Monday, December 24, 2012

Today's News

Hey Guys n Gals, first of all Merry Christmas / Happy Holidays to you all...


WWE's top 50 moments of 2012:

WWE.Com have listed the 50 biggest moments of their year...

50 - Ric Flair's return
49 - 3MB's debut
48 - The Brogue Kick is banned
47 - Be-A-Star's 1st Birthday
46 - Big Show and Sheamus brawl
45 - YouTube PPV pre-show matches begin.
44 - John Cena bt Brock Lesnar
43 - John Cena loses MITB cash in match
42 - Charlie Sheen
41 - Brad Maddox screws Ryback
40 - DX reunites
39 - Edge gets inducted into the Hall Of Fame
38 - AJ becomes Raw GM
37 - Booker T becomes SmackDown GM
36 - Saturday Morning Slam debuts
35 - Chris Jericho's Return
34 - John Laurinaitis bt John Cena
33 - John Laurinaitis is fired as Raw GM
32 - John Cena supports cancer charity
31 - Brock Lesnar breaks Triple H's arm
30 - Mr. McMahon vs CM Punk
29 - CM Punk puts GTS on The Rock, turning heel
28 - Rolling Stones concert
27 - Ryback's first title shot at Hell In A Cell
26 - Sheamus bt Daniel Bryan in 18 seconds
25 - AJ's love triangle
24 - Sheamus wins the Royal Rumble
23 - The Legends vs Heath Slater
22 - Live SmackDown's
21 - AJ turns heel at TLC
20 - Team Hell No win the Tag Titles
19 - Tout
18 - CM Punk's knee surgery
17 - World Title's 10th birthday
16 - WrestleMania 29 announcement
15 - WWE App
14 - WWE visit the troops
13 - Main Event debuts
12 - WWE visit Abu Dhabi and Egypt
11 - Tribute To The Troops 10th birthday
10 - Ryback hits his finish on the top of the cell
9 - Cena grants 300th wish for charity
8 - The Shield debuts
7 - Jerry Lawler's heart attack
6 - AJ / Cena scandal
5 - Raw 1000
4 - Brock Lesnar's return
3 - CM Punk's title reign
2 - The Rock bt John Cena
1 - The Undertaker bt Triple H

Michelle McCool talks feud with Nattie Neidhart:

She also recalls the making of their friendship, and the moment her career almost ended in a ring accident...

On internet speculation that she was trying to teach Nattie to wrestle...

“Apparently, something got all over the Internet about me trying to teach her how to ‘wrestle’ and all of this other stuff — which was completely false, as many things on the Internet are. But word got around, and there was nobody around the ring at the time, so it was just one of those things where ‘who felt the need to go to the Internet and start this stuff?’ It was just kind of shady. It was just kind of unspoken… there was a little bit of tension there. I don’t know if she thought I did it, or if she did it. A couple weeks went by, we sat down and talked about it and actually became really good friends.”

On Working with Nattie...

“Obviously, she’s a great worker. That’s beyond words. She’s constantly showing up to the ring — you know when Nattie’s in the building, because she comes running down the ramp, slides in the ring and tries to leg-pick or take them down in some form or fashion. Which is awesome!

So, it was pretty late in my career, right before LayCool broke up. She was definitely fun to work with, a total team player. She would come up with stuff she’d want us to use. She’d be like: “Hey! Why don’t you say this about me?!” And we’d be like… really? We did her dad’s goatee thing, and she showed us all of that. She gave us other way on how to impersonate her dad, her or Bret. She was the one feeding us material, just showing us the type of business she’s willing to do. She knows what’s good for the business and knows that it’s just a character on TV.

Our program ended at TLC. Fit Finley came up to us and told us we had a table’s match, and we told him to shut up — we didn’t believe it. We were always told that WWE didn’t want the girls to wrestle like the guys, your punches can’t look too good, and you can’t do punches or kicks, all of these guidelines, so we definitely didn’t think we were going to get a Tables match.''

On Her Ring Accident...

“We had rehearsal the night before the pay-per-view, put some ideas together, go through some stuff — and oh, my gosh! You can ask Nattie: I’ve never had a near-death experience in my life until that night. It was so super-scary. I remember I was going to pull Nattie up in the corner for my Faith Breaker, off the top turnbuckle. Somehow, I go to pull her up, and we both tumble over the outside. All I’m thinking about is protecting her, but I’m looking down and my head is about to land on the apron and I’m about to break my neck, literally. My toes are curled over the top rope, just so that I can hold onto the both of us… I can see in slow-motion, Randy Orton, who was at ringside, is running over to help. Fit is across the ring and can’t help, and Arn Anderson was there — literally, we almost died. It was absolutely terrifying. But did it stop us from doing it? No. We figured it possibly couldn’t happen twice… right?”

Her Friendship with Nattie...

“I remember fighting like crazy for Nattie to get the spotlight in that match, because not everybody was fighting for that. I thought: she’s the one that helped us; she’s the one that we were picking on during this whole storyline. She should be the one that pushes us through the table, she should be the one that gets her hand raised — she should be the one that puts LayCool to shame. She deserves this. And it was like, this hard, hard battle. That was her moment and I don’t think it would have been fair for anybody else to take that away from her or for anyone to try and take that away from her.”

Raw teaser:

Raw was taped last Tuesday following the live SmackDown, the WWE have released their weekly teaser...

* Who will be next to feel The Shield’s wrath?

* What trick does AJ Lee have up her sleeve next?

* Will Ryback give CM Punk a taste of what’s to come?

* Who might step up and challenge Big Show next?

* What will happen when Santa Claus hosts RAW?

Edge talks possible WWE return:

He says he has no plans to return to WWE, but when he heals from his surgery he may consider a non wrestling role...

"Raw GM would still involve lotsa travel which at this point still bothers my neck. As I recover more, who knows."

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