Thursday, December 13, 2012

Today's News

The Rock's 2013 WWE schedule announced:

He will appear on the final Raw before the Royal Rumble, the one after and then every other Raw from then until WrestleMania 29. (At one, miss one).

He will also compete at the Elimination Chamber PPV, which removes WWE's objection to him winning the WWE title at the Rumble, however no confirmation has emerged on WWE changing back to the original plans, orsticking with the current creative path.

It will be The Rock's first Chamber match.

WWE coming's and going's:

Two more names have emerged as possible returning stars to WWE, Domino and Gavin Spears.

Billy Gunn's re-hiring has not yet being confirmed but he may not be restricted to NXT, dependent on his physical condition, he could be used as an active talent from time to time.

We may have stars going the other way and leaving WWE, a story of backstage tensions has been circulating for a couple of days, and today some meat has been put on the bones. It seems a group of ''Under used, and Under appreciated'' stars are demanding changes to their status or will hand in their notice on the day after WrestleMania 29 next year.

Only one star has put his neck on the block since the story broke online, and that is Ted DiBiase Jr. He says he he looking at getting into acting, but has not yet made the final decision, he will wrestle until the end of the year, and make a decision on his future in the new year.

More of the stars linked with a return to WWE have made an attempt to kill the rumours, Colt Cabana and Lita say they were at Raw to visit CM Punk, not for contract talks, Justin Credible, who was backstage at SmackDown this week, also dismissed speculation.

Shelton Benjamin joined MVP in denying knowledge of WWE interest in him via his Twitter...

“Sorry to kill the rumors but at this point no one from wwe has contacted me about returning.”

Buff to TNA:

Buff Bagwell says he is in talks for a TNA deal...

“Me and Eric are talking. Sting wants me to come down there and work for TNA. So we are in talks, we are waiting for me to get back to 100%. We are about 2 weeks out. I just spoke to Sting yesterday. So Eric is gonna bring me down and talk to me and just see what happens, so I am in the mix with maybe going back to TNA now.”

Kurt out:

Kurt Angle has withdrawn from the road with TNA to heal nagging injuries, including the groin tear he worked their last PPV with.

WWE happy with the face fuzz:

WWE plan on keeping Cody's face hair, they are very pleased with the mixed reactions they are getting over it.

TNA's cryptic promo's:

Sting is the man thought to be returning on 1-3-13.

Rico comes out of retirement:

Former WWE man Rico wrestled his first match in 7 years at the age of 51 this past weekend, he now works as a cop.

Foley Claus:

Mick Foley will be in New York, dressed as Santa for the Salvation army today.

Story change coming:

WWE have re-written the AJ-Cena story, after pictures of Cena with his real world lady Nikki Bella were posted by TMZ.

AJ will now play the role of a stalker girl, obsessed with Cena, who he gradually realizes he needs to get further and further away from.

Vince on Bruno:

Triple H is the man working on and desperate to get Bruno Sammartino into the Hall Of Fame, Vince McMahon has been quiet so far, but his feelings on the matter have now emerged, he is said to ''Come and go'' on the idea.

Still bad blood there methinks...

Ex TNA man at WWE show:

Jesse Neal was invited to Tribute To The Troops, due to his past involvement with the Navy.

World Title match at Mania leaked:

Randy Orton vs Sheamus will be the World Title match at WrestleMania 29, Orton will take the heel turn, that obviously means Big Show (Who is penciled in to face Ryback) will have to drop the gold to one of them in the meantime.

Cena to wind down:

John Cena continues to work ''Banged up'' backstage talk is that he will work top level matches for as long as his body holds up, then drop into the mid card to put other stars over, only working a couple of big matches a year, eventually relegating himself into a part time schedule.

No time frame was provided on this, but his time at the top seems to coming to end.

The man expected to take his spot, the last chosen by Vince McMahon will be Dean Ambrose, possibly starting from as early as the end of his current stories with The Shield, however Triple H wants Roman Reigns to be the next top guy, so a bit of a power struggle may go on behind the scenes to get their way, between the new guy and the current in the coming months.

Babyface turn:

Another star whose career is winding down is Rey Mysterio, WWE want a top level hispanic star, but don't feel Sin Cara is ready, so Alberto Del Rio will be turned shortly before Rey hangs up the boots.

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