to continue on a regular basis, WWE want to use legends going forward into 2013.

Other notes, Triple H confirmed The Undertaker would be back, during his Slammy speech.

Natalya thanked Ryback for remembering Owen Hart during his Slammy winning speech...

“It’s important we don’t forget Owen Hart. THANKYOU Ryback”

The Slammy's went to...

* Most Shocking Moment of the Year – Kofi Kingston

* Comeback of the Year – Jerry Lawler

* Best Kiss of 2012 – AJ Lee & John Cena

* Superstar of the Year – John Cena

* Trending Now Hashtag of the Year – “Feed Me More!”

* Newcomer of the Year – Ryback

* Match of the Year – Triple H vs. Undertaker w/ special guest referee Shawn Michaels at WrestleMania 28

LOL Momemt of the Year - The Rock

Raw also saw the debut of another NXT Star, current NXT Champion Big E. Langston, who attacked John Cena during a tag match. Langston became champion replacing Seth Rollins when Rollins joined the main roster, if this promotion is a permanent thing, NXT will need another new flagbearer.

Alberto Del Rio refuses face turn:

It seems ADR will remain heel, there was talk within WWE on Monday morning of acting like it never happened.

Despite his past week as a face, ADR tweeted...

“Don’t any of you get any ideas that I’m going to be a good guy! If you mess with my best friend all the rules go out the window!”


TNA seem to have lost interest in their lawsuit vs WWE, the case is still active, but in WWE's words ''The ball has been in their court'' for some time, and they haven't done anything with it.

Sin Cara issues:

WWE are resigned to the fact that Sin Cara may need to take time off the road, due to his knee problems, which continued on Raw last night, they fear it could cost him his WrestleMania match for the second consecutive year.

SmackDown teaser:

SmackDown is live tonight, here is the official tease...

* “Miz TV” welcomes … the happy couple?

* Will Big E Langston make his presence known during the main event?

* Will Kofi Kingston seek retribution against Wade Barrett?

* Who will gain WWE Tag Team Title momentum?

* What other surprises will Booker T have for tonight?

WWE use former diva as reason for heel turn:

WWE plan on using the photo (On wall) on John Cena and his real world GF Nikki Bella as the reason AJ Lee turned on John Cena at TLC.

It is not confirmed if Nikki Bella will return as part of the angle.

Shelton Benjamin to WWE:

Despite denying knowledge of WWE interest in him, reports are Shelton Benjamin has quit ROH, and will now open contract talks with WWE for a return in early 2013.

Important meeting:

Sources within WWE say Triple H has met with Bruno Sammartino today in Pittsburgh, Hall Of Fame induction will have been high on the agenda.

If talks went well Triple H was going to invite him to tonight's TV taping's, making it one of Bruno Sammartino's first WWE appearances since he walked in the 80's.

If not then WWE will start to work on another headline inductee, probably Mick Foley, but some rumours are Triple H may be going in himself next year, and would be headline inductee if Bruno refuses.

Critics will say that Triple H does anything he can to get one over on Mick Foley, and this is another case of that, time will tell.

TNA British Boot Camp:

The contest between 4 stars from the UK competing for a TNA contract will begin to air on Challenge TV on New Years Day.

John Morrison to return to WWE:

John Morrison says he plans to begin working towards a full time ring return, and hopes to be back with WWE in about 6 months.

Hardy's best match:

Jeff Hardy says his match on Raw vs The Undertaker is his career highlight...

"That was one of the most amazing story telling matches I've ever been a part of".

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