Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Today's News

Hey, hope you are all having a great day... 

Canadian TV drops WWE:

There will be no WWE TV on December 28th in Canada, the score will instead show college football.

Michelle McCool interview:

Some more interesting points from the WWE alumni's interview (See yesterday)...

On Victoria's last WWE match...

“People always ask me what I whispered to her at the end of the match, and I’m always surprised that I didn’t get in trouble if apparently everybody saw me whispering in her ear — which is not a good thing. But, I just remember saying: “Sis, I love you so much and I can’t thank you enough.” That was just truly an honor. She’sdefinitely a legend in the wrestling business — and in her own mind, and she’ll tell you that! Just totally joking, I say that with love. We had a production meeting that day and I just remember getting up and saying: “In the business, you’re lucky, at best, to have a couple of true, good friends. But, for everybody else to like you…that’s unheard of.” That was the case for Lisa: she was friends with everybody. And I’m not just talking about Superstars and Divas, from crew, ring to catering, she knew everybody by name and she was friends with them. That’s just a testimony to her character.”

On LayCool...

“It all just kind of happened. They randomly put Layla and I together in some match, and we were pretty good friends at this point, but we weren’t near as close as how we ended up before I left. When we went out there on camera, Vince just saw something that he liked. He liked the dynamic of us together and that literally was it. As far as coming up with the name, it was just during the time the media was joining everybody’s names together, like Brangelina. So we thought: why not? We’re just as cool as these other celebrities, or so we thought in our own minds of course, so we said “let’s come up with something!” We spit them in half, came up with a bunch of different combinations and ultimately ended up with LayCool.”

On Backstage animosity between Diva's...

“It can be a pretty stressful environment backstage, there is a lot of drama that goes on when it comes to the girls working together, especially fighting for storylines. With our character, it was already controversial to begin with, so that was a touchy subject. You never knew what they were going to give us, feelings would get hurt — obviously, we didn’t want to hurt anybody’s feelings, but that was our character on TV.”

On Her last match...

“My last match; going out against her in the loser leaves. I wouldn’t want to do it, at that time, with anybody else. It was hard! You’re sitting here trying to be serious, but you have all of these emotions inside that are just ready to out. I was thinking: “Man, this is my last match. Here I am with my best friend.” It was tough. But that is definitely a day I’ll neverforget.”


WWE and THQ have confirmed that no matter what happens regarding the future of the video game company, the next installment of their franchise will be released next year, it may be the last time they work together however.

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