Saturday, December 15, 2012

Today's News

Scott Steiner drops Lawsuit:

He has dropped his non payment of royalties claim, but is still suing TNA and Jeff Hardy for allowing him to perform in an unfit condition.

TNA release Jeff Hardy album:

The 9 track album is entitled “Similar Creatures”, and is available through I-Tunes and TNA's own website.

TNA lose international TV deal:

TNA's TV contract with Sky Sports, for the markets in Germany, Austria and Switzerland expires on January 1st, and it seems there is no interest in renewal from Sky Deutschland.

WWE cancel event:

An autograph signing has been pulled today, Zack Ryder was to appear in Danbury, Connecticut but WWE feel it would be inappropriate to go ahead with the event, after the school shooting in the state.

Eric Bischoff kills rumour:

Eric Bischoff has squashed claims made (See yesterday) by Buff Bagwell that is in talks to join TNA...

''FYI, havent had a conversation with Marc Bagwell in 15 years or more. Not sure what conversations he “thinks” hes had with me.''

WWE reach out for Bret Hart footage:

WWE are asking for help from Eurosport, the owners of the World Of Sport library and NJPW for some classic Bret Hart matches, they are worried about the quality of the footage they currently have for the next Hitman retrospective.

Jesse Neal - WWE:

Despite appearing at Tribute To The Troops, thoughts are WWE will not sign the Ex TNA man, due to his history of concussions.

Goldberg snubs WWE:

WWE approached Bill Goldberg to host the WCW volume 2 DVD, but he turned them down, DDP will return to front the retrospective, which will feature much more cruiserweight content, the first two matches on the DVD have been confirmed...

* Sting vs. Ric Flair, United States Title Match – September 4th, 1995

* Kevin Nash & Scott Hall vs. Goldberg & Bret Hart, Tag Title Match – December 13th, 1999

Randy Orton injury update:

WWE have confirmed the extent of Randy Orton's injury, and it is worse than first thought, he has dislocated his shoulder, re-injuring an old wound.

He should not miss too much time however.


WWE have added more categories for Slammy awards, these will be awarded at an online show...

Betrayal of the Year...

* Daniel Bryan dumps AJ Lee
* AJ walks out on Bryan
* Eve Torres low-blows Zack Ryder
* Big Show knocks John Cena out at Over the Limit

Upset of the Year...

* Justin Gabriel defeats Antonio Cesaro
* Dolph Ziggler wins Money in the Bank
* Santino Marella defeats Jack Swagger for the US Title
* Daniel Bryan beats Big Show and Mark Henry at Royal Rumble

Feat of Strength of the Year...

* Sheamus hits White Noise on Big Show
* Big Show KO punches Sheamus at Hell In a Cell
* Antonio Cesaro hits Neutralizer on Brodus Clay
* Ryback hits Shell Shocked on Curt Hawkins & Tyler Reks at the same time

Diva of the Year...

* AJ Lee
* Eve Torres
* Layla
* Kaitlyn

Facial Hair of the Year...

* Daniel Bryan
* Damien Sandow
* Cody Rhodes
* CM Punk

Crowd Chant of the Year...

* “Cody’s Mustache!”
* “Feed Me More!”
* “YES! YES! YES!”
* “Hoeski!”

YouTube Show of the Year...

* Santino Marella’s Foreign Exchange
* Dolph Ziggler’s WWE Download
* Zack Ryder’s Z! True Long Island Story
* Are You Serious?

Exclusive Video of the Year...

* Eve fires The Bella Twins online
* Daniel Bryan explains why he’s Mr. Small Package
* Jerry Lawler speaks to about his miraculous return
* CM Punk and Paul Heyman address Punk’s 365 day reign

Tweet of the Year...

* “I don’t have Instagram, I’m an adult.” – Cody Rhodes
* “Goat face is a horrible insult. My face is practically perfect in every way. In fact, from now on I demand to be called Beautiful Bryan.” – Daniel Bryan
* “I did it for Andy Kauffman.” – CM Punk
* “Yes, this is the real Great Khali. I’m ready to tweet with you!” – The Great Khali

Top Social Media Ambassador...

* The Muppets
* Mike Tyson
* Charlie Sheen
* Arnold Schwarzenegger

Insult of the Year...

* CM Punk calls Daniel Bryan “goat-faced”
* Sheamus to Dolph Ziggler, while Ziggler was standing on a ladder: “Look, you’ve finally got your wish. You’re taller than everyone else.”
* John Cena to Dolph Ziggler & Vickie Guerrero: “You’re the exact opposite. One enjoys eating a lot of nuts and one is still trying to find his.”
* The Rock to John Cena: “If John Cena had led the American Revolution, right now all of us would be playing cricket, we’d be sipping tea and we’d be blessing the Queen.”

(William Regal was legit going to kick his a-doub for that one).

Best Dancer of the Year...

* Brodus Clay
* Rosa Mendes
* R-Truth
* The Great Khali

CM Punk's return pushed back:

CM Punk was due to wrestle some lives in the new year, but WWE have decided to keep him on the shelf until Raw on January 14.

Magazine takes shot at WWE / Cena:

Wired magazine is sick of WWE's story lines, they wrote, in response to Dolph Ziggler putting his briefcase on the line at TLC...

"It's the most blatant example of pulling strings to give him (Cena) an endless amount of chances, and to make matters worse, it's a pointless storytelling move. It doesn't matter what the outcome is; if he loses, it doesn't mean anything because it's become evident that he'll just be given another chance. If he wins, he doesn't really gain anything because he's in the exact same spot that he always is, and Ziggler loses some of his legitimacy to fix something that ain't broken."

Wrestling industry reacts to American tragedy:

Hulk Hogan -
''My heart goes out to all the families at Sandy Hook middle school. This is a very sad day.HH''

Chris Jericho -
''Just heard about the school shooting. I want to puke. Time for Americas love affair w guns to end. Maybe it’s best if the Mayans are right''

''Pathetic that some of u are more p*ssed off about my anti gun tweet than by the fact that 20 children were gunned down today. I’m devastated''

''WWE is saddened by today’s tragedy in #Newtown. Our thoughts and prayers are with the victims and their families.''

Jim Ross -
''Wife Jan & I lived in Connecticut 4 yrs, wonderful people. This horrific, school shooting unimaginable. What if it were your kids? So sad.''

Howard Finkel - 
''Thoughts and prayers go out to the victims and families of today's senseless tragedy in Newtown, CT #PrayForNewtown''

Shawn Michaels - 
''Incredibly saddened to hear about the shootings in Connecticut. Our prayers go out to the families and friends of this senseless tragedy.''

Charlie Haas - 
''Heart and Prayers go out to all those families who lost their child today. A terrible thing. God watch over them in this time of need.''

Matt Hardy -
''Today reminds me that we can't change or control others..But hopefully by changing & controlling ourselves we can positively affect others..''

Rowdy Roddy Piper - 
''Sometimes we have to stop, and realize how lucky we are! My heart goes out to Connecticut! Going to hug my kids now.''

Goldust -
''Please pray for the families of the lost ones in ct. today! Tragic!''

The Rock -
''I send all my love & prayers to the families in CT. Tonight we mourn not just as a nation but as one family for the innocent lives lost.''

Mick Foley - 
''What could possibly compel anyone to create the type of suffering we are learning of in CT? My heart aches for everyone affected.''

X-Pac -
''Prayers to the families of the innocent children. Bloodsucking media leave those kids alone. Now isn't the time to politicize this tragedy.'

Scott Stanford - 
''Watching colleagues at WNBC cover this tragedy in Newton. Sickening to think about those innocent kids. How do the parents move forward?''

Blue Meanie -
''My thoughts go out to the families affected by the tragic shootings in Connecticut......''

Rikishi -
''My condolences to ALL the families of Newtown school victims , #Prayerchains sent your ways , So sad ''

Paul Bearer -
''Good Saturday morning my friends. I pray that Our Saving Lord keeps those devestated in CT in the palms of his healing hands. Be blessed.''

Victoria / Tara -

''Been running all day. Just heard about shooting. My thoughts and prayers are with Newtown CT. Tragic.''

Christian - 
''Just read the news about the events in Newtown.. My thoughts are with all those affected.. Senseless & heart breaking''

The Hurricane -
''The US is one of the WORLD's leaders in guns and therefore murder. It's not a cosmic coincidence.''

''The choice is simple, we either do SOMETHING or we do NOTHING. We can be better than this. We SHOULD be better than this.''

Tommy Dreamer -
''I have wrestled in Newtown CT at a school. As a parent/human being Im devastated. I cant believe this has happened in that or any community.''

John Cena -
''I can not believe the news I am hearing out of CT. My heart and sympathy to all the victims. Such a tragic day. #staystrongnewtown''

Road Dogg -
''I have no idea why bad things happen to innocent people! My family and I pray for all the families involved in this tragic event. God bless.''

Matt Morgan -
''Please say some prayers for the AWFUL,evil shooting victims and families affected from Newtown Conn tonight! 15 min from my grammar school!''

John Bradshaw Layfield -
''Incredibly sad news in school shooting. I can't believe how twisted some people are-terrible.''

Diamond Dallas Page -
''God bless those lost and injured as well as their families in CT''

The Uso's -
''Prayers for the families in CT..''

Samu -
''The Wild Samoan Training Center sends it's condolences to the people in Connecticut who have been affected by...''

The Big O -
''Unfknreal.... Prayers to ALL the CT families''

Mosh -
''The shooting in CT is why we should have Public Stoning!! Just sayin.''

Beth Phoenix -
''My heart is breaking today. The words escape me. I will continue to pray for everyone mourning this unthinkable tragedy.''

Iron Sheik -
''I sad about the Connecticut children. God bless them forever''

William Regal -
''Very saddened to hear of the senseless acts in CT.My thoughts and best wishes to the people affected.''

Kofi Kingston - 
''Don't know how one begins to cope when your child is taken from you so tragically. Thoughts are with all families affected. #PrayForNewton''

Rey Mysterio -
''My prayers & condolences go out to all that lost their loved ones @ Sandy Hook Elementary!''

Val Venis -
''Guns in the hands of evil people = lives lost. Guns in the hands of responsible people = lives saved. CT banned responsible gun owners.

''Cant help but hug my own kids right now. So sad what happened in CT. My thoughts and prayers go out to all the families of the victim's.''

Alex Riley -
''My thoughts and prayers go out to all the people and families that were effected by today's tragic events #PrayForNewtown

Michael McGillicutty -
''I cannot begin to understand why... What is wrong with people? Makes me sick. #PrayforNewtown''

Ted DiBiase Jr -
''Being a new parent, words can't describe the sorrow I feel for the families of Newtown. Our prayers are with you #PrayerForNewtown''

Lilian Garcia -
''So sorry to hear about the shootings in CT. My thoughts & prayers go out to everyone involved. #PrayForNewtown''

Tensai -
''Disgusted at what I am reading and viewing on the tragedy in Conn.Death Penalty is to easy for that piece sh*t.''

Jeff Jarrett -
''Thoughts and prayers to all involved in this senseless tragedy...''

D'Von Dudley -
''my prayers go out to the families in the tragic shooting in Connecticut. may God be with each and everyone in this time of need. God bless u''

Jimmy Korderas -
''Many tears being shed today. I fear the day when there are no more tears to shed because the well has run dry. Too much evil in the world!''

The Kat -
''I can only imagine what those families r going thru right now. My heart aches for you #SandyHookElementary #Newtown #Connecticut''

Brooke / Miss Tessmacher -
''Everyone stop and pray for the innocent lives of the parents and children who shot in the CT elementary school shooting today. God bless!''

Epico -
''I'm heart broken and disgusted....America has gone from home of the brave,to home of cowards! Sad but true #PrayersForNewton''

''20 kids that won't open their gifts on Christmas day...20 families whose holidays are destroyed forever!!! #PrayForNewton''

Tyler Reks -
''As a parent, my heart is broken for those who lost their children in CT today. I'm at a loss for words.''

David Otunga -
''I'm saddened by the news of this unbelievable tragedy. Especially, being the parent of a small child. #PrayForNewtown''

Katie Lea Burchill -
''just heard about the shooting today... horrible. so sad.''

Titus O'Neill -
''As a Parent of 2kids in elementary school I can't even begin 2Fathom the pain of Losing them in anyway!My Heart goes out 2the families in CT''

Heath Slater -
''This world that we live in is a sad sad place.''

Maria Kanellis -
''The right time to talk #GunControlNow is now. I don't want another tragedy. Other countries have done it. Why do children have to suffer?''

Velvet Sky -
''Everyone hug & appreciate ur loved ones. We live in a world where we are here 1 sec & gone the next. Never take anyone u love for granted.''

Chris Masters - 
''Yo gun lovers time to wake the F$#% up.Time for gun control.Sick of waking up to shootings every month.''

Erm, Chris, Remember this.

Bobby Roode -
''Thinking about the families that are suffering today in CT. As a father, this makes me sick to my stomach. #PrayForNewton''

Brian Hebner -
''Can you imagine how proud and excited the parents of those victims were to give there children Christmas? Just sad to think they can't now!!''

Shad Gaspard -
''The Sad Truth: Today Parents our with out there children, Guns killed babies, Media plays the story, But dumb*sses say there's nothing wrong with Gun laws in America. God pleas bless America with intelligence, common sense, and love.''

Mikey Whipwreck -
''This school shooting is breaking my heart. 14 children ages 5-10 have been killed. Those poor babies. ''

Gabe Sapolsky -
'' words for what happened to kids just a little older today. Their families, friends, that community, my thoughts go to you''

Dutch Mantell -
''Condolences to all the families today in CT. Senseless. God Bless those little kids.''

Ashley Massaro -
''God Bless those angels who've left too soon and gone to heaven, and I beg u punx to pray for their families.''

Tamina Snuka -
''My heart breaks for the families who have suffered such tragic loss today. I send you all my love, prayers and strength''

Jack Korpela -
''This is some true evil in this world. God bless all of those affected by this horrible tragedy.''

Kazarian -
''Sadly, sometimes we are reminded about the evil that lies within this world. Incomprehensible. Sickened & in disbelief. #prayfornewtown''

SoCal Val -
''God bless those who are having to deal with this tragedy. Just disgusting what evil can do. So sad to hear of this. #PrayForNewtown''

Bella Twins -
''Lots of love & prayers to Newtown CT. So incredibly sad. Hate when the bad people effect the good. B&N #LetLive ''

Ezekiel Jackson -
''My deepest prayers goes out to the families and children of Newton Connecticut. Please dear Lord comfort them. #Igotkids''

Maryse -
''Im from Canada where guns are illegal, you see somebody w a gun, u run and u call 911. i never understood why guns are legal in the states!''

''So deeply shocked and saddened to learn about Sandy Hook Elementary. Sending thoughts and prayers to the families.''

Traci Brooks -
''Parents shouldn't bury their children! Love each other and appreciate every breath we have!!!''

Jamie Keyes -
''What a tragedy in CT. My thoughts and prayers go out to you!''

Kristal Marshall -
'There is no justice and no peace. These crazies get off easy. If the second shooter is caught lynch him! I want his blood spilled.#I4anI''

Rosa Mendes -
''A tragic day in Connecticut, I'm praying for the victims and their families. Connecticut elementary school shooting.''

Michelle McCool -
''Absolutely disgusted & heartbroken.....praying''

Darren Young -
''My heart is so heavy right now as I think of these innocent children, teachers, their families and community! Truly at a loss of words!''

Dixie Carter -
''Devastating news. Deepest sympathies to the families of Sandy Hook Elementary School. Prayers to all who have senselessly lost love ones.''

Joseph Park / Abyss -
''Please remember the victims and families of todays horrific tragedy in Newton, CT today. God bless all those affected. Just senseless. #RIP''

''Prayers and condolences to the families of ones lost today in Connecticut. Such a horrific tragedy. #Godbless''

Eve Torres -
''My heart is broken hearing about another school shooting. My thoughts and prayers are with everyone who was affected, including all who have a young child in school.''

Vickie Guerrero -
''Im praying for the families of the loved who passed away this morning from CT. I would be broken without my children #Prayerssent''

Madison Rayne -
''Praying that all families affected by the awful tragedy in Connecticut today feel God's grace during this awful time.''

Bill DeMott -
''You leave it all alone tonight. Hug your kids say a prayer for all those who have suffered the greatest loss there is. Bless those families and help them heal!''

Jonathan Coachman -
''conn. tragedy only 45min away.heartbroken for all families involved.put everything aside today and love each other-every one of us.''

Edge -
''Haven't had kids yet, so I cannot fathom what those parents and families must be experiencing. Sometimes I just don't understand this place''

Goldberg -
''No words can express this tragedy...20 Children Died in Newtown, Conn., School Massacre''

Sami Callihan -
''Prayers go out to the Families in CT...... ABSOLUTELY HORRIBLE... HOW COULD SOMEONE DO THAT TO CHILDREN!''

Ryan Shamrock -
''I'm really glad I don't watch tv. Sounds like today was just awful! Poor kiddos ''

Johnny Gargano -
''Humanity never ceases to disappoint me.''

Christian York -
''Let us pray for those hurt and fallen in the elementary school shooting in Connecticut !''

Marc Mero -
''Sometimes we take for granted the very things that most deserve our gratitude. Life is a precious gift from Above. It is delicate and can be taken away at any moment. Stop and think before you say or do something that can forever change a life.''

Sakamoto -
''I can't believe the CT shooting news. I'm so sad....''

Jake Carter -
''Prayers go out to the families in Connecticut... Another school shooting''

Brooklyn Brawler -
'Good Morning God Bless all the victims and their Family's in Newton Ct''

Michael Cole -
"God bless all struggling with the horrors in ct today. Thoughts and prayers go out"

Seth Rollins -
"Heart goes out to all the families in Connecticut. Just shakes me to my core."

Angelina Love -
"Sooo sad to read about this elementary school shooting in goodness what is wrong with these ppl who commit such heinous crimes.."

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